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Messages - Goranchero

Releases / Re: [B19] Configurable Maps
September 20, 2018, 01:57:33 AM
Not sure if this is a bug or feature change, but if you disable ruins you no longer get shrines, regardless of shrine setting. In previous version, B18, you could disable ruins and still crank up shrines.
Any chance to add order to chop all trees in same manner as harvest all plants or haul everything?
Quote from: Kiame on August 24, 2018, 10:39:27 PM
Just tested and it is working on my side (only mod that's enabled)

What values are you using? I used
On 0.001
Off 0.001
Min Instances 100
Max Instances 100

Maxed out to 4 rly quick

Just curious, what values have you tried?

Well this resolved all issues for me, five minutes later I had 5 ships in orbit, 1..2..3..5 because the last two arrived in the same tick. And just a few seconds after the first two left another came and I constantly have 4 in orbit.
I have the same issue, but I believe it is due to conflict with some other mod, even though I set your mods to load among the last because something I use also conflicts with change dresser and weapons storage. Even modsync has issues with something from steam if it loads too early.

I presume in my case that it has to do with the Let's Trade! mod.
Wohoo! Thanks man!

<ThingDef ParentName="ResourceBase">
    <description>A synthetic precursor chemical. While it is useless on its own, many drugs require neutroamine as an ingredient.</description>

<label>make 15 neutroamine</label>
<description>Make a batch of neutroamine from chemfuel.</description>
<jobString>Refining chemfuel into neutroamine.</jobString>

Try making a mod with this or just paste into any text file in any mod if you don't know how to make a mod.

Once you research medicine you should be able to craft neutroamine from chemfuel at biofuel refinery, both single and batch production.

Note: I have not tested it, since I can't run Rimworld on my office computer, there is always possibility of a typo. :D
Quote from: SpaceDorf on December 08, 2017, 08:03:24 AM
Pigs and Wild Boars

This. Them sows need some wild boar love.
I think he referred to range extension for the deep drill, so it does not drill just in its immediate radius, but extended, the closest available ore, possibly even across whole map. It would remove the micromanagement involved with placing, reinstalling or deconstructing deep drills.
Outdated / Re: [A18] Shuttlecraft (v1.01)
December 07, 2017, 03:42:51 AM
Mod idea... would it be possible to create a hybrid between a personal shuttle and a deep drill to create a mobile deep drill?

I tried messing with the mod a bit, but could not get pawns to interact with it. It would be awesome to get a drill that could move on its own and set up near map edge to drill resources in the edge zone where you are not allowed to build.

Other than that, an excellent mod and a must-have.

Releases / Re: [A17] Static Quality Plus A17.1
November 19, 2017, 01:28:44 PM
I just fixed the ThingDefs to Defs, and it works with B18.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Outdated / Re: [A18] Better Drugs [V.1]
November 13, 2017, 02:52:46 AM
Quote from: Minnigin on November 12, 2017, 05:27:36 PM
that needle looks like it has air in it.. yikes lol

Indeed, always make sure there is no air in the syringe and never forget to aspirate when doing an intramuscular injection.

Drug ideas... steroids, nootropics, stimulants...