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Messages - Sp0nge

Unfinished / [A17] [WIP] Rimblock
July 19, 2017, 04:32:57 PM
So I`m basicly trying to add parts of Minecraft into this game. First off ive done minor tweaks, and added a tools (its in all honesty a glove) that will affect mining and anything related to "Plant cut", like harvesting trees, growing etc. I cant do images better than a donkey, so i wont even try it.

V0.01 contains debuffs in any work related to mining and plant cut, with added tools (craftable in a craftingspot) to actually make pawns capable of doing some of the basic job.

Compability is not tested, nor will it at this stage. Inputs is always liked, this isnt a project that will be done by tomorrow, i wanna play other games aswell :)

Download V0.01

Dont try this on an existing save without a backup ...
Help / Re: [A17] XML Patch causes black screen
July 17, 2017, 05:42:46 PM
Got it fixed, tnx for the offer!
Help / Re: Making pawns not capable of X job
July 17, 2017, 11:20:28 AM
Yeah, i figured out that i should rather set the miningspeed to as close as 0 as possible using

<Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">

This also helps me with the other stuff i planned doing. However im prob doing something wrong here aswell. (oh and i figured out what i had to do for removing a job completely using <disablingWorkTags>WorkTag_defName</disablingWorkTags> in skillDef, but never got so far to test if it actually works)
Help / Re: [A17] XML Patch causes black screen
July 17, 2017, 11:16:30 AM
Im trying the same as you did here, but Im not able to get it working. Did yours work?
Help / Re: Need help with recipes
July 17, 2017, 09:39:21 AM
It seems like all woodtypes are put into the category as normal wood.

As far as my limitied understanding of coding goes you will need to make a new thingCategoryDef for those types of woods if you want them to be usable seperatly.

Easiest way to do it would be to add: <researchPrerequisite>Synthwood</researchPrerequisite>?
Help / Making pawns not capable of X job
July 16, 2017, 03:50:04 PM
So im trying to make my pawns unable to do miningjobs, i did a simple xml like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    <description>Dig out areas which are have designated for mining.</description>


This semiworks, as in when i start a colony with 3 pawns, only the first 2 gets unassigned from mining, but the third one is still capable. Its deliberate that i have removed the Mining from the worktab, as i dont want it to be toggable.
Quote from: belute on July 14, 2017, 07:45:15 PM

After a bit of looking around, i found that the owner had posted the fire; this is the alpha 13 version. I changed the version number in the about file like suggested, and i've loaded it, but i haven't tested it yet.

Of what mod? I guess people dont download files at random anymore for Rimworld?
Mods / [Mod request] RimWorld Skyblock
July 14, 2017, 03:47:39 PM
So I was tampring around with my own little XML knowledge and xpathing, but I soon realized that this wasnt something i was able to do on my own, at all! So here it goes:

A mod that in the start will suppress all workgivers defs right from the start, and where whenever certain tools, items etc were carried by a pawn, abilities would unlock. Lets say for starters you cant mine untill you chop down wood to make a pickaxe.

There is alot of mods that adds apparels and tools, so it should somehow be a mod that adds this workgiverdefs as xpath to whatever tools in question, making it compatible, and versitile to use with a large set of mods, based on whats "needed" to add.

Constructioncosts etc is a, imo a xpath away, but the basics isnt. Anyone up for the task?
Im trying to change the movementspeed of cats here:

However im not shure what to write in order to direct my xpath to the correct location. I tried something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Operation Class="PatchOperationSequence">
<li Class="CombatExtended.PatchOperationFindMod">
<li Class="PatchOperationAddModExtension">
<li Class="CombatExtended.RacePropertiesExtensionCE">
<li Class="PatchOperationReplace">
<li Class="CombatExtended.VerbPropertiesCE">
<li Class="PatchOperationReplace">

I know that my bodyShape and verbClass wont execute, as they are targeting wrongly (I used some copy paste since there is alot of animals to patch so i made a crude xml pr animal to begin with). Now im trying to sort out my code and finish it up.
Ive taken the liberty to push this to my github, feel free to connect to it. I can be contacted on the Rimworld Dirscord if anyone needs to get in touch with me :)
Why not use github for those patches? That way others can contribute aswell towards balancing etc. And when the "product" is final its possible to submit it through there?

Im currently working on Weapon Tech A17 and Animal Collab Project (just started) and people are encouraged to throw in commits to it

And voila! Works like intended. For some reason I didnt think that I was setting xpath to search for the wrong def, it was so obv. that I totally didnt see it.
No need to be sorry, that did transfer the values I was trying to transfer! However, I really dont understand the difference. When googling this all examples I found showed the @name usage, but is this due to me using <Operation Class="PatchOperationSequence"> and that I have allready directed it towards where it should be working?
So ... starting to get the hang of this now! Using Github and all that fancy stuff :)

However im kinda stuck again now. Right now I am trying to xpatch an animal into CE using this: (linked to my github). But those few stats ive put in wont be transfered to ingame. No errors when it loads, but guessing that I`m targeting something wrong here. Tried to read those tutorials, but as with when I first started this, I need some guidance so my head will wrap around all of this.

The errors i had in the beginning is now totally out of the way, I`m almost ashamed that I made the post just for that in the first place :P

Edit: If this helps, this is the animal im trying to patch:
Got any mods that adds any factions or animals? Ive had a similar issue, and in my case its been that those mods werent compatible with CE