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Messages - Grendl_Kahn

Bugs / (Ahem... cough) Cows with no legs can't be milked.
February 15, 2017, 03:52:31 AM
I don't know if this is by design or not but I have a cow missing two hooves and a frail back who is pregnant, resulting in a perma-downed state (I only noticed all of this when she collapsed for the third time when early stage pregnant, so hold your horses PETA). Her milk fullness is 100% but apparently she can't be milked. This in itself wouldn't be a problem if it wouldn't cause a cycle through all of my pawns with animal-tending of just standing there one by one trying to initiate a milking job (says so in the error log) and not really doing anything else unless I manually assign something.
General Discussion / Re: Mods making the game "to easy"?
February 08, 2017, 06:42:50 AM
I stay away from mods like the ones you mentioned. Just because they make the game easier.
Prepare carefully is a great mod and all, but I like not being able to choose all those things. The "make do with what you have" for a crashlanding is one of the things I love about the game.
My first post on this forum!

I just had a question about painkiller ribs.
One of my pawns has a badly healed gunshot wound and has a constant 23% pain modifier.
So I wanted to install a painkiller rib to stop him from whining. But that didnt change a thing, the modifier still remains.
Is this a bug? Or is this working as intended?