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Messages - KaiserThurston

Sup man. I play tested your mod, and I only have compliments for it. Your weapons blend really well with Rimworld and don't feel out of balance (saying this as someone who uses a lot of weapon mods). The gauss rifle appeared for me in the 3 raid (13 days into the game) being used by a hostile pawn from Rimsenal.
The only odd thing I've seen is that your new research tier for gauss, rail and laser appears to be prerequisites for some turrets of the More turrets mod, but it may be because of the ResearchPal mod.
Anyway, keep up the good work man.
Releases / Re: [A17]SPQRim - an ancient age mod
August 26, 2017, 11:43:56 AM
I loved the mod, but I still get some erros when certain pawns spawn with some clothes, but nothing too bad.
You could also try to make a stepgen that generated some destroyed greek/roman ruins in the maps, specially near the roads.
I'm already a big fan of your Megafauna mod, and as soon as I saw this post, I downloaded the mod.


The mechanoids fought a fierce battle against a Gallatic Empire raid party and won.
Outdated / Re: [A17] Harrowed Light - 1.2
August 06, 2017, 11:48:09 AM
First of all, I wanna say your art is gorgeous. It is truly one of the best I've ever seen.

QuoteBut like, how about you add ____ :
If it fits in a twisted 15th-18th century edgy/grimy fashion with guns all is possible.

Well, since you said...

Plague Doctors are a very grimm and dark 16th century thing, almost a cliché.

Demons are also a very interesting idea, even more if you add exorcismism into the mod. The demon attack could afflict the pawn with an "possessed" disease who would kill him eventually, or, turn him into a demon.
I am playing with Lovecraft in Rough difficulty and it just keeps sending me that annoying fog event and the crow omen.
I also have hospitality installed and it seems like the visitor event is ignored by the storyteller, since it's been over a year and no visitor ever showed up.
Also, when do the lovecraftian raids start to happen?
First of all, I absolutely loved this mod and the idea behind it.
I have quite a few sugestions of creatures that can be implemented in this mod:

The biggest animal of the canis genre that ever lived.
Weight: 68kg
Height:  98cm
Length: 180cm
Habitat: plains, grasslands, and some forested mountain areas of North America, and in the arid savannah of South America.
Diet: Carnivorous

Looks like a hypo-sized capybara
Weight: 1000kg
Height: 150cm
Length: 300cm
Habitat: estuarine environment or a delta system with forest communities
Diet: Fruits, wood (trees?), aquatic plants

Gigant komodo lizard
Weight: 320 to 1940kg
Length: 700cm
Habitat: Southern Australia
Diet: fed mostly upon medium to large sized animals, along with other reptiles and small mammals, as well as birds and their eggs and chicks

Huge-ass turtle who reminds me of Blastoise
Length: 250cm
Habitat: Any place where the tortoises are present is fine, I think
Diet: Herbivorous

Saber tooth tiger
Releases / Re: [A16] Orassans
February 10, 2017, 07:35:36 PM
Is it intended that every single refugee that comes in drop pods is a Orassan?
You could add a "Cthulhu awakens" event that could work like the "planet killer weapon", but in stages, and with each stage of the event, more and more Star Spawn of Cthulhu raids happen, along with more nasty events, and in the end:
A) A raid with a invincible Cthulhu happens.
B) The default planet killer weapon effect.

The triggers to this event could be affected by the cultists mod in some way.