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Messages - Regar

I agree if u only look at the earlier alphas.
I wonder if he will go even further in to "long-play" content like children.

to adress the topic my first colonies aimed at winning.
Now i am more in the mod-it-till-it-breaks mentality.
you can comunicate with ships that are near the planet.
So staying in contact with others you worked with is not far off.
like one guy in colony 1 "relaxes socialy" and talks with one in colony 2 about his horrible feelings regarding organ harvesting.

so to be most realistic these negativ impacts need to spread between ppl.
that seems like a lot of development work for something that is not that far off of what it would be IRL.
General Discussion / B18 Performance ?
November 24, 2017, 07:42:02 PM
Hello Colonists,

i wanted to ask about a small point in the patch notes :

QuoteMany many tunings, bugfixes, and redesigns.

I guess this point is about performance in the late game more or less.

any first hand experience in B18 ?
This is a great idea.
*thumbs up*
Quote from: SpaceDorf on October 08, 2017, 05:35:20 PM
Quote from: Regar on October 08, 2017, 04:24:02 PM
i gues rimworld on switch could work, BUT nintendo would never ever allow Modding on the switch.  >:(

By now there are so many great mods out there i cant imagine playing it with out them.

only if nintendo starts porting more games to the pc.
and if developers stop dumbing down pc games for console users.
finally. rimworld with 360x240 resolution .. are you some kind of masochist ?

nintendo doesnt need to start anything, developers port games.
... not really relevant
854 x 480 is the resolution for the switch how far that is acceptable depends on the developer

My main point was modding vs Nintendo. Why do u quote me if your point is PC-Masterrace vs Console-peasants ?
i made a horrible mistake and as i was defending my colony the event run out of time so i lost the caravan.

it was honestly kinda obvious but i just didnt noticed my mistake.

Thx for your answers.
i gues rimworld on switch could work, BUT nintendo would never ever allow Modding on the switch.  >:(

By now there are so many great mods out there i cant imagine playing it with out them.
i need some explanation for this world event.

a space ship crashed near my colony and i need to get there before some raiders ... so i expected some loot maybe a few survivors.

what i found was a small ship with a dozen wounded refuges and no loot.
So i started to administer some first aid to a few of them ... those i would like in my colony and all of them happily join my colony.

BUT i cant leave the crash zone WITH them ... i am standing here like wtf is this ? what is the purpose of this event if i get nothing ?

yours, slightly confused, Regar
What can i do with synthetic skin ?

i have build 2 but i dont have new operation options available.
about the delay :
isnt it a feature of tiberium to be unpredictable sometimes ?  ;)

a lil question about performance :

first a got a bunch of mods active so this may not concern you at all BUT
i noticed quite the performance impact of possibly this mod.
to be more precise: in my pc it starts to lag with tiberium around 12 colonists on 300x300 map
later i tried with out tiberium and 3 minor mods (like diverse batteries) and it doesnt lag so far with 20 ppl on a 275x275 map

this are just 2 tries ... it could be not connected to Tiberium AT ALL.

I really like your mod and i have a question.
Does your mod add the item "wool cloth" ?
it seems to be a fabric but cant be used for anything ....
it just say everything made with it got 1600% value

i dont know what mod added this item ( i got a bunch active ;) )
Outdated / Re: [A16] Psychology (2017-1-30)
January 31, 2017, 05:33:16 AM
Maybe some one already pointed this out but here is my imput to Psychology:

It seems to override Hospitality
On my first run with both mods i load Hospitality rather early and Psychology rather late.

and here the debug info at starting up rimworld:

[Psychology] Disabling detouring of medical methods due to detection of an assembly medical/surgery mod. This will remove some functionality from Bleeding Heart pawns.
HugsLib.Utils.ModLogger:Warning(String, Object[])

Hope this helps.

UPDATE : it works now ... thats strange
the first group of visitors in this colony did not have the "hospitality-Tab"
but the second group right now ( this time its just 1 visitor ) does have the tab.
Releases / Re: [A16] Crash Landing (v9.01) (10-01-2017)
January 30, 2017, 04:53:43 AM
I just wanted to give my first impressions of your mod, but first i kinda like the idea & the execution is also pretty good.

My first try on easy mode :
i made a slate ruin near the center my first room as the debri started to crash down ...
batterys for everyone ... ok why not
weapons ... medicine ... nice but the fire starts to spread.
ok get 2 good weapons in my room and fuck the batteries.

at that point i was a litle concerned but still hopefull
sadly all 4 colonists in the cryostasis compartment didnt made it alive to the surface.
then the engines droped around my litle saferoom, both of them!

at that point depression sets in
3 survivors setting up sleepong spots on the ground and startet to treat each others partially burned limbs.
The room itself is pretty empty just 10 meals and 2 Weapons sitting in the corner.
The walls startet to radiate a comforting warmth because everything arond this litle haven was ON FIREEEEE!!!

If we make it trough the night, it will rain tomorrow for sure!
But none of them saw the next sunrise, because none noticed the much bigger danger.
The ships energy reactor also droped near them. it was fire proof but on the other hand slowly emiting lethal X-rays.

Suggestion ... (maybe someone mentioned this already)

As this mod adds to the difficulty of the game, maybe you want to add a random event that helps players out a bit.

Since there is Tiberium in this world there should also be someone that has an interest in it. (maybe GDI & NOD?)
so basicly a random event that sends a (many) harvester drone(s) to harvest a good chunk of the tiberium.

btw i just startet my first game with this mod maybe this event is already in the mod.