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Messages - Rockhumper

Ideas / Alert on aggro from wild please
March 15, 2017, 02:10:00 PM
I would be very neat to have an alert that pauses the game kinda like Raid or Beavers BEFORE our pawns get eat by that Polar Bear or Warg(example in mind) but would apply to any wildlife. I've lost so many people to aggressive wildlife because I didn't actually get a chance to react. While I understand it is part of the challenge, it would be neat to at least get an alert for when they turn aggro(Food bar to 0 I guess) and you get to decide if you deal with the threath immediately or take a chance to let it get to you later cause you don't have time right now.

Ideas / Multiplayer
March 13, 2017, 07:38:19 AM
Having different colonies managed by different players on the same map would be absolutely awesome!!!!

Moderator's edit (Calahan) - I have merged your new thread with the long existing one. We do not need another thread about multiplayer. Please use the search function next time to check if a suggestion/topic exists before creating a new thread. Thank you.