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Messages - Builder1234

Although I don't know how to go about fixing this tool, it does still work if you want to put some time into it.  See my other post:
Hi Guys, I just wanted to update this thread because using your method I successfully updated my game world roofgrid.  It was complicated, but it works!  My basic process was:

Find an old A16 or A17 save from before the compression where the roofgrid appears with the deflate tag now.  It's a much longer string, supporting the previous posters idea that it's compressed.  I couldn't figure out how to uncompress it, which is why I needed a previous save.  With the older save, use the rimworld_roof_editor tool for A16, and download the roof grid as a png file.  Here's the fun part, manually edit this png for your new world [this is fun...  I stitched together screenshots of my current map using paint, converted it down to 275 x 275 pixels, and manually colored it using the black/gray/white color coding for the roof_editor to reimport.  That took maybe 45 minutes itself].  Make sure it's the same grid size (e.g. 275 x 275 or 300 x 300), and once you're finished upload this using the rimworld_roof_editor tool again.  You're uploading it to the previous A16 save file, so when you're done grab the everything in the <roofgrid> </roofgrid> tag in the save game file.  Find your new B18 save game file.  Delete everything under the <roofgrid> </roofgrid> tag (including the tags), and replace it with the tag from the A16 save file with your modified roof grid.  Load the game and you'll see it changed!

Yes, that's very convoluted, but it works and until someone figures out how to decompress the <roofsdeflate> tag to get the original bitmap, that's how you'll have to do it!
I made a bit of an 'update' to this mod.  I took away the joy from the activities, and made sure it was A16 compatible.  I also made the equipment compatible with 'stuff' so you can make it out of different materials, and tried to carefully balance the skill gain with other parts of the game:

I changed the name so it wouldn't be confused with the original mod.
This is awesome!  I was working on something similar after seeing that Reddit post as well.  Thanks!!