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Messages - Doraf

Welcome to Grooveytown! Where the one and only Blue Scrubland Jazz band calls home!!
Lets take a look at the band!
First we've got Orange Big Chief! Hes a pretty cool guy all round'. (I changed Orange's name to Big Chief)

Secondly we got Trobo! Shes an ugly duckling, so sad.

Then we have Clam! A pretty boy but he likes to play with fire.

Engo is a pretty cool guy, he ain't a friend of women tho.

Finally we have Lercha! I donno she can walk fast I guess?

Day: 1
I built a dining room. Our first night was pretty cozy sleeping in the sand.

Day: 2
Did a lot of farming, very uneventful.
Day: 3
Winner winner muffalo dinner! A muffalo attacked us but in turn we served him up on a plate! yummy.

Day: 4
A rat bastard went mad. Trobo stomped him into the ground though!
Lercha started researching stonecutting.
Day: 5
A thrumbo stopped by to say hi... uhh I'm not going to fuck with this guy...

Day: 6
This dumbbell of a Gazelle went mad. Luckily Big Chief stabbed it in the neck.

Clam couldn't look at Trobo's ugly fukin mug for another second so he decided to set our forest on fire. o.o

Day: 7
Joe asked us to save him, a beautiful aurora lights up the night sky as Grooveytown gives Morgan a beat down for trying to hurt our poor joey.

Joe is pretty decent he'll do our research now. Looking back I forgot to set him to night shift oops.

Day: 8
I accidentally killed more muffalo than we can cook up, oh well.

Joe gets a work frenzy and starts researching stonecutting like an Egyptian god! He finishes it in no time. Now we start researching the highly complex technology of building a bed! Ohh ahh!
Day: 9
There is an incapacitated refugee half a day from our colony! I'll send Clam and Tranca to rescue her!

Day: 10
Ummmmmmm... nope, nope, nope. We're going to skedaddle, forget the refugee.

On their way back they encounter a caravan that sold nothing of use.
Day: 11
A solar flare hit us. Ha! You have no power over us sun!
Day: 12
A group of two huskies joined us!!!! Awwww.
Day: 13
Trobo is throwing a party! I doubt anyone will want to attend the ugly bastard's party.
Day: 14
Day: 15
Finally a raid!! We captured vladimir but he has a 99% recruitment difficulty so I released him.

And that's the end of my turn. I got most of the basics covered. I'd say I did a decent job.
Overview of the colony Don't mind the pile of bones in the dining room, they're decoration...
I'll be the manager for the colony for the coming season. My first act as overlor- manager is Scorpion will hereby be called Doraf.

Day 1: A 3 man pirate raid attacked they had 2 luci.

Day 2: I set up a tailoring bench and a crafting room and sold the luci the pirates dropped.
Day 3: The first hat has been made by Doraf, he is also now wearing the first hat, what an honor.
Day 5: Greg went on a daze because he saw rotting corpses, what a weakling.
Day 6: The women of the colony get a psychic sooth. I finished construction of some basic defenses.

Day 7: Saved Frenchy from angry tribals, as the tribals arrived I got raided by some more tribals...

Day 8: Greg and Doraf have been kidnapped, the tribals set fire to our rice field and ren the labrador is being burned alive.

Day 9: A squirrel went mad and mauled Togo our only doctor and he has been infected. Togo has now gone berserk attacking cubith.
Day 10: Togo has died from infection which means there is no one to feed the bedridden sam. A manhunter pack of 2 dromedary keep us pinned inside for a few days.
Day 11: Even though we are going through this trying time cubith still finds the good in him to make a superior hyperweave cowboy hat. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Day 12: Sam has starved to death.
Day 14: I built a chess table.
Day 15: An eclipse has shadowed the colony into darkness a fitting end to my turn.

2 colonist missing, 2 dead, and 3 remaining.
Captains log, first of spring, 5501. I, Doraf, will be commandeering Hat Factory for the coming season, I plan to increase Hat Factory's hat production by at least 100%.

Day 1:
Looking around I am very disappointed in our hat production. I built a second tailoring bench to get this show on the road.
I released the prisoner Von Shild, 99% recruitment difficulty and he is utter shit.
Cubith goes on an alcohol binge, he really has a problem, we should have a colony AA meeting.
Day 2:
Expanded the freezer since it was full to the brim. Need to store those animal corpses for that sweet, sweet, leather.
Also there is an eclipse.
Day 3:
A heat wave has hit the colony, everyone has cowboy hats so i'm not worried.
Flashstorm lit our crops on fire and destroyed most of our crop field.

Day 4:
Cubith got and infection on his nose due to burns, I am opting to amputate it.
Day 5:
Nothing much, piglet got stoned on smokeleaf, worked on our new crafting room.
Day 6:
Built a geothermal generator because we were having power problems, mined a bunch of compacted machinery and steel.
Mechanoid raid, minigun, infernocannon, and syther. Greg lost his kidney to the syther. We took them out with minimum damage sustained.

Day 7:
Finished the new crafting room and moved the dining room into the old crafting room.
An exotic goods trader came by, I sold a bunch of random cloths and bought some glitterworld medicine and a bionic arm.
Day 8:
Killed a roaming thrumbo suffering no injuries.
Blue gave birth to Benji a husky puppy. :D
Cubith insulted Doraf which started a social fight. Doraf won of course.
Day 9:
Psychic drone targeting the males of the colony.
Day 10:
Alpha Beavers! Who wants a beaver hat!
Two Boomalopes self tamed.
Day 11:
Manhunter pack of 9 Muffalo.
Used those two self tamed Boomalopes as improvised IED's against the Muffalo, it was super effective.

Day 12:
I gave the bionic arm to Doraf, who else is more deserving of it?
Day 13:
Two piggy gave birth one to triplets ♥.
Day 14:
Hex went on a food binge, what a fatty.
Day 15:
A wild bore went mad.

Captains log, fifteenth of spring, 5501. I have finished my task of managing Hat Factory through spring. I made more hats in 15 days than hatfactory has made in its entire life, so I would call my management successful. Goodbye for now Hat Factory.

Hats made: 74
A new RRR record.

Colony Overview.