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Messages - brbfapping

hi, i was wondering if you could give resources back when we deconstruct power conduits? i tried to make the modifications myself but cant find where deconstruct resource definitions reside 
Tools / Re: [Tool] (A17) Save Game Manager
June 17, 2017, 10:35:29 PM
another slight problem i've had since i started using your save editor, is i cant use it for certain things on Wine on OS X, i play rimworld on OS X with wine, and your save editor works but buttons on the bottom right of the UI are cut off for some reason, if you can figure out how to fix that it would be really great, right now i have to load a virtual PC to edit saves

thanks again for everything man
i apologize, i re-downloaded the mod from the first page and checked both about.xml and i was using the beta for A17

but the bug still exists in most recent beta A17 update, so here is my save file with my pawn cooking with it disabled his name is Wong
most of the mods i'm using are your's, hugslib, edb prepare, allow tool, colony manager, follow me, stack merger, work tab

also here is output_log
Initialize engine version: 5.4.1f1 (649f48bbbf0f)
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
    Version:  Direct3D 9.0c [atiumdag.dll]
    Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6600M Series
    Vendor:   ATI
    VRAM:     512 MB (via DXGI)
    Caps:     Shader=30 DepthRT=1 NativeDepth=1 NativeShadow=1 DF16=0 INTZ=1 NULL=0 RESZ=0 SlowINTZ=0 ATOC=0
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\System.Xml.Linq.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\System.Xml.Linq.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll into Unity Child Domain
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll into Unity Child Domain
- Completed reload, in  0.146 seconds
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\System.Core.dll (this message is harmless)
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\System.dll (this message is harmless)
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\System.Xml.dll (this message is harmless)
<RI> Initializing input.

<RI> Input initialized.

desktop: 2560x1417 1Hz; virtual: 2560x1417 at 0,0
<RI> Touch support initialization failed: Call not implemented.


UnloadTime: 1.327800 ms
RimWorld 0.17.1546 rev887

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

Non platform assembly: data-07831588 (this message is harmless)
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files/rimworld/RimWorldWin_Data/Mono/data-07831588.dll
Non platform assembly: data-0784B5B8 (this message is harmless)
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files/rimworld/RimWorldWin_Data/Mono/data-0784B5B8.dll
Non platform assembly: data-0787D488 (this message is harmless)
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files/rimworld/RimWorldWin_Data/Mono/data-0787D488.dll
Non platform assembly: data-078F4920 (this message is harmless)
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files/rimworld/RimWorldWin_Data/Mono/data-078F4920.dll
Non platform assembly: data-078FA4A8 (this message is harmless)
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files/rimworld/RimWorldWin_Data/Mono/data-078FA4A8.dll
Non platform assembly: data-07913710 (this message is harmless)
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files/rimworld/RimWorldWin_Data/Mono/data-07913710.dll
Non platform assembly: data-07947D20 (this message is harmless)
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files/rimworld/RimWorldWin_Data/Mono/data-07947D20.dll
Non platform assembly: data-0794BDC0 (this message is harmless)
Non platform assembly: data-0794BDC0 (this message is harmless)
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files/rimworld/RimWorldWin_Data/Mono/data-0794BDC0.dll
Non platform assembly: data-0794E890 (this message is harmless)
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files/rimworld/RimWorldWin_Data/Mono/data-0794E890.dll
Non platform assembly: data-0795C0F8 (this message is harmless)
Non platform assembly: data-07953AE8 (this message is harmless)
Non platform assembly: data-07955A00 (this message is harmless)
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files/rimworld/RimWorldWin_Data/Mono/data-07955A00.dll
Platform assembly: C:\Program Files\rimworld\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\System.Configuration.dll (this message is harmless)
[HugsLib] HugsLib.HugsLibController

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

[HugsLib] v3.1.0 initialized AllowTool

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 1.239100 ms

Unloading 68 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 7116.
Total: 20.824400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.313800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.384400 ms MarkObjects: 19.997601 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.127200 ms)

Loading game from file Fapdale-wong cooking with mods Core, HugsLib, EdBPrepareCarefully, AllowTool, ColonyManager, FollowMe, StackMerger, and WorkTab

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)

Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 12943.
Total: 220.768494 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.520700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.686000 ms MarkObjects: 219.528412 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.032400 ms)

Setting up 1 worker threads for Enlighten.
  Thread -> id: 8e -> priority: 1

thanks for everything :D
Mod bugs / Re: A17 Cooking with cooking disabled
June 12, 2017, 10:16:59 PM
sorry for the late reply, i've found out the bug was caused by Work tab from Fluffy (l2032), it hasn't been updated for A17 yet it seems, after disabling the mod it stopped working and later confirmed by re-enabling the mod and it started doing it again
this bug is caused by the Work tab mod, i started having this issue in A17 , i thought it was just a bug in rimworld but later learned it was from fluffy's work tab mod and had to disable it, seems they even prefer to do the jobs that are disabled to them and theres no way to change it, and they dont get experience and are effectively level 1 in the skill

heres my post in bugs about it
Tools / Re: [Tool] (A17) Save Game Manager
June 09, 2017, 03:00:27 AM
Quote from: Redjordan on June 07, 2017, 10:14:15 AM
Uploaded an Update!
    Add editing of relations

The editing of relations is still in testing!
Please post any bugs you encounter in this thread!

thanks man, it really works great! i'm impressed by how fast you got to it!

another idea i had, do you think you could add a way to edit Caravan Request trade events? i've been doing it myself by hand editing the XML, also, is there any way you could add some kind of calculator to be able to add or subtract days/months from a timestamp or a converter to convert timestamp to date? for example a starttime of 136234, it would be nice to be able to know what day/month that equals so you can edit the times more precisely because right now there isn't a very good system to do that and i just have to guesstimate based on timestamps of other events
EDIT: also, it would be nice to be able to see the current game time, i know it would probably mess a lot of stuff up if you changed it but it would be nice to see the current date and time in the calculator/converter so you can go off of it, if you decide to add any of that stuff

another idea that goes with the caravan request is editing bandit camps and item stash opportunities because they are very similar, but i'm mainly interested in being able to edit caravan requests

this Caravan Request is asking for 1,724 rice and rewards an AI persona core
<li Class="FactionBase">
<rewards Class="Verse.ThingOwner`1[Verse.Thing]">
<li Class="ThingWithComps">
<previouslyGeneratedInhabitants />
<trader Class="FactionBase_TraderTracker">
<tmpSavedPawns />
<stock IsNull="True" />

thanks again man, i really appreciate everything!  :D
Tools / Re: [Tool] (A17) Save Game Manager
June 06, 2017, 03:45:15 AM
hi, any chance you could add a way to edit relationships? two of my pawns had a breakup and i'd like to edit them back together if possible :D

Mod bugs / A17 Cooking with cooking disabled
June 04, 2017, 04:42:38 AM

my pawn has cooking disabled (i double checked in work tab) but he is still cooking a meal ?? never seen bug before until now, he was sowing grass then decided to go cook a simple meal  :o