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Messages - wired2thenet

My personal stats:

Shooting:  0
Melee:  0
Social: 12
Animals: 10
Medicine: 2
Cooking: 10 (with extreme passion)
Construction: 3
Growing: 0 (with mild passion)
Mining: 0
Artistic: 7
Crafting: 3
Intellectual: 8

Annoying Voice

Incapable of:
Dumb Labor

Alcohol Addiction
Bad Back
Cut (Scar, Left Leg)
Cut (Scar, Right Leg)

General Discussion / Re: Sudden Mid-Late game Lag
August 04, 2017, 10:26:26 PM
Quote from: TastyCookies on August 04, 2017, 10:26:23 AM
Have you used this mod, I tried it and my 4 year in-game time when from stuttering to near-smoothness. This mod cleans various aspect of your save data in order to make it smaller and easier to load.


^^ This mod is your best friend!  Seriously.
General Discussion / Re: Saving before hunting
July 28, 2017, 03:18:06 PM
I hunt with mortars  8)

I ran across this video about a year ago before I started playing Rimworld.  Revisited the video after playing Alpha16 for the first time, just to refresh my memory.

I haven't tried making it at home yet, though I plan on doing so in the near future (I love cooking new and unusual things).

Just thought I'd drop this here ... it's an interesting food in history.

The video above is just the first in a short series on Pemmican, and is great watch.
Entire thread (at this point) should be locked.  Does not belong in a gaming forum, period.

Completely off-topic.

(Agree with some of the sentiments, but don't think they're appropriate to what the OP originally posted).

And OP: If you need some help in this endeavor (purchasing the game), hit me up via PM, and I'll see what I can do for you.
General Discussion / S%*t Got Real [A17]
June 05, 2017, 12:51:07 AM
Was this a thing in A16? (Pawn's graphic missing head).  I don't recall, so when I saw my pawn dead, it looked a little ... odd :D

I love this! lol

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
Ideas / Re: New Story Teller (With massive raid)
June 03, 2017, 05:06:36 AM
In some of my playthroughs, I keep Cassandra on Peaceful or Base Builder for the first year (depending on the scenario).  After I get the basics of my base built up (not defences, just the necessities), I increase the difficulty almost immediately, even if I'm not totally prepared.
Ideas / Toggle for Rain Animation
June 03, 2017, 12:14:48 AM
Can we get a toggle for the rain animation (turn it off)?

For those who toggle it off, give an icon somewhere on screen (something like this maybe:

to signify when rain is coming down.

When working at 2x or 3x speed (or 4x, if in dev mode) I get a little "seasick" :P
General Discussion / Re: Mortars are awesome now
May 30, 2017, 11:08:08 PM
I'm curious.  After reading this thread, I decided to start a test colony to check it out.  I haven't really seen much of a difference myself. :(
General Discussion / Re: Slavery
May 30, 2017, 02:23:22 AM
Quote from: Perq on May 30, 2017, 01:53:32 AM
Some people say that technically pawns are slaves. Of course they are not. Slaves cannot refuse to haul or clean. Pawns can.
You tell a slave to haul shit - he hauls shit or faces the warden.

Other than that, I'm quite sure there are dozen other differences and ways of implementing it as an interesting element for story telling. Pawn being a slave to your colony, but works a lot with your colonist. They become friends. Interesting? Interesting. You can now even put some more systems on top of it - make it easier to recruit such slave-pawn, make it easier for him to escape (his colonist friend helps him escape).

Dozens of things that can add to the gameplay. Sure, not every single one will work (or will be worth it to add), but I'm quite surprised people say from the very beginning that there are no differences between pawns and potential slaves.

General Discussion / Re: Slavery
May 27, 2017, 05:15:10 AM
^^ +10
General Discussion / Re: Slavery
May 27, 2017, 04:19:02 AM
Quote from: Headshotkill on May 27, 2017, 03:24:45 AM

It looks like it triggers SJW's.

Heh, what makes that thread (as well as this one) funny is that I'm a Buddhist, and don't believe in violence (nor slavery or anything else that was discussed).  I'm a pacifist by all accounts.  But I think slavery should be in the game, no less than the fact that I'm destroying raids, and then butchering the surviving enemies for food.  It's just a game.  (I also play FPS shooters and MMO's where I beat the snot out of enemy players, et al ... I used to play the FPS's I was good at under the moniker "God" ... ((yeah, a little bit of hubris there :P ))).

Digital 0's and 1's are tame compared to what humanity has given us over the last 5000 years.

Besides, I think it would add a very interesting mechanic to the game, and make colony life much more difficult.  The debuffs on your colonists alone (depending on their traits) could literally turn the tide of your colony.

I was watching videos of earlier Rimworld versions (the very reason I BOUGHT the game), and noticed the "Beat Them" option for prisoners.  I LOVED that, and wish it was back in-game.

And I just started a cannibal colony (psychopaths as well), even if I don't believe in those options for survival personally.  It's been one of the most fun experiences I've had so far.

Games allow you to break your own fourth-wall and delve into topics you might not otherwise believe in, and that's why they hold such power.

I understand the SJW's, and whole-heartedly agree with them in most cases (there's a LOT of stuff that is just gratuitous out there that has no game-play value whatsoever).  But when it is appropriate, I don't have an issue with it.

Star Wars had slaves.  I didn't have a problem with it.  Star Trek had slaves.  I didn't have a problem with that either.  It's a common trope in scifi, usually delegated to the "outer rim" in most stories, where the law of the land is less formalized, or dystopian settings.  It actually makes sense, even if you don't believe in it, human nature being what it is.

I won't get mired into those discussing child porn etc in that topic ... it's a completely different subject, gameplay-wise, unless the game was focussed on those topics, which it isn't.

I know Tynan will probably not go anywhere near this (for obvious reasons ... I'm developing a game in Unity and would NOT touch this topic with a 10 parsec pole!), but this could be turned into a mod without issue.  I would delve into that possibility if I understood the modding process for this game.  I still have a LOT to learn about it.

General Discussion / Re: Slavery
May 27, 2017, 12:59:28 AM
Allow "prisoners" to be put into slavery, doing work you assign them.

For example, Fedosia, recently captured, is stuck in her prison cell making artwork, or stuck in the "Prison Area" cleaning and maintaining the homestead.  Have a "Prison Area" marked for your garden or hydroponics room, with your "guards" escorting prisoners in and out of those areas.

Facilitate a "Work Schedule" (much like the work schedule for regular colonists), complete with sleep, recreation, and work cycles.

Prisoners might get a debuff ("I hate doing this," or maybe they actually like it, depending on traits).

Useful for those 99%ers :D

*Edited to add* The harder you work your slaves, the better the chance of rebellion (ie, Prison Escape)
Also make sure you disable the plant waving.  It gave me a few extra FPS in my ~20-year colony when I had a crapton of colonists and resources.

I wish there was a way to disable the fog effect, and make rain/snow speed independent from the speed setting your at (so if you're at 3x speed, rains still shows at regular 1x speed instead of being sped up).  It won't make THAT much of a difference, but a couple of FPS on low-end laptops (like mine) would be a godsend!

And as another person posted above, Zhentar's cleaner is also a godsend.
General Discussion / Re: Savant injury
May 01, 2017, 02:00:12 AM

I have some 10+ games under my belt with varying degrees of success, but in this game it's the first I've encountered it.  And then tonight, a second colonist got the Savant injury (same state as the first one, and again by Centipedes grrrr).  This one was a little more important, but isn't the end of the world yet.