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Messages - tarator

We are all taught to stop, drop and roll. And even without that, the basic instinct is to seek help (it is right there), not running away from it.

My gripe is with the Inferno Cannon wielding centipedes causing a lot of micromanagement. At least pawns could return to their position after they are done panicking.
Is there a mod preventing pawns from running around when on fire?

You are safely behind a wall, next to two friends who can help you, why run out into the crossfire... I find this mechanic extremely stupid.
Bugs / Re: [V0.19.2009] Butchering bill
October 30, 2018, 10:30:13 AM
This remained useless in 1.0 and Butchers Can Count Meat isn't getting updated. What a shame :/

The bill should count only its meat.
Sculptor's Table bills count installed sculptures when set to "Do until X".
Pretty weird if intended, since other tables count only what is in the stockpiles.
Yesssssssss! I needed this!
Uh? Sieges are the easiest, you just kill someone with snipers and they'll attack like ordinary raiders, but with bonus steel.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
August 16, 2018, 08:07:57 AM
I'm sure somebody must have mentioned it, but nevertheless - Caravan requests for a billion of non-stackable items are antifun. I just got one for 66 Tuques...

88 cowboy hats. Come on!
General Discussion / Re: Scouting jobs
August 14, 2018, 12:10:40 PM
Are you playing on the largest map (hidden in options, Extreme 400x400)? It's pretty large, you should have space even for a perimeter wall if you build in the center.
General Discussion / Re: Getting a handle on meat
August 13, 2018, 05:09:13 PM
Ever since Colony Manager fixed the tediousness of slaughtering, I've raised boars for roleplaying reasons. But now with tameness decay I find it too counterproductive. I grow hay to feed them, now I have to grow even more and waste time to keep them tame... Hunting is the only way.
In this version I often get Mechanoid drops inside my base and by the time I can kill them they've already destroyed a few things. The auto rebuild feature is great for this, but I make a very extensive use of shelves and it doesn't restore the storage settings!

Oh, I just had a terrible realization about settings. If they ever destroy the machining or tailoring table I'd ragequit for a week.
Yeah, I dug deeper and I'm wrong. Revenge depends on distance, storyteller difficulty and some stat called HuntingStealth, which is what you're saying.
There's nothing suggesting the revenge chance isn't flat.
Oh, 0.19, thanks! It even works!

Mods / Is there a mod for colonists' stats overview?
August 10, 2018, 08:15:24 AM
Is there a mod that will show a table of my colonists and their stats (move speed, shooting accuracy, surgery success chance)?

All I'm finding is the Numbers mod, which is dead. I can't believe such a great idea was abandoned.

As far as I know Animals skill has no effect on Hunting, it's all Shooting?

Since there is no overview of pawns' skills, I'm used to looking at the Work tab to quickly find my best shooters. This bug is really annoying, because I get colonists with 4 Shooting and 14 Animals highlighted.