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Messages - SunSeeker

Boi! I missed so much the wave survival storyteller!! Thanks man!
wait, you mean create animals with prisoners? Do this game can get more inhumane than this?

I dunno, but i'll check this out now lol
I miss the eletric fence...

any chance for it get updated?
Outdated / Re: [B18] Recoilless rifle mod
February 24, 2019, 04:05:34 PM
Hey guys, any chance for this to be updated?
Wow that was fast! thanks man!
Supreme Commander nostalgia with nanite shields repairing structures lol.

I personally love the idea of merging the mods. while there are some I dont use, I see no problem having them in the middle.

about the research, maybe you can change the level of any "level-up" tech, like mk replicator. I always find it strange to be a spacer tech while a neolitic tribe can plant the omnigel. maybe put the mk1 replicator as a medieval, mk2 as a industrial and finally mk3 as spacer.
any chance to update it to B18?
So, basically its a aracnid mod, no thanks
Man, big breasted aracnid woman!
damn, need to try this out
so, i just updated the mod and here are my thoughts:

I loved the vehicles, I don't if you remember but once I said it was strange to see walkeblem officers mounting on deers lol. But on my game, maybe the 3rd raid the pirates was mounting a mobile artillery. no big deal since it doesn't shoot or anything but it was "maybe too early" for them to use it.

While I personally think the armors were too much overpowered, at least they game more protection from temperature. The new suits don't give that protection and in winter often the traders give up on me and leave the map.

the weapons now are useless. I think its a incompatibility with CE. plan to do a patch to work with it maybe?

But anyway, congrats on making a marvelous mod even better!
Man, it really takes some effort to be this dumb and I think I nailed it lol!
just got the right one, everything working as intended. thanks!

(I wonder how I managed one whole ingame year without it)
Hey jaxxa, I found a strange problem.
I managed to research shields basics but when I build it, it simply disapears!
Strange, since I can research, can build (everything normal with the recipe) but once its complete it disapears...
Ok, after 2 years and almos a half, my colony was destroyed.
And the fun part is, my allies destroyed me lol.

I had a huge wave of ghost armada (I think its a mod faction from polarisblock) and man, they can hurt with those ice attacks! but once their melee unit passed my eletric fence, my allies from walkblem started firing their cannons, exploded my Flak artillery and everybody dies. It happened so fast...

Really man, your storyteller is awsome and I'm starting a new colony later. I'm thinking about a better trade eficiency (like put those traders VERY FAR AWAY from my killzone)

Also, by the beggining of the second year, all traders (specially from walkblem) appeared with tons os animals and mercenaries (and tons of tanks), causing a bit of slowdown. nothing gamebreaking but just to point it out. I think most ppl wont play that far
The only thing I do is clean the world pawn with runtime. it can easily get over 100 dead pawns in a month. after this the game speed up a lot!

Man, once I manage to build my walls everything starts going easier, specially those annoing insects from your other mod (forgot the name now). the tough part is trying to keep the good mental health of my pawns. in a year and a half I got swarmed by deep ones and starchilds. while they are weak, they give a -40 (each) and it seems your storyteller really loves the cthulhu monsters lol.
so, have you tried it? is it working for b18?
Ok, I forgot to post again yesteraday, since "someone" decided to make rimworld addictive again lol.

I managed to play for a year and here is my thoughts:

The beggining is BRUTAL! really. I got a lot of raids, some happens when I just killed my last raider. In my third play I lost because I run out of ammo and I still havent researched machining... anyways...
Sometimes fun things happens, like a meteorite falls on some unfortunate raider or a mob of deep ones (around 40) run in the middle of a walkblem caravan. it feels like playing with randy random on alpha 6 lol.

But what a really want to talk about is your magic! I play with hardcore pack and performance issues is a common issue, now I'm using your 1.1 version and it feels like I'm playing with no mod at all!!! man, I don't know what you did but I loved It, really! (Still thinking if I should thank you for your hardwork or burn you for witchcraft)