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Messages - sirskips

06-24-2020 02:31:05
Rimworld Conflict Checker Started!

Please report any bugs either on GitHub, or the Ludeon forum thread.

Build: RELEASE Wed 09/18/2019  8:11:21.09

Results of the checks are written to file RCC.txt in this folder.

Currently implemented checks:
   The same nameDef defined in 2 or more mods
   The same DLL in 2 or more mods
   Core nameDefs over writen by a mod
   DLL's not in the Assemblies folder
   Checks versions of mod against RimWorld version
   Identifies possibly corrupt mods (partially implemented)
Checks to be possibly added in the future:
   Check XML inheritance:
   Check if CCL is compatible with RimWorld.
   Check if root, tag, defname are valid (by parsing core)
   Check if a mod is valid - needs about.xml, at least one XML or dll.
   Check if mod exists twice. a) based on folder name & b) based on About.xml name.
   Check if a mod's defname conflicts with another defname of the same mod
   Change output to tabbed tables in a Windows Form
   and more...
06-24-2020 02:31:05
Checking GitHub for updates. This will timeout after 10s...

Successfully got version data from GitHub
You are running version :
Latest version on GitHub:
06-24-2020 02:31:06
Parameters and folders:

Command Line Parameters:

Show detailed log: True
Consider every installed mods as active: False


Folder 1 : Found RimWorldWin in : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld
Folder 2 : Found ModsConfig.xml in : C:\Users\Admin\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Config
Folder 3 : Not able to find subfolder Core in : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld\Mods
Releases / Re: [B19]Ancient Rim (27th Sep 18)
December 04, 2018, 11:29:51 PM
Factions dont show up
Dont see a B19 download link yet its listed as B19
Please make this mod!
Maybe I just dont know enough about computers but I dont see an RCC.exe file in this i donwloaded the zip file and extracted it it
Quote from: Ramsis on September 16, 2017, 10:07:11 AM
Quote from: sirskips on September 16, 2017, 09:58:09 AM
he can stop moding he can stop updating but dont remove the ability for people to still get and use the mod!

Oh god, please skips say something else stupid. You're already looking at a 2 week ban and I would love to have an excuse to perm-ban you for your abusive treatment of scuba for making a decision that you aren't even a speck of concern when making said decision.

Please give me the excuse.

Of course you can apologize and save us both the trouble.
Also ban me for what the only time I insulted him was when I called him a C*** and there are messages to prove it so ban away my friend!
Quote from: Ramsis on September 16, 2017, 10:07:11 AM
Quote from: sirskips on September 16, 2017, 09:58:09 AM
he can stop moding he can stop updating but dont remove the ability for people to still get and use the mod!

Oh god, please skips say something else stupid. You're already looking at a 2 week ban and I would love to have an excuse to perm-ban you for your abusive treatment of scuba for making a decision that you aren't even a speck of concern when making said decision.

Please give me the excuse.

Of course you can apologize and save us both the trouble.
Do it my opinion stands and I wont apologize moders like this pollute the air for the community. I will check my emotions however will not change my mind ban me for that if you want PEACE!
he can stop moding he can stop updating but dont remove the ability for people to still get and use the mod!
Quote from: SpaceDorf on September 16, 2017, 09:51:06 AM
Before you all explode in a Ball of Rage and Insults ..

The non Steam Link is still up .. rather than redistribute the Mod you could just download the Non-Steam Version
and put it into your modfolder and it will work as before.
And when you  install Mod-E from Pardeike you don't even have to clean the savegame yourself

Um no you cant there is no other version still up. I wouldnt be pissed if i could still get it somewhere!
Thanks so much I can tell you care have a great fucking life, do us all a favor and stay away from making mods or doing anything with a PC. Fade away so we can forget you even existed. Like a bad break up get on with your life and forget about modding forever ya cunt!
Then let somebody else put this up its a must have. Its also a stab in the face to anybody who has ever sent you shit for your hard work. Moders like you need a sign that says may delete my mods dont get to attached and I dont give a fuck about the community that helps test fix and build upon my mods. I hate moders like you with a burning passion. You made my life easy only to fuck it all up again get bent!
You decision to remove this fucked me and a play thru I had for weeks like 150 hrs just gone!!! THIS IS THE KIND OF SHIT THAT MAKES YOU LOOSE SUPPORT! I know I am going to be very wary of getting any mod your behind from here on out. You have also striped the fun away from Rimworld for me and I cant even bring myself to turn on the game anymore, time will change that but YOU are the cause of me loosing interest in the game for awhile.
Unfinished / Re: [A17] [WIP] Jurassic Rimworld
September 15, 2017, 02:25:18 PM
PLEASE NO MUSIC! Music is very memory intensive when it comes to Rimworld. It uses memory to load all music files at the start. Music burns memory in Rimworld!