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Messages - billyma6

Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
March 06, 2018, 09:59:37 PM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on March 06, 2018, 06:56:51 PM
I think I'm just becoming more sadistic because I keep wanting to see more new negatives in abilities, or at least some kind of spin on powerful abilities to help balance them out, while making things even more interesting, and the choices you make have even more consequences.
Cons are good for balance, but be careful not to put too many negatives or else no one will want to use the ability if there are so many or so severe consequences for the caster or the colony as a whole.
Hey, so I loaded up a world with plasma fences already set up, and this error showed up.

Could not get load IDs list. We're asking for something which was never added during LoadingVars. pathRelToParent=/testees, parent=Plasma_fence2543442
Verse.LoadIDsWantedBank:TakeList(String, IExposable)
Verse.CrossRefHandler:TakeResolvedRefList(String, IExposable)
Verse.Scribe_Collections:Look(List`1&, Boolean, String, LookMode, Object[])
Verse.Scribe_Collections:Look(List`1&, String, LookMode, Object[])

For some reason it won't let me publish logs so :\
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
February 28, 2018, 09:14:37 PM
Quote from: Torann on February 28, 2018, 08:59:14 PM
Quote from: henk on February 28, 2018, 03:51:18 PM
Why are all the research projects Transcendent level? It makes them cost much more than they should for neolithic tribes.
Hmm, true, that was a bit of an oversight.  The transcendent cost was decreased to put the spacer research cost where I wanted it, but didn't take into account it would double for tribes, which doesn't make sense.
Isn't there a mod for that? Like either AI Uplifting Assistant or TechAdvancing?

Also I looked around online for the Def structure, and yeah; the WorkGiver def makes the player pawns able to prioritize. I'm not that great a modder, but I think that's it.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
February 28, 2018, 07:27:12 PM
Quote from: Torann on February 28, 2018, 08:45:51 AM
Quote from: billyma6 on February 28, 2018, 01:02:43 AM
Hey, so I'm trying to make some of the new gems to upgrade, but when I right-click the bench with the bills in it, it doesn't do anything, even when I have all the materials required and the pawn is a mage.
The gemcutting bench works like any other bench and lets you craft enchanting stones.  The stones that are produced from the gemcutting bench are what you'll equip on a mage to perform an enchantment.  When you have equipped an enchanting gem, then you right click the item you want enchanted (not the bench).
No, I mean like you can right-click a workbench with uncompleted bills to prioritize doing those bills immediately, right? In every other bench I can right click on and it'll say "Prioritize smelting weapon", etc. but when I want to prioritize making the gems no popup shows saying "Prioritize".

Edit: From looking around the file structure, it appears you're lacking a WorkGiver definition, and perhaps that's why there's no popup for Prioritize.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
February 28, 2018, 01:02:43 AM
Hey, so I'm trying to make some of the new gems to upgrade, but when I right-click the bench with the bills in it, it doesn't do anything, even when I have all the materials required and the pawn is a mage.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
February 23, 2018, 01:55:47 PM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 23, 2018, 11:29:33 AM
it could maybe just be a universal skill that any physical fighter could pick up. The tiers could be something like, "lowers degradation of equipped items by 25%/50%/75%/100%".
True, it would probably be better if it was a universal skill for anyone to pick up, but it's just a little side thing, not meant to be game-changing or whatever. It's only for if someone doesn't want to remake that armor every time it breaks or, in the case of the Mending mod, unequip it, haul it, and then mend it every time it gets damaged.

Also I'm not totally sure anyone saw my previous suggestion, but it was something like a spell for either Water or Fire that instead of making it rain like the water mages' Rainmaker, stops it/makes it clear.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
February 23, 2018, 12:57:16 AM
Hey guys, what about a spell or an effect that makes it so the armor/weapons your pawn is carrying are repaired and as long as the spell has effect, don't degrade even during combat? It could be like level I is only for a minute or so, level II is around 5 minutes, and level III could be forever, and the mana costs would be adjusted accordingly. This sort of spell could be named "Infuse" and would have a description something like this;

"Infuses mana into the materials that make up the target pawn's armor/weapons, causing them to be immune to degradation and external damage."

Of course, this effect only lasts on the items that the player has equipped at that time, so removing it from your inventory would cause it to no longer work and to regain the effect on your current equipment you'd have to cast the spell again.

Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
February 06, 2018, 08:21:02 PM
Speaking of disarming pawns, what about a spell that makes pawns drop their weapon when cast? It could give an advantage in battle as they'd be left defenseless after the spell.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
February 05, 2018, 11:59:40 PM
Hey guys, you know there's a Make Rain spell for the water class right? Why not a Clear Skies one for the fire class? It'd be useful when you make it rain and then change your mind, or if it's already raining, stop it for improving aim in battles as an example.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
February 03, 2018, 09:30:12 PM
Quote from: blizzardwolf420 on February 03, 2018, 07:10:01 PM
Quote from: billyma6 on February 03, 2018, 04:50:15 PM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 03, 2018, 05:48:33 AM
Quote from: Radis_cale on February 03, 2018, 04:06:59 AM
Just got a incapable of violence necromancer, he can't do anything, even raising the dead is violent ^^

Well who are you to interfere with this necromancer's moral conundrum? ;D


Maybe try RF - Pawns Are Capable! until this is fixed. ;)

...but undead aren't living, so how do they have lives...?

but undead means not dead so therefore life is in them , albeit not the same amount of life lol.
but technically by definition, "undead" means dead but still animate so they're still dead lol.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
February 03, 2018, 04:50:15 PM
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on February 03, 2018, 05:48:33 AM
Quote from: Radis_cale on February 03, 2018, 04:06:59 AM
Just got a incapable of violence necromancer, he can't do anything, even raising the dead is violent ^^

Well who are you to interfere with this necromancer's moral conundrum? ;D


Maybe try RF - Pawns Are Capable! until this is fixed. ;)

...but undead aren't living, so how do they have lives...?
Quote from: dubwise56 on February 03, 2018, 12:06:39 AM
Quote from: billyma6 on February 02, 2018, 10:22:12 PM
Hey, I found that if you launch an ICBM to blow up one faction base, then before the base blows up launch another ICBM, it stops where it would've landed and then stops doing anything. I can't get rid of it now, and it's kinda annoying.

i seem to be able to spam nukes at multiple bases without problems while testing it, did it throw an error? was it at the same target? what was the target?
Yes, I spam nukes at multiple bases too, but one time I forgot that I had already launched a nuke towards it and instead launched a second one unknowingly. It was at the same base, and by the time the second nuke reached the target, the base was vaporized already. After that, the ICBMs just stopped moving and stayed there. That's it. And I was aiming at the vanilla pirates.

EDIT: When I zoomed into when the ICBM was unresponsive, it was invisible, but still there cuz when I zoomed back out, the icon was still on the map.
Hey, I found that if you launch an ICBM to blow up one faction base, then before the base blows up launch another ICBM, it stops where it would've landed and then stops doing anything. I can't get rid of it now, and it's kinda annoying.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
January 28, 2018, 01:07:19 PM
Quote from: Canute on January 28, 2018, 09:50:39 AM
Btw. i just wanted ask why you limit the sharshooter to advanced (industrial+) weaponry ?
Do you think it is to overpowered for bow's and pila's ?

a person skilled in shooting, especially with a rifle

"rifle", which is a type of gun. And just for realism's sake,  just imagine how a tribal archer could get the arrow to the velocities of a sniper bullet.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
January 26, 2018, 10:30:46 PM
Quote from: blizzardwolf420 on January 26, 2018, 08:25:08 PM
also torran I noticed trees can grow in the area  ( also plants and other things) of the portal is at and (disrupt)  the spell
that's why I paved the ground in rainbow colours beforehand  ;D