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Messages - Coolphoton

Releases / Re: [1.0] A RimWorld of Magic
July 12, 2018, 11:40:30 PM
ModDB is "sketchy"?
I have checked, and Research Pal dose allow you to bypass the reserch limiter. On that note, locking the vanilla guns research( specifically blow back operation, gas operation, precision rifling, and muli-barreled weapons) locks out at least one steampunk weopen pack, The Old World. Those researches might be nice to unlock for compatibility, even if everything vanilla from them is locked
How well dose this work with Research Pal? i know with Midevil World Research Pal would let you research locked techs.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
May 10, 2018, 02:35:20 PM
Can minions clean? If they cant, a summon broom, or maybe cleaning slime, spell to do cleaning would be nice.
Have you consitterd a cooler that prevents skilled labor but makes the slave count as a non colonist? Like make it with some drugs or something...
Is there a chance that a non preganatcy version could be uploaded here?
Ah. OK. I'll just refrain from trying to make specific characters for now then.
Is there a way to make sure you get a general grade of psyker in Prepare Carefully? I tried to make Jergen (an Omega blank). So I gave him 0 psychic sensitivity. He came out an Iota psyker. What dose the Psyker code latch onto to determan level? Is it just random?
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
April 03, 2018, 08:19:16 PM
Learning fire magic making someone irritable makes perfect since. Its the element of change, anger, and passion. The magic elements- fire, water, aether, earth, wood, and metal have always been associated with emotions and personality.
Outdated / Re: Harry Dickle's Fuzzy Pickle
March 29, 2018, 08:25:43 AM
Anyone else having trouble getting the leaders to teach in Colony Leadership. there alwase 'unavailable' no mater what there doing...
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
March 21, 2018, 05:53:58 PM
druids really shine in tech restricted games. they can save your game if you get any major outbreaks or unlucky raids. in fact once i get two of them, i tend to stop using medicine at all. there slower than priest but they don't have the same massive draw back ether. over all id say there a solid middle ground between paladins and priests as healer, with more flexibility than ether.
Nyarlathotep's Starry Wisdom and Dark Emissary are generally more useful than Chaos Theory to me.
The werewolves are White Wolf weres. there are no OWoD factions yet. its just the forms and a cupple communities

Cosmic Horrors...think of it as an animal pack with too many tentacles, teeth and eyes. many of the horrors are treated as un-capturable factions instead of animals but they don't count as sentients. That's all I can really say without spoiling.

The Elder Things...there a pentagalaly symmetrical fungoid life form that refuses to do dumb labor(its the backstorys) wears no clothing(there extremely temperature tolerant) has lots of upgrade able limbs(bionics and blessings) and can only uses one weapon, the elder thing laser. can worship all the gods in turn, but in general:
Cthulhu: use this if you don't have prosthetic or your defenses are weak
Shub-Niggurath: use this if you like combat pets
Nyarlathotep: is a mixed bag of nice abilities
Hastur: has some nice social abilities and a nice utility pet
Dagon: a cupple decent loot spawns
Tsathoggua: I haven't used this much, I think there is a pet spawn and a super food.

Incidentally, the 'Chosen' ability granted by worship is a game ender. Its suppose to be a space ship ending alternative.
Releases / Re: [B18] A RimWorld of Magic
March 05, 2018, 08:26:47 PM
The arbalest, hand crossbow and crossbow all seem to work fine for rangers and snipers....witch makes sense from a historical perspective. They were the transition weapons between bows and guns. But I have no idea what bits make it work.

Edit: also, is anyone else finding that the magic cooler spell isn't working in 1.9.2?
Could a patch to make fertilizer for fertile fields directly from bone be made? Bone meal is a traditional fertilizer.