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Messages - Spectrea

General Discussion / Re: Combat Realism's ingredients?
December 26, 2017, 07:17:26 AM
Yeah apologies.
Im about 3 months in to the game in and still struggling to find the ingredients for explosives and bombs. Blazebulbs as far as i understand it make Promethium, for how difficult they are to grow in terms of power and length of time Promethium is useless everything requires FSX and to a lesser extent Chemfuel.

FSX is a nightmare. Google is no help with this at all i have no idea how to get it efficiently, no trader sells it and the only source appears to be boomalopes? of which i have one. I was honestly expecting the Blazebulbs to yield it.

Its extra annoying because to create mortar shells requires 5 of these suckers. When you reload a game every spare shell of "81mm HE" you have in stockpile reverts back to vanilla "high explosive shells" :o

Using the Beta b18 version above.
General Discussion / Combat Realism's ingredients?
December 25, 2017, 05:11:48 PM