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Messages - Shigemi

Quote from: Dr_Zhivago on February 13, 2019, 12:27:58 AM
Quote from: Cairbear on February 03, 2019, 01:22:57 PM
Personally the bones were a big, big resource used for building in my bases, and i dont really like the look of the bone walls so i used the standard ones. I'd really prefer either Bone Lumber or the bones being usable in the standard walls again, 'cause now they're just sitting in my stockpile with not much else to do with them
You can refine them and use them in building again. So if you make bonecrete or bone ash or the calcium polymer
Yes, you can, but that is locked behind a lot of expensive research that is unavailable to tribal colonists, who are largely who are going to be using the bones for building. I am also hugely against this change.

This does not look like bonecrete to me

Bones are made essentially useless for tribals if they are locked behind ten game years worth of research. And who else is going to be wanting to build with bones logistically?
Yeah, it's a known bug. You get it on prisoners as well. As long as the mothers don't start doing it autonomously anymore x'D
Quote from: sidfu on April 01, 2018, 02:34:07 PM
wrong mod this doesnt add a desk this isnt the class room and children mod
in fairness, the first post of this thread DOES say the mod adds a writing desk...

"> Child stage at 3.5~ years. They can do nearly everything an adult can do, but with less speed/skill. Children will be able to study skills up to level 5 via new "textbook" items which can either be purchased from traders or crafted by sufficiently skilled colonists at a new "writing desk" workbench"

it was just either never implemented or removed.
Last time anyone reported on it Birds and the Bees prevents pregnancy from this mod. Psychology specifically lists that it is not compatible, but I think that issue is that they don't interact with each other rather than that they break the game or cause issues if used together insomuch that children created by this mod are not effected by the changes added by the Psychology mod. But don't anyone quote me on that.
Quote from: Vane on March 13, 2018, 09:52:01 AM
The idea for this mod is fantastic however I'm guessing it conflicts with another one I'm using as when I load the game with this mod enabled it only displays one person in my "Work" tab at a time, and only have the boxes are shown
I was having this exact issue when adding Children School and Learning before the creator updated that mod to be compatible with this one. It's almost definitely a conflict with another mod, specifically one that adds a new "work type" rather than a problem with this mod on it's own. Also the conflict only effected existing saves and did not cause a problem in new ones, so you can try that if you're not attached to your current colony.

I know this probably isn't very helpful information but it's better to know than not know. *shrug*
Quote from: Ruisuki on March 07, 2018, 04:45:58 AM
how complete is it at this point?

From my experience it's fully playable if you are in an area with mild weather and are not solely reliant on clothing for temperature control. Babies and toddlers still don't have clothing so hypothermia and heatstroke are deadly. Other than that nothing really seems broken.
Quote from: Kori on February 06, 2018, 12:14:43 PM
Quote from: Shigemi on February 06, 2018, 09:03:48 AM
Quote from: Kori on February 01, 2018, 07:52:21 AM
Is anyone playing with the Children, School and Learning mod
and could give some feedback on how both mods work together?
You have to load Children school and learning in first but after the last update he made yesterday they now work together properly in a saved game. My littluns have been going to school for the last couple days now and it's great. I've got a mother due to give birth in 4 days so I'll add an edit here when that happens to let you know if that works as it should.

That would be great, thank you!
What age have you set for newborn children? 0?
And how do you know how many days exactly it will take until she gives birth?

Sorry, I've been in the hospital for a bit and I'm only home for a day before I have to go back so I haven't had time to play test. I do have the newborn age set to 0 and set the learning age from 4-14. I put Dev mode on made hidden health defs visible so it shows me the early pregnancy stage and a countdown 'till birth.
Quote from: Kori on February 01, 2018, 07:52:21 AM
Is anyone playing with the Children, School and Learning mod
and could give some feedback on how both mods work together?
You have to load Children school and learning in first but after the last update he made yesterday they now work together properly in a saved game. My littluns have been going to school for the last couple days now and it's great. I've got a mother due to give birth in 4 days so I'll add an edit here when that happens to let you know if that works as it should.
Toddler clothing would definitely make cold snaps and heat waves less lethal for the littluns. xD
I finally got around to updating from v0.4c to v0.4d and now my toddlers are no longer able to eat or sleep and instead endlessly perform the "standing" action while crying and throwing notifications of exhaustion. I am able to direct them to eat manually but there is currently no way to direct a pawn to sleep.

I don't know if this is mod conflict or a self contained issue, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention either way.
First of all, I want to thank you for all of your amazing work on this mod. I've been lurking here using it for a while but decided to make an account to this forum because I have a couple of questions.

1) Do contraceptives and mifepristol work on animals to prevent endless breeding cycles of your pack muffalo?

2) Is there a way to get siblings to share a bedroom without the debuff, particularly as infants/toddlers?

3) Is there a way to prevent a colonist from getting pregnant again immediately after giving birth? I did a tribal start and two of my colonists got married extremely early. They popped out three children before I was able to research drug production or anyone had high enough medical skill to perform abortions. She gets pregnant again immediately the night after she can move again from giving birth every time. (I had dev mode on to see the hidden early stage)

we recruited a colonist with a 12 medicine skill and levelled one of our own up to 10 before child 4 made it to late stage and were able to nip the endless cycle in the bud but it was quite worrying for a while. xD

4) How soon do you think there will be clothes available for babies/toddlers? I am in a very warm area and the heat waves come close to killing my three tots every Jugust just heading from the nursery to the dining room.

5) Is there a chance you can disable social joy tolerance for the crib-bound infant stage, or add toys/joy sources for toddlers soon? Every time one of my babies age to a crawling tot they head straight for the garden tea and pass out from a caffeine blackout after drinking ten of them in a row. xD