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Messages - princey1205

Hi boys and girls stranded on a Rimworld (forum), he's a preliminary attempt at the awesomeness of the Royal Pirate King!

Name: Stephan Prince
Sex: Male
Nickname: Outcast
Childhood Back story: Medieval Escapee:
He was born the second son in a royal family ruling a continent on a distant Medieval world during political unrest.
The rebels won and slaughtered all his family, leaving Stephan a hunted outcast, until he managed to sneak aboard a passing trade ship.

Skills gained: +4 Melee, +2 Social , +3 Construction (Melee because, obviously, slaughtering 'dem peasants, social due to the royal background and construction for once the fortress was inevitably breached they had to build barricades and create escape routes)
Skills lost: -3 Mining, -3 Growing

Adulthood: Urbworld Mercenary
Leading a life as a soldier for hire, he fought for governments, pirate groups, industries and even worked as a prison warden for a time.
During a recent job, working for a mining company, he was involved in a cave in, creating a fear of enclosed spaces.

Skills Gained: +4 Shooting, +3 Social, +2 Construction (pretty obvious here, shooting and social work hand in hand for a Military Contractor and construction is a key skill for a soldier... trust me, building fortifications is VERY important for a soldier, personal experience)

Incapable of:

And there we go, please feel free to leave constructive or non-constructive criticism where ever it is appropriate!
actually, I prefer having them come early, if you manage to top them off, it really boosts your force projection against waves later on.

Key example:

Colony Name: Tevie's Tremendous TerrorWorld
AAR raid no.3: 3 snipers began an assault on our colony, our outfit included a pistol and hand grenades.
Flushed one sniper into the open and knocked him out, acquired rifle and proceeded to finish off his buddies.
Stabilized our Force Projection early enough to provide fire support against larger groups with or without snipers.

Colony Name: Princey's Pirate Paradise (of death)
AAR Raid no. 5: approx. 9 raiders with mix hand guns, shotguns and 2 snipers.
Colony force projection: 2 m-16's, 3 handguns and 1 grenadier.
Settled into our basecamp with two open fields of fire with minimal cover leading up to our sandbags and one cliff providing protection if we manage to advance.
Assaulting force proceeded to mop up our Automated weaponry with ease, taking only a few casualties in their attempt.
Grenades failed to flush out their snipers and we lost our position due to an overwhelming amount of advancing CQC infantry.

From those two case examples it shows that even -if- you don't get attacked by snipers early and you pick up m-16's and the ilk it can leave you basically -screwed- if even one sniper comes with assistance.

As we were taught in the Army: just because its easy at the start doesn't mean your better off.
Two power Comms sets from cycle 6 to current, cycle 13 without a visit.
Had plenty of visits prior to that.

I have noticed that I haven't had a Flare -or- an eclipse in a while either....

Here's hoping it is luck, I -HATE- those things, but the collection of over 120 weapons is looking sad without owners
Howdy boys and girls,

Anyone know the freq. of trade ships entering the sector?
Its been about 4 cycles on CC with nary a visit from the travelling class, could there be a hard limit to how long she operates the events or am I just bloody unlucky?