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Messages - Osprey

I've recently been hit with the idea of a more militant playstyle, i.e. building a small army to go out and do stuff like raiding an enemy base. A larger number of colonists obviously helps, since more colonists means more meat for the grinder a wider selection of potential soldiers. Plus, the idea of forming a larger, more spread-out faction also appeals to me as well; having different bases in different locations to perform different tasks (eg. mining base in a mountain, logging base in dense forest, etc.) feels more rewarding and story-like than having a single superbase to do everything. Multiple bases then basically requires a lot of hands on deck; you're not gonna effectively run 3 or 4 bases with just 10 peeps.
General Discussion / Re: Introduce yourself!
April 17, 2018, 06:24:02 PM
Howdy howdy, I go by the pseudonym Osprey in most circles.

-What introduced you to RimWorld? Or to this style of game in general?

I've always kinda been a fan of base-building or city-building types of games. Dwarf Fortress was a huge thing for me when I was younger, and I still play it every now and then, though not nearly as much as I used to.

What introduced me to RimWorld specifically was when I hopped on to one of SovietWomble's streams on Twitch. I had joined in the middle of one of his games, "The Ice Cats". After a couple days of watching him play, I decided I wanted to get RimWorld for myself. So here I am.

-What's your favorite other game?

My favorite "other" game has easily got to be ArmA II and III. I've been a fan of shooter games for a number of years, and I still play games from the Call of Duty and Battlefield franchises, but when I played the base ArmA II (I originally only bought it to play DayZ), I was hooked. I liked the relative realism of the ArmA series, the ability to actually communicate with my squadmates, and the massive map sizes. I was a bit skeptical at ArmA III's "futuristic" setting, but after playing it for a little while, I decided 'hey, this isn't that bad' and just rolled with it. Besides, that's what the RHS mods are for.

-Most embarrassing gaming-related story?

It's actually currently going on right now... a pack of murderous gazelles, of all creatures, decided to come tearing through my RimWorld city. I was just barely able to get all five of my current colonists behind the door of the dining/general-purpose room, and the gazelles kept bashing on the door till it was at 1% health, whereupon they left it alone. Now they're just running around, and I'm waiting for them to bugger off so I can finish some things outside.

-What kind of breakfast cereal is the best?

I don't eat breakfast often enough to tell you :P