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Messages - Resurak

Quote from: Ioncloud on March 03, 2020, 11:13:45 AM
Well, I've been working on updating this to 1.1, I have a few things to get sorted out... but this is my first foray into modding for rimworld so I'm learning as I go... I do have 20+ years of software dev under my belt so it's mostly just figuring out the harmony/verse semantics...

I think the last thing I need to fix is on load all the items in the storage platform burst out and destroy whatever is in the tiles around it >.>

Well, if you can update these mods you'll have my complete respect! Been waiting for any update to this, you are a life saver!
Releases / Re: [1.0] Common Sense - basic AI tweaks
February 29, 2020, 03:17:48 AM
Hi! Will you update the github version to 1.1?
Releases / Re: [1.0][MODLIST] My Simple Useful Mods
February 26, 2020, 04:03:10 AM
Hi! I really love all your mods (especially replace stuff, share the load and enhancement pack) and i find that vanilla should have all this behaviours. All i wanted to say is keep up the good work and i'll wait impatiently for your mods to update, and hope you'll make many other great mods! :D
hi falconne! do you plan to update to 1.1? really love this mod btw, it's essential!!
Releases / Re: [1.0]Mine Tortoise-HELLO!
July 25, 2018, 09:10:41 AM
Quote from: Cassiopea on July 25, 2018, 05:53:28 AM
Quote from: Tynan on July 25, 2018, 04:23:51 AM
So evil.

Please make it one of the incidents. "Raiders jury-rigged explosives on a manhunter pack and sent it your way".
That would be too much evil. They are raiders, not ISIS.
Your cat is incredible. Another stolen job I see, you are a terrible person!

Ok time to try this mod too :D

P.s: the denim one is fantastic, i don't know if this mod support denim but i hope it does ^^.
Releases / Re: [1.0]Mine Tortoise-HELLO!
July 25, 2018, 04:09:44 AM
I'm downloading this only for the sake of that image. Dude it's gorgeous.

This is the true potential of a mod, with this you can think "i have an idea, i can make it real, so i'll just make it". F*** yeah, why not, all the people should think this way.

Now with this mod what you believed was a cute, little, tasty turtle, now is your greatest fear and the danger can be hidden everywhere.

Sound of explosion far from base
Notification: Death
"How the f..."
I think that your cat did this alone and you stole it! Confess!! XD

Looks pretty dope, i'll try this soon, gotta make my poor people happy with this new brand, Jean's Jeans! Summer sales!

I'm not an expert on the balance side (i'm an expert only in one thing: mistakes), but i'll let you know anyway what i think about the overall balance :)

Releases / Re: [1.0] Archotech Expanded
July 23, 2018, 03:08:28 PM
As someone who NEVER read the description of things well, i've read everything xD.

But guys, wait a minute. What is an archotec? A state? A kingdome? Or ancient people that were named Archotech? We talk about archotech here, archotech there, but it's an ancient technology or great people considered like titans, woshipped by the normal people?

What I have in mind is: why there aren't more information about this, it's an ancient secret?

I think this game need an archotech faction, super powerful and god-like persons. This idea maybe isn't crazy. You want the archotech technology? You have to defeat the last Archotech that are defending the ruins!
Quote from: dodviper on July 23, 2018, 09:09:04 AM
Quote from: Resurak on July 23, 2018, 07:13:52 AM

Now there are no errors given, but the pipes are not connecting. I built it, saved the game, exited & loaded back, now its like this:
Don't know... just tried and i'm not experiencing this at all, my pipes load fine at every reload of the game.
Maybe some other mod conflict, or maybe the pipes atlas isn't configured well (i had to fix those too). Try to post here the startup log dialog
Releases / Re: [1.0] Animals Logic 🐾
July 23, 2018, 07:04:45 AM
Hi, just letting you know that there is an issue with the carbon mod, waterproofing research prerequisites no more needed for the underwater carbon conduit :D

Quote from: dodviper on July 23, 2018, 06:48:14 AM
Hi! I really appreciate this mod revival, sadly it doesn't work for me, please check my screenshots:
Quote from: Resurak on July 22, 2018, 04:19:37 PM
Here is the release: (download on Source code zip)
Pay attention on the description of the release please, and report here every issue that you may encounter.

P.s: a special thanks go to Jdalt40 for updating and compiling the C# files!

Enjoy :D

Try this release, if you keep getting error be sure you are playing with the latest version of the game.
Found the problem, fixed it myself xD

The problem simply was the file name of the buildings. On the startup I keep having the same errors again and again, so I just read them and found that _front, _back and _side were from previous builds and the right ones were _north, _south and _east (respectively).

So, changed all the names, also double-checked that everything in the xml files were fine, aaaand:

Ta-daaa! I'm gonna check the xml files too, i think some lines of code needs update.

Also, i saw some errors with the sound, i'll check those too.


Ok, changed something and now this mod it's error free, here is the code:

In Buildings_Temperature.xml
Lines 33, 230, 297, 363: <minifiedDef>MinifiedFurniture</minifiedDef> should be instead <minifiedDef>MinifiedThing</minifiedDef>

In Buildings_Temperature and in Buildings_Temperature_Base change <filthLeaving>BuildingRubble</filthLeaving> with <filthLeaving>Filth_RubbleBuilding</filthLeaving>

And that's it. Now I have to figure out what's the error with the sound, but those errors are not red (yellow) so i think we are good to go.
Quote from: Jdalt40 on July 22, 2018, 05:17:03 AM
Can you try redownloading it now? Since honestly, I don't know, I'm experiencing no errors now and I've given it to others that have experienced no issues at all.
Ok in a couple of hours i'll try, gotta go work. I'll let you know