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Messages - EntityFramework

Quote from: account13123 on May 21, 2019, 11:47:45 AM
I'm doing some testing to see what the best trait/bionic combinations are and this involves making over a dozen pawns swap weapons over a dozen times. I'm NOT doing that manually lmao.

It's absolutely silly that this isn't a stock feature, thanks for making this.

I know, really!
Btw, I had  revamped this version so as to separate outfits from weapons. it's weapon of choice.
Last time I checked this worked fine but it's been like 4 or 5 months since I last played RimWorld.
Quote from: Rex705 on May 03, 2019, 06:52:16 AM
I would love to be able to choose what other factions can wear and equip. When you have a bunch of clothing and weapon mods factions can come out wearing a mix of everything and look stupid. So it would be nice to customize the factions to wear and equip the proper stuff.

Ohh, I get it. Yeah.
Probably it wouldn't be a feature of this mod since this is only for the player, but i guess a similar gui to this could be used... somehow
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] WeaponOfChoice [Beta]
March 09, 2019, 01:44:56 PM
Quote from: rawrfisher on February 26, 2019, 05:32:31 PM
I would be surprised if something dont come up.  I run roughly 130 mods with several of them being major ones.
I'll ask this now so I know what to expect. 

How does this mod handle a mod such as weapon storage?  Answer:  This mod does not recognize a weapon storage as a valid stockpile so pawns ignore weapons in it.

How does it work with dual wield? Answer : Pawns will only equip 1 weapon much to my dismay

How does it work with Mod added guns.  Answer: Works fine with them far as I can tell.

Does it include bottles and logs? Answer: No but who really wants to arm their colonists with bottles and big sticks anyway.

That's right. Compatibility is pretty limited. I have a rule to let the creator of the other mods make a pull request and if the change works, merge it into my mod..
Or let them change their mods to make it compatible with mine.
I just made an exception with BPC, in which I recompiled the assembly to make it work.
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] WeaponOfChoice [Beta]
February 25, 2019, 09:49:02 PM
Quote from: rawrfisher on February 25, 2019, 08:06:29 PM
The githubs a tad confusing atm I'm looking for a usable version.

If you want just the mod without BetterPawnControl, just download WeaponOfChoice-Beta.rar file and decompress it into the mods folder of the game.
If you want the mod with the betterPawnControl integration, download the betterPawnControl .dll file  and too... Overwrite the vanilla betterPawnControl you are using with the one you downloaded and do the same with the languages folder.. Make sure to backup everything -- Latest Pre-Release

In There is a Readme with more detailed information.
Feel free to ask me anything else and create an issue ticket if some weird problem arises.

Releases / Re: [1.0] Better Pawn Control (v1.9.9)
February 25, 2019, 11:56:25 AM
Quote from: VouLT on February 25, 2019, 08:10:48 AM
Hi EntityFramework,

As far as I can tell you shouldn't require to recompile your mod everytime a new version comes out from BPC, specially if the functions you integrating with haven't changed the signature. I've also stopped updating the Assembly version and started using the version.xml file instead. What do you think of this?

Nono, I'm not recompiling my mod, I'm recompiling yours, because the changes to integrate your mod within mine are done in your assembly. If you want I can give the assembly or the code of your mod that I modified to make it compatible
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] WeaponOfChoice [Beta]
February 25, 2019, 11:54:27 AM
Quote from: rawrfisher on February 25, 2019, 11:23:31 AM
Do pawns auto equip weapons?

Yes, that's the idea :)
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] WeaponOfChoice [Beta]
February 24, 2019, 10:50:07 PM
Hopefully Final Beta Branch Fix Released. You might need to load a savegame prior to enabling this mod, or not.
Releases / Re: [1.0] Better Pawn Control (v1.9.9)
February 24, 2019, 11:34:46 AM
I recompiled your Mod to make it work with WeaponOfChoice  and it works just fine. I still need to fix a critical error in WeaponOfChoice though
Quote from: tehchanman on February 18, 2019, 11:13:48 AM
just curious, would this be compatible with dual wield? would be amazing.

I'm curious too, lol . I should see what are the changes in that mod. if it touches the outfit system it might not.
Unfinished / Re: [WIP] WeaponOfChoice [Beta]
February 17, 2019, 11:01:57 PM
Mod Update
Modified BPC assembly
There is a folder with a recompiled version of Voult's BPC project with additional modifications so as to integrate it within the mod. Replace this assembly into the one you currently have in BPC mod folder and your policies will also affect Weapon Presets . Remember to make a backup of the original assembly.. It works but might need testing anyway.
Releases / Re: [1.0] Better Pawn Control (v1.9.8)
February 17, 2019, 06:33:13 PM
Quote from: VouLT on February 15, 2019, 05:50:24 PM
This is great!! NICE!

Thanks Voult!, btw I just released the public beta:

Ludeon forum:

I am trying to fiddle with your code to see If I can integrate it within my mod. Do you know if it is hard to make a patch in your mod to save and load the policies for the weapons column?
Quote from: Other_Olly on February 14, 2019, 04:18:26 PM
I'm having an issue where (nonviolent) pawns who have no weapon equipped will not automatically put on apparel from their assigned outfit.  Nor will they discard worn out items.  Whether they have a weapon equipped does seem to be the important variable.  Allowing them weapons that I don't have in stock doesn't solve the problem, but allowing weapons I do have causes them to pick up a weapon, and then start filling their apparel slots.  No errors seem to be generated by this issue.

Ahh Thanks for reporting that. Might be that the mod didn't take into account nonviolent pawns. I could try to fix that.. or you could try the new Beta Revamped version of this mod that I released just now here. :

Github page:
Lurdeon Forums:

You should not have issues disabling WeaponsAndOutfits and enabling this other.

Quote from: falconne on February 17, 2019, 02:10:43 PM
Are you planning to put this in the Steam Workshop

Not likely for two reasons:
1- I have the game drm-free So Can't post mods in steam
2- This mod will likely to be discontinued since the new revamped version might be better.. Check this:

Ludeon forums:
Github Page:

Make sure to disable weaponsAndOutfits.

Btw falconne, your heatmap mod is a super handy tool :), avoid friendly fire too!
Unfinished / [WIP] WeaponOfChoice [Beta]
February 17, 2019, 04:49:05 PM
Weapons Of Choice

A revamped version of WeaponsAndOutfits ( . This time the weapons configuration is not part of the apparel outfit system.

Additional Features
You can now choose among your allowed filtered equippables some "priority" equippables. Click on the dropdown to the right of the filter in the dialog menu and choose your top 3 equippables you want your pawn to pay special attention to. You can leave one or two unchosen dropdowns , not problem, the rest of the filtered equippables will be treated as non-prioritized and will be similar to apparel in the outfits menu. [Read the Equip Logic for more info]

Equip logic
The following two propositions governs the logic behind the picking and equipping of the searched weapon:

1- Priority Weapons ignores filters quality and health % -> Means that not only will be the first weapons to search before attempting to search in the non-priority list, but also the pawn completely disregards quality and health % as said.

3- A pawn that has equipped a priority weapon in level 2 won't try to search for a weapon in level 1 Priority (lvl 1 > lvl 2 > lvl 3)

So far, compatible with the same mods as WeaponsAndOutfits. During the week I will integrate BPC (Better Pawn Control) within it (Though it is a task for Voult I think)

Make sure to disable WeaponsAndOutfits

Known Issues
1- When opening the weapon dialog menu and attempting to create a new weapon preset it might take a couple of seconds before something happens. If you see this happen frequently add it as an issue in github, here.

As before, huge thanks to the discord rimworld modding group for their help in the modding process. If you are modding and you're stuck at it, pay a visit to them ;).

GitHub Release:

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Thank you all for the comments :). Before the end of the week, I will try to release the beta of the revamped version. It should be compatible with the same mods as WeaponAndOutfits, but will try to integrate it onto other mods

Quote from: Other_Olly on February 13, 2019, 03:12:08 PM
Simple Sidearms integration would indeed be pretty great.  I imagine it would be difficult, though.

I wouldn't know it, since I haven't played with that mod. But the idea is to team up with the author of that mod and merge both mods.
I will make it compatible with Better Pawn Control, though.
Releases / Re: [1.0] Better Pawn Control (v1.9.8)
February 10, 2019, 05:01:25 PM
Hi Voult, Just passing by to tell you that a revamped version of WeaponsAndOutfits is almost finished and I look forward to integrate your mod functionality within mine. :)

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