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Messages - PatientAsian

Screenshot of the bug:

I hope you guys can help me with this one.

I've narrowed down the issue to be about power conduits, although I initially thought it was about the Invisible Power Conduits mod. I disabled it, destroying my invisible power net in the process, but the grey screen was gone.

However; now, whenever I build power conduits across or in this room (the laboratory above the magenta power line), the screen turns grey again and the debug log spams the issue in the first screenshot.

I've tried destroying anything there could be around the area in Dev mode, but I'm not sure what I could do from here on.

So in summary, what we know is:

  • The game works until I build power conduits in certain spots
  • It does not appear to have anything to do with the invisible conduits, as I replicated the issue with vanilla power conduits.

If you've got any smart ideas, please send them my way. I was really getting into this new campaign and although it is little time in the Rimworld universe, I'd suck to throw 21 hours out the window :(