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Messages - EkuDza

*Research boinic parts from EPOE*
ME: Mispy
Mispy: Yes chef?
Me: Remove simple prospetic arm from Andre, make bionic version and install it please.
Mispy: Ok chef!
*some time later*
Mispy: Um chef, we have a problem.
Me: What's up?
Mispy: I Remove a arm, make a bionic version but... in instuction on that part a cleary write: "Not for Wirdows..."
Me: So... we can install simple arms, but we can't install boinic?

So... i made EPOE bionic arm and i can't install it... (but can install hand...))
And shredder legs its a best what i can install on widow?
Quote from: Canute on April 01, 2019, 10:30:59 AM
I see the wine at my play, did you add the black widows to an existing safegame ?
Then the drug policy don't get updated, but that more or less vanila behavior.

I created a new politics and wine is showed, lol.
bug?: In drug policy window i not see i wine of memories

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bug?: I wanna more gravespark fruit ))) (attachment)

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Quote from: zamnath on March 23, 2019, 11:36:27 PM
The core mind debuff is there to counterbalance the brood mind's buffs. There's a rare bionic that allows you to replace the core mind with a normal (equivalent) brain, which allows consciousness to reach absurd levels. It's more thematic than anything else. Widows have a symbiotic brain that networks with their own and they've evolved to rely on it, causing their original brain to atrophy.

So... i can remove it... and its not make any sence because i can remove it without any problems...

(i test it, yes i can remove it witchout any future problems)

Req: edit a parts name or tasks name. One window lost a arm, and when i want a installl prostesis i have some... indetification problems (or make in top a organs map)

Edit: mmm, so much left clavicle's

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Quote from: zamnath on March 23, 2019, 05:28:50 PM
Hmm. Is it only wooden legs, or are other Widow prosthetic and implants not working for you? Glad to hear your original issues are resolved. Hopefully we can iron out this one, too.

I think only wood legs, i spawn another widow prosthetic (bionic) and i have task to install it.
Q: for what sense need a "Core Mind" it have only debuffs

edit: bug? Cannot trade witch black widow city.(attach)
Request: little change Widower armor covers, it not cover a legs, but sprite have a leg armors. (Not check another armors)

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Quote from: zamnath on March 22, 2019, 04:58:59 PM
@EkuDza: Talked to the Rim of Madness folks and they asked that you do some work on your mod order as mod conflicts are making it difficult to parse your log (and could be causing many of your issues)

And we go next...

Update a mod and sort a mods how you recomend and...(see attachment) (hugliblog
How i can idetifing its something about widow implats.

Current modlist

    <li>No more sleeping Zs</li>
    <li>Sparkling Worlds Events</li>
    <li>Realistic Rooms</li>
    <li>SmartMedicine - Release</li>
    <li>USCM - Xenomorphs 1.0</li>
    <li>Black Widows Release 2.00</li>

I make some experiments witch mod plasing, maybe it can fix.

EDIT: Lol, move EPOR and A Dog Said in a bottom and errors are disapear
EDIT2: Hm, maybe its a bad idea move its to bottom, i no see any tasks to install wooden leg on widow.

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Quote from: zamnath on March 21, 2019, 11:07:22 PM
Also, while speaking about the elder things ability issue on the elder things discord, they requested that you post your hugslogs. If you get those to me, I'll be certain to pass it on to the Rim of Madness discord and hopefully they can work with me to figure out what might be causing your issue.


And i find a bug when i set a operation "install womb mind" (i no have that part in storage) and healer mob just come close to parient and just use anastesia, stay a while and... nothing.
and i have another operation, but i no have that part. (see attach)

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I think i got the idea why i see 0 shield bar.
Because helmet (widow reaver helmet) not have a recharge rate, and it cannot recharge

Question: you mod integrated witch EPOE?

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Quote from: zamnath on March 18, 2019, 12:58:59 PM

Hmm. Hadn't thought about making the statues rotatable. Like the idea, though. I'll put it on the list of things to do. I'll consider adding a wooden leg equivalent, too. Seems like a reasonable enough request.

Edit: Got wooden leg working with Widows and it will be released when I release the next update (probably 2 or 3 days). Rotateable art is likely to take more time, however.
You can made rottable statues witchout extra arts, just use current art for a begining. Or remove a DAMN CIRCLE(see atachment)

And i have some bug witch another mod (Call-of-Cthulhu---Elder-Things- i think), Widow take a elder abilities. (2 attachment)
And shield counter stay at 0 (but sometimes it fiil, maybe after destroying a shield);
My modlist
    <li>No more sleeping Zs</li>
    <li>Realistic Rooms</li>
    <li>USCM - Xenomorphs 1.0</li>
    <li>Black Widows Release 2.00</li>
    <li>Sparkling Worlds Events</li>
    <li>SmartMedicine - Release</li>

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Sorry for bad english:

I make accaunt only for next words:
rotation for sculpures...please... so much pain for my inner fēngshuǐ

And he has something for early prosthesis (from wood exmpl), because too annoying when he's loss a legs after any battle (10 hp on legs and no legs armor... ppppaaainnnnn~)?