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Messages - Menoske

Mod bugs / Re: Scenario Edit Exception Errors
August 03, 2021, 05:14:39 PM
I got lucky on my trial and error.  Looks like the offending mod is Stuffable Vanilla Armor.  Will post on their mod page on Steam to let them know.
Mod bugs / Scenario Edit Exception Errors
August 03, 2021, 04:42:23 PM
When I try and start a new game and click the Scenario Edit button, when I go into Edit mode, no new window pops up and I can't edit the scenario.  I know its a mod causing it because without mods it works fine.  I'm having issues tracking down which one it is though.  Attached is the HugsLib log for it.  I've tried deleting all Rimworld files in the LocalLow folder and doing a Steam validation of Rimworld.

Any help would be appreciated.
Ideas / Mod Idea - Chasms
February 28, 2020, 02:49:20 PM
I always felt that mountain bases in particular could use some interesting terrain choices.  I'd love to see a mod that adds a "Chasm" type terrain that behaves like deep water.  It would give the mountains a more 3D feel and could cause some interesting pathing choices like deep water.  I would allow bridge building over it, but anything on the bridge dies if it collapses like in deep water.

I think it would add a little more visual flair as well.
Quote from: Canute on August 30, 2019, 02:22:55 PM
I can't verify it.
Non-steam version, i activate the mod, started a game, changed some mod option, safed game.
Disable that mod and no error msg.

Mine is the Steam version.  And it may not happen any more now that the mod has been updated a couple of times.  It could be a somewhat unique case with mod conflicts, configurations, or something else that me and a few other people got hit with.  Since it occurred only when RimOverhaul was removed/disabled for us, I just wanted to let the mod author know. 
Quote from: Canute on August 29, 2019, 04:31:26 PM
No that mod don't change anything at Core, at last not at the "bad" way to overwrite Core files.
Sure it patch alot of things, but at the way a mod should do it.
Yes disable a mod give red error's at first. But these should have been gone at the next rimworld startup.
When you still got error's did you use one or both of the followup mod/patches and forget to disable them too ?

Subsequent startups continued to have red errors.  In addition it would completely disable the entire modlist during each startup. Like you would go into your modlist and everything was disabled.  I was on the discord working with about a half dozen other people who had similar errors after unloading from RimOverhaul.  Please note this started from just unloading RimOverhaul, not unsubsribing.  I even removed all save files and still had the same behaviour.  As for the followups/patches, not that I'm aware of, but there could have been an issue since I think I was using Core Armor that apparently depends on RimOverhaul.  Even then I would have expected red errors but not a complete disabling/corruption of the modlist.  I attempted to re-enable all of my mods, even even tried enabling one at a time and it still broke on subsequent loads and disabled all of the mods.

I've since re-installed and gotten everything back working, but I am no longer adding in RimOverhaul as much as I enjoyed it pre-ores/gas. 
Don't know if you've gotten any reports, but the removal of RimOverhaul (both disabling and unsubscribing) has been causing some major issues for some users.  I unsubscribed from it yesterday and it completely corrupted my mod list and caused red error log spams, even after uninstallting and re-installing Rimworld.  My only fix so far has been to unsubscribe from all of my mods, uninstall Rimworld, remove all local remnants (AppData) and re-install Rimworld.

I'm not sure what's going on, but thought I should bring it up here.
Unfinished / [1.0][WIP]Science Is Magic!
July 31, 2019, 07:47:47 AM
Overall Concept
Science is Magic allows a colony to pursue either scientific or magical capabilities, each adding new offensive, defensive, and utility abilities to the colony and its residents.  Colonies will have a choice to build a permanent indestructible structure that will lock the colony into the path its chosen.  For scientific discoveries the Nanite Engine will fuel research while the Mana Font will fuel magical studies.  Use science to create nanite serums that give pawns new abilities or embed magic rune stones into a pawn to instill magical abilities!

Initial Release
The initial release is planned to include 36 new pawn abilities (18 science and 18 magic) and 6 colony "ultimate" capabilities (3 science and 3 magic). These ultimate capabilities are described more in detail below.  I am not planning on adding new weapons and apparel at this time.  I'd prefer weapons and apparel to be unique.

Scientific abilities focus on harnessing the power of space, gravity, time, and biological sciences to create black holes, put pawns in stasis, regrow limbs, or harness the elements to freeze, paralyze or burn your foes!  Example abilities include Black Hole which sucks in enemy pawns before collapsing on itself dealing damage, Neuro-Nanites which reduce cognitive functions until a pawn is incapacitated or creating a Napalm Wave of fire to dispatch those pesky raiders!

Magical abilities focus on harnessing the powers of nature, psionics, and light to reflect projectiles, summon golems, or create mirages to confuse enemies, and also maybe summon tornados made of fire to damage and cause heat stroke to large groups of raiders!  Other abilities include light orbs which automatically strike out at nearby foes, infuse plants with mana to complete their growth cycle, and good ole chain lightning.

These are meant to be game changers, but still somewhat balanced.  They will be very expensive to create and replace if for some reason they are destroyed. 

For science, summon a giant mech that provides nanite shields or nanite infused rounds to deal additional damage for all friendly pawns.  Or maybe you'd like to turn your map into a nanite colony and increase research rates and reduce power consumption for the whole map.  If those don't tickle your fancy...then maybe you'd like to harness the entire satellite network to rain down orbital strikes and anti-grain warheads on your enemies.

For magic, your Astral Guardian can lower cooldowns and provide stone shields for all of your pawns.  The Tree of Life increases the speed of all plant growth and provides regenerative capabilities to all friendly pawns in the map!  Or...tap into the mana of the Rim to summon a maelstrom to throw meteors, hail, and tornados at those who dare attack your sanctum!

Expected Release/Assistance Needed
I'm only a part-time modder having a full time job and a family, so I put no time table on this mod.  Ideally I'd love to have it releasable within 3 months.  If anyone would like to help out with the coding of abilities, art, balancing, playtesting, or in any other capacity I would welcome the help.  I'll be setting up a roadmap to help keep track of all of the work being done on this project.

I hope you guys will enjoy this just as much as I have designing it.
Releases / Re: [1.0] Go Explore!
July 24, 2019, 02:50:26 PM
This is awesome man!!! Just saw this in the unfinished area earlier this week and got really excited about it.

Will try it out tonight!
I've recently started getting into modding...I can look at helping out part time if needed...have some minor C# knowledge and am decent with XML.
I played with this mod for a while, and really love and appreciate the additions it brings to a game, but I feel that the Volcanians are extremely unbalanced when building with mountain bases.  They get so many pluses (also always have Tough/Undergrounder traits) and very few drawbacks for mountain bases.  They get -150% toxic resist (IIRC) but with a mountain base you just hole up and never think about it.  For some reason the Volcanians are also spawning 10x more than the Avians for me.

I'd like to talk with you on the Rimworld Discord sometime about the abilities and attaching graphics to pawns (bluefire).  I'm working on a mad science mod and plan on adding abilities to bionic parts to truly make some mad science death machines.

Overall I love this mod and the new weapons are awesome as well.  Is there any way to get a standalone mod with use the weapons or bionics?
I posted the thread that Canute referenced.  It was also to support a wall turret mod.  I got it working  to an extent but stepped away from it to work on other mods.  I used the Wall Light mod and the additional joy objects mods as references for placing things on walls.

My issue now is that my code will allow it to only be placed on walls, but then it deconstructs the wall when its being built.  I think that's an issue with my ThingDef instead of the code itself, but I have an earlier working version where the turret installs fine on the walls (without C#) but they can be placed everywhere as well.  Now to reconcile it.

Feel free to PM me later today and I'll share my custom PlaceWorker with you for placing on walls.
Help / Re: Help Needed - Build Only on Walls
July 11, 2019, 09:56:18 PM
Thanks, I realized this about 10 minutes after I posted.  I managed to pull it down and roughly get it working.  Still having some texture issues and builder issues, but I at least have the placeWorker built and somewhat working.

I think we can call this case closed.  Now that I know how to look at this stuff, I should be able to finish modding this a lot quicker than I had hoped.
Help / Re: Help Needed - Build Only on Walls
July 11, 2019, 08:53:38 PM
Canute, thanks for the reference....I think I'm almost there but it appears im missing some references for DocsWallMod.  I have his placeworker code, but there's a small part that I can't figure out (ILSpy returns some things as ?? and then I can't build).

I'm still looking into Doc still around/is there a discord I can reach him on to pick his brain?  Or any other modder's brain?

Help / Help Needed - Build Only on Walls
July 11, 2019, 01:18:23 PM
I've got a mod made that allows turrets to be wall-mounted.  Right now it will allow the turrets to be built on walls, but also allows them to be built on ground.  Is there a way through the XML to only allow it to build on a wall?  I think I'm just missing an XML tag, but I'm not sure.  If not, what would be the best approach through C# to force these turrets to only be built on walls?
I'm building a mod and have most of it working, but I'd like to add a new status with a graphic onto the pawn once another status reaches 100%.  So right now I've added a Cryo-Gun into the game that applies a "Cryo-Freezing" HeDiff to the target based on the infection base type.  I'm trying to get the mod to apply a Frozen status once Cryo-Freezing reaches 100% and apply an iceblock graphic to the pawn once Frozen has been applied.

I have the Frozen Hediff and Cryo-Freezing Hediffs created in xml, and the gun applies the Cryo-Freezing Hediff just fine, I just can't seem to figure out how to apply the Frozen Hediff and the graphic once the conditions are met.

Any help or direction would be appreciated.