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Messages - iskillzi

General Discussion / Re: Prisoners & Recruiting
July 29, 2016, 02:24:02 PM
Quote from: Britnoth on July 28, 2016, 11:29:53 AM
it used to be just the warden skill, as long as prisoner mood was above 35%.

Now it is wardens skill, rapport built up with the warden (look under social tab), and mood of the prisoner.

You also get a large bonus for the warden being related to the prisoner in some way.

My favourite recruit so far was in my first a14 game: Someone tried to prison break, immediately met a dog and 2 colonists outside their cell door. Got knocked down in a matter of seconds. My warden then tried to chat to them instead of taking them back to their prison cell, and recruited them while they were still in extreme pain and unable to walk.  ::)

I see, so it is beneficial then to make the prisoner room 5x6, carpet, sculpture, non-shared etc to increase their mood a ton to recruit them?
General Discussion / Prisoners & Recruiting
July 28, 2016, 10:08:46 AM
I can't find much information on this in the wiki so I'm wondering a couple things about prisoners and recruiting them.

Is there anything that relates to the success of recruiting a prisoner other than the warden's social skill?

Does their mood benefit anything other than keeping them from mentally breaking?

Anything else useful that relates to prisoners/recruiting you have to share?
Bugs / Spacious Interior Bug
July 28, 2016, 01:34:49 AM
Clearly my pawn is in a 1x2 room which shouldn't be considered spacious in the least, he is the only pawn that has that buff though, the others do not. Which leads me to believe the cooler is the reason for this.

Edit: I lied, the last one on the bottom also has spacious interior so I'm not sure what's causing it, and though the arrow in the picture clearly shows space should be decaying, it's stuck at 71%.

General Discussion / Turret Explosions
July 28, 2016, 12:31:21 AM
I read on the wiki turret explosions do 100 damage to sand bags but my question is can sand bags block the explosion like walls can? (ie prevent explosion from going more than 1 block)
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 27, 2016, 09:32:47 PM
Flippin' Coolers!

It'd be nice if we could change the heat/cool direction to make coolers more like air conditioners thus removing the need for heaters, and by change the direction I mean literally an option to change the cool/heat directions. Or maybe just add an air conditioner as a cheap research option of 150-300 research points and potentially add a higher power consumption to offset the lower metal cost due to not needing to build both a heater and cooler.
Ideas / Re: Animal Incest - ?
July 27, 2016, 09:17:35 PM
I support this, if the goal is to balance taming vs hunting for food then maybe make the time for animals to be born longer, rather than removing incest.
Ideas / Co-Op Suggestion, Maybe DLC?
July 27, 2016, 07:58:37 PM
Hello, I heard on reddit that co-op is not a planned feature for this game, but I think it should be and I have an idea that could be a great addition for the game to boost popularity. I think co-op would be extremely fun if it allowed multiple players to colonize the same map and interact in 3 ways #1 trading, either via sending a caravan party (also a suggestion if co-op is a viable idea) or via comm console. #2 assisting via sending your pawns to aid other players if they have say a raid or just need more pawns for rebuilding or whatever. and #3 of course, a chat so you can actually ask for help and communicate.

The main problem with this idea in my opinion would be the way time works on co-op, 1 person pausing for everyone would be extremely annoying, but 1 person pausing while others can continue playing may lead to exploits. I would prefer the time management to be personal not co-op but like I said, could lead to exploits such as 1 person pausing raid while the other(s) play until they reach a point where they're available to send backup.

Someone on reddit also mentioned that it would be hard to do this since it's already released on steam, however to make it easier I'd suggest making this DLC similar to "Don't Starve Together" because I personally would love to pay say $5-10 for this mode.

Last notes: Poll above is to see how popular of an idea this would be for the community to either motivate or de-motivate the addition of it. If you have any additions you'd like to add or just comments then don't forget to post!

Also: link to my reddit question for anyone interested in seeing my initial question:
Ideas / Re: War Pets!
July 15, 2014, 01:30:45 PM
Quote from: Shinzy on July 15, 2014, 11:41:39 AM
thanks =P you gave me the mental image of a realy posh looking muffalo with a tophat, monocle and moustache.

but given how fast the tiny animals die in combat I don't know why anyone would bother taming anything else than bunch of pack muffalos

Haha I would love to see that sort of gentlemuffalo? look in game :D

But yea the reason I say tame pets is to allow for strategy. While muffalo's would be great tanky pets to use as mobile walls, boomrats would make fires upon death allowing you to set fire to path ways causing enemies to burn making for a nice death trap setup..
Ideas / Re: War Pets!
July 15, 2014, 09:37:26 AM
Quote from: Shinzy on July 15, 2014, 09:03:56 AM
I like the idea
especially the colonist limit one, they could bring some additional mood benefits for the owner too
who wouldn't like boomy the boomrat pacing around the base like a blob of cuteness that it is =P

also muffy

Haha I really like that muffy picture, that'd be a nice touch for a tamed female animal (pink hair bows)  :D. then a male could have like a hat or something just to make it distinct from other animals..

But yea a mood bonus for having a pet would be nice, a simple +10 for example.. then if the pet dies it'll be -5 for awhile and if they see the pet die/dead then it'd be -10 for awhile to off set that bonus..
Ideas / War Pets!
July 15, 2014, 08:14:48 AM
I was just thinking about a seemingly easy way for you guys to implement pets into the game!
Pets would basically mean your colonists could tame the wild life (muffalo's, squirrels, and boomrats) then each would have their respective roles such as all 3 could be used to attack enemies, and muffalo's (only muffalo's) could be used to haul things, being controlled by the player after being tamed.

And to tame them as well as keep a restriction to amount of tamed you could limit the colonist to pet ratio 1:1 so if someone has 5 colonists they can have 5 pets (of any kind).

Now to keep a requirement for this but keep it easy to add to the coding you could make a bed specific for pets that you could just name a pet bed which would be just like a regular bed but on the floor would be 1x2 just as a bed is.

So basically if you think about it the only thing you really would need to code for this (that I'm seeing) is a taming order as well as artwork for a new bed then the code for the animals would become the same as colonists but with restrictions such as not able to do anything but haul/fight...
Personally I support all of these ideas, however the babies one I think would be better if it could be legit babies instead of clones..

For example this could require a room with the fancy bed (or whatever it's called, the double bed) and 1 male, 1 female colonist.. then overtime the female colonist could have like a pregnant debuff which reduces her movement speed as well as all her work speeds by -20% for example, then after awhile boom a baby pops out which after 2-3 weeks in game becomes an adult ;D

And during youth the baby could for example only clean and haul (half the amount of an adult) so it's not completely useless.

This would make it more realistic as well as more balanced than just having a colonist creating machine to pop out adults every now and then.
Ideas / Re: Colonist Implants
July 14, 2014, 07:47:59 PM
Hello, I just wanted to say a couple things about this:

First off I'm fairly sure this was supposed to go in the mods section since it's referring to modders for the idea instead of the game devs.

But I kinda like the idea overall, however saying so I'm fairly sure this is what Ty has planned for the already in game traits (the things on the bottom left corner of colonist creation screen that say "these are just story bits for now".

So I'm assuming these are already planned on being added sometime even before beta comes.

If you read this Ty could you possibly say whether or not this is accurate that you have plans to use the traits for these sort of things? I'm interested to know ;D
Ideas / Re: Muffalo breeding zones
July 14, 2014, 07:36:56 PM
Quote from: christhekiller on July 14, 2014, 09:39:32 AM
Yea I do believe I remember seeing people discuss it before.

Perhaps remove the requirement to have it enclosed. Just make it a zone and they could bring various animals to it. If there isn't a fence then the Muffalo and animals will naturally wander out and just be a pain-in-the-arse. Perhaps even make it just a regular husbandry zone and you could breed boomrats and squirrels too. Would certainly be funny making raiders run through a field of boomrats to get to me lol.

True true, I just feel like without the enclosed requirement it'd be too easy to breed them considering each muffalo drops over 100 meat, but yea boomrat breeding trap would be funny for the waves xD
Ideas / Re: Muffalo breeding zones
July 14, 2014, 08:08:42 AM
Quote from: BetaSpectre on July 13, 2014, 09:25:56 PM
Animal Husbandry is a highly supported suggestion.

Agreed, has this come up before in suggestions though? I feel like it might have but wasn't sure so I wanted to post my idea of what it could require to make one..
Ideas / Re: Jetpacks
July 14, 2014, 12:50:27 AM
Quote from: BetaSpectre on July 14, 2014, 12:39:30 AM
True True avoiding disadvantageous terrain may be a little OP, I'd like to be able to play the raider part sometime though.

Could always be done by simply adding a raider mode like some other games have where all you do is literally play as a raid team and try to beat some crazy setups made by other players, after something like that is made creating raids in the actual game would be a lot easier to manage..

But still this is only alpha 5, these types of things I would imagine is lower priority than for example setting up the art skill so it's not useless and adding traits as they should be fairly easy to accomplish.

I would really enjoy if he took the time to add this by or before the game enters beta however.  ::)