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Topics - CannibarRechter

Help / Mod Options
August 23, 2017, 03:45:14 PM
Hi, I've searched for Mod Options and Mod Settings, and while I've found a variety of things, it seems like they all reference C#. Is there no way to set up simple checkboxes via XML only? I want to have certain Patch operations depend on option selection (I'm building a texture mod, and want the user to be able to pick which category of thing to retexture, e.g., ground items, plants, ...).
Help / PNG textures and alpha/transparency
August 23, 2017, 08:45:25 AM

When I make a PNG file and put it in the game, full transparency clearly works as intended, but something is off about partial transparency. Am I correct in concluding that the Rimworld/Unity Cutouts ignore partial transparency, or are my perceptions off?
Help / PNG file renders almost entirely black
August 22, 2017, 07:51:24 PM

On a couple of occasions I've had PNG files that have a lot of black in them render so black they're almost a silhouette instead. The first time it happened I tried flipping to a less black item. I'm not sure what's happening here. Can someone with graphics modding skills pretty please drop this texture (attached) in their game and tell me what's happening? Thank you so much.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Help / How to stop plants flipping left right
August 21, 2017, 04:22:37 PM
Hi, plants seem to randomly flip left right. I have an edge case where this needs to not happen (just with one plant), but I can't see what setting effects this. There is nothing obvious in PlantBase, so I suspect it is hard coded...
Help / Leather texture location
August 21, 2017, 03:46:04 PM

I've hunted low and high for the in game texture used for animal leathers. The closes thing I can find is the "Leathers.png" file (in the A17 dump), which is only referenced by some icon graphics somewhere. I am looking for the texture location to override ON MAP leathers.

Anyone know if this is possible?

I've done it for all varieties of cloth and wool, but cannot seem to figure out leather.
Help / Graphics Question
August 19, 2017, 12:52:47 PM

I downloaded the (unofficial) A17 core art assets. In there, when I search for Corn, I find two entries:

CornPlantA_2 (with corn cobs on it), and
CornPlantA (without corn cobs on it)

When I look at the ThingDef for "PlantCorn" in Plants_Cultivated_Farm.xml, I see that the <graphicData> for PlantCorn points to Things/Plant/Corn/Plant, with graphicClass = GraphicRandom.

Under the <plant> entery, there is also an immatureGraphicPath of Things/Plant/Corn/Immature.

This is confusing. I am aware that when a graphic item has Graphic_Random, the reference is expected to be to a folder. I get that. But the folder and the .png file usually share a name. Note how "CornImmature" is not in any file name from the A17 texture dump. Can someone pretty please help out and tell me which file goes where if I were to override the definition of the corn plant with my own textures?

Is my copy of the A17 textures perhaps wrong?
Help / Extra Large Texture (e.g. Tree)
August 19, 2017, 07:27:44 AM

Does anyone know if it is possible to get Rimworld to render an extra large texture. Take trees, for example. These are normally 128x128. What if I wanted to make a gigantic tree 256x256, and I really wanted the game to render it at that size. Is this possible without C#?

I think the answer is "no," but I thought I would ask.

Edit: actually, I think this is the wrong question. Texture sizes appear to matter, but the actual tree size is controlled through scaling in the Tree Base. Hmmm. I'm trying to have GRAPHIC_MULTI types for trees sometimes produce a much larger tree size (with an associated larger texture). ...
Help / GameCondition: Weather Condition
August 15, 2017, 05:47:30 PM

I had a mod a while back called Wicked Winter that produced a pronounced Winter affect. I'm refreshing it for A17, but I've noticed that the GenDate class has been updated.

I originally hardcoded an offset, to be applied on DayOfYear:

      static int[] offset = {
         -14, -16, -18, -20, -20, -20, -20, -20, -20, -20, -20, -20, -18, -16, -14,
         -12, -10, -8, -6, -3, -2, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3,
         6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
         3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -2, -3, -6, -8, -10, -12      

        public override float TemperatureOffset()
         int dayOfYear = GenDate.DayOfYear;
         float tempCelcius = offset[dayOfYear];
//         Debug.Log( string.Concat(new object[] { "CR. DayOfYear = ", dayOfYear, " Temp = ",

tempCelcius }) );
         return tempCelcius;

The thing is, DayOfYear is now not available on GenDate. That's okay, but I think the real issue is that it might not be valid to assume that days 0-14 are wintry, any more. I'm thinking that, because I can find some analogous functions in GenDate that require latlons, and so forth, which seems to imply that seasons are now latitude dependent.

I could figure it out with a bit of trial and error if I have to, but I'm looking to not have to do that entirely from scratch.

Can someone enlighten me a bit, pretty please?

I took some time off from this game and modding, and now I'm playing again. I cannot recall the rules for when you do or do not have to include an Abstract class in your mod.

I can see that it is generally  superior to use xpath. But suppose that this method wasn't being used. If you want to modify PlantHaygrass, do you need to include PlantBase in your mod? I'm confused, because it seems back when I was modding in A14/A15, I frequenly included the Abstract class with any class I modified.

I can see I don't usually need to do that, because of xpath patches (which are cool), but I still want to remind myself of the rule here.

Any help?
Help / Rimworld Technical Question: Out-of-Colony CPU
September 24, 2016, 12:52:20 PM
So, this is a rather detailed question about the game engine:

What calculations occur offscreen in Rimworld?

I've become curious, as we know that off-screen pawns seem to have wounds process, age, and die. So I'm wondering how many offscreen pawns are modeled, what governs the total count of offscreen pawns, and so on?

(I posted this  under mod help mostly because I thought it was more technical than "general").
Bugs / Trait Bonuses: bugged when on NPC Pawns?
September 08, 2016, 09:22:46 AM

I had been playing around with various trait bonuses, when I begin noticing that they didn't always seem to take on various NPC pawns. This can be replicated by simply taking something simple, like Psychopath, and then add every skill in the game to it, say +10. Then set all NPC pawns to have Psychopath. Wait for a RAID, and investigate the raiders. As plain as day, they won't have this level of bonus.

This problem was occurring in A14 as well, although back then I noticed a strange thing where a small fraction of the pawns with the trait WOULD have the bonus. I haven't seen that yet, in A15. In A15, it seems that they always don't have the bonus. But I'm not sure yet, as this was a matter of chance.

I can't tell if the bonus is being applied, and then aged away through skill degradation, or this is simply a bug.
Help / Debugging; which log file?
September 04, 2016, 02:10:24 PM
Hi, I have this statement in a mod:

         Log.Error( string.Concat(new object[] { "CR. DayOfYear = ", dayOfYear, " Temp = ", temp }) );

I'm pretty sure the mod is executing. Regardless, is that statement correct, and when it executes, will the printout be expected to appear in the standard output_log.txt file in RimWorldWin_Data?

EDIT: The above is the correct thing to do.

I had a configuration error, where I started compiling to the debug dll again, and therefore the mod wasn't reflecting its changes into Rimworld properly.
Bugs / Incapable of Hauling, Hauls Anyway
September 01, 2016, 08:26:08 AM

I've got a case of a pawn who is incapable of hauling, and is hauling anyway. Under the work tab, he's (obviously) not being told to haul (as that part of the interface is disabled for the pawn). My game is modded, although the only thing that should be impacting jobs at all is Colony Manager, and I have nothing defined under hauling (I'm not even sure that CM has a hauling category of job).

I thought I'd just report this in case.

I'm still playing A14.
General Discussion / Animal Incest
August 19, 2016, 05:20:54 PM

I noticed that my rabbit farm was no longer producing rabbits. So I watched, and noticed none were pregnant, nor mating. So then I searched the net. It appears that animals won't mate with their siblings? The disadvantages of this feature are large. I can't fathom the game play that it is supposed to add to the game. Anyone have any ideas? Am I supposed to get out a piece of paper and meticulously record family trees so I don't slaughter the wrong animals? That's my fun?

General Discussion / Number of Game Threads
August 19, 2016, 09:00:50 AM

I was looking at my logs a while back, and I noticed the number of game threads assigned to the Unity Engine wasn't the same as the number of physical cores on my box. Is there a way to increase the thread count?
Outdated / [A14] CR CannibarRechters Various Mods
August 16, 2016, 07:36:04 PM
This mod contains 3 different mods that have been tested by me personally, but could likely use some balance and tuning. These mods are:

CR-Planning Designator

Do you find the vanilla planning designator too hard to see? This simple texture-only mod is for you. It uses a red square, with a transparency layer. Give it a spin.

CR-Supply Chain

This mod takes various different thing and consolidates them into more common things. The theme of this mod is "condense". For example, it can convert any type of meat into jerky, which can in turn be used to prepare meals that need meat. It also has preserves/pickles, which can accept any vegetable, and produce a universal type to be used as a generic vegetable ingredient. You can also make cheese, and pickle eggs. For the food items, generally, the consolidated thing is: denser, has a higher stack limit, and often has a higher nutritional value. It was mostly started because I hated managing all the various meat types.

The mod also includes concrete. Following the theme of the mod, you can break down any rock chunks (and blocks, if you find a need), into aggregate. You can also make rebar from steel. Concrete blocks are made from aggregate and steel. Because of the more complex production chain for concrete, I gave it some benefits: once you have concrete, you can build more quickly with it, and it is more durable than other stone types.

All CR-Supply chain items use current workbenches. You can make the food items at standard stoves (and in some cases, like Jerky, the campfire), aggregate is made at the stone cutter, and rebar can be made at a variety of benches, including the basic smith bench.


This mod gives you a use for you elephants and, if you can tame them, your thrumbo. It allows for sustainable ivory farming. You can periodically cut those tusks off your herd animals, and use them for various purposes. Ivory, from elephants, is good for art. Thrumbory, from Thrumbos, is good for art, furniture, and melee weapons. They are also good for cash income.



All of these items are released to the public domain. You may use them for any purpose without further permission or attribution. Enjoy.


I am a compulsive modder. I have never therefore actually played the vanilla game, so I may have a poor sense of balance. I tried to pick good numbers based on comparing things in the various files, and having a rationale for the numbers I picked. However, I welcome feedback on the various items.

Ideas / Harsh Winter / Harsh Summer
August 14, 2016, 05:37:59 PM
Suggestion: in addition to cold snap and heat wave permanent map conditions, offer "harsh winter" and "harsh summer" map conditions that apply during their relevant season.
Bugs / ForcedTrait at 25% appears 100% of the Time
August 13, 2016, 04:45:32 PM
This stanza:

         <li Class="ScenPart_ForcedTrait">

Produces 100% psychopath populations in the game.
Help / litterSize and eggCountRange
August 13, 2016, 07:26:45 AM
Does anyone happen to know the relationship between these two XML tags? From experimentation, I think eggs don't hatch if there's not a litterSize attached...
Help / Difficulties.xml
August 11, 2016, 10:35:24 AM
Hi, in the DifficultyDef definitions, there are two XML tags of interest: 1) threatScale, and 2) enemyReproductionRateFactor. How are these to be interpreted?

I could assume that 1 impacts the quality of their gear, and that 2 impacts the size of their groups, or I could assume that 1 impacts the size of their groups, and 2 impacts the frequency of the raids, or something else. Any insight?