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Topics - eugeneb

Bugs / Asocial caravan
June 08, 2019, 03:20:21 PM
Not 100% sure about this one because I skipped the notification but I believe I just got "X visiting the colony, they have a few items to trade" and they are hanging around my base with some silver. However none of them have the icon to initiate trade. I clicked around and one of their colonists is incapable of social and I highly suspect it's their caravan leader. It's kind of hilarious in a way so not sure if feature or bug. And to be fair in the past I also launched a small caravan only to facepalm upon arrival when I discoverws that I assigned an incapable of social colonist to it :D
Bugs / Colonist not forming bond with dog
June 08, 2019, 01:01:22 PM
I have a colonist who is on handle duty and I've seen many times the notification that says colonist_name and dog_name have formed a bond but when I go to examine things, the bond doesn't show up anywhere (unassigning the dog from them doesn't cause mood penalty either). I've definitely seen this happen at least twice for my current colony, but probably happened more because I didn't always pay attention or follow through and examined it. Let me know if save file will help.
Bugs / Pawn goes berserk for no reason
May 31, 2019, 12:17:21 AM

I am playing the latest stable (i.e. not a beta) and I've encountered a very strange breakdown that might be a bug. I have a raid coming and my pawns are all in the same room dressing up into their gear. Suddenly my melee pawn goes into berserk breakdown without any reason listed and starts punching other pawns. Berserk pawn is at 100% mood, everything is satisfied, good relationship with everyone, no addictions, nobody offended them, etc.. Basically nothing I can think of. I even checked raiders to make sure they are not carrying some artifact on them. I've made two saves before and after breakdown, let me know if you want me to send those over (or is it some new mechanic?).
So many city builders out there with new ones coming out every now and then but all are the same thing: mine/plant resource A + build houses; nap while money comes in; convert resource A into B, build more houses, basic school, basic hospital; nap again; repeat this pattern. It's tempting to just skip naps, enter some cheat code for infinite money and just play with laying out your perfect city.

I've always been dreaming about a city builder built around Rimworld formula. You know, the one with challenges and an actual game underneath it all, rather than repeating the "build houses and farms" grind. Where you are forced to adapt to your environment, where game is throwing challenges at you and you have to learn from mistakes to overcome these challenges. E.g. one such challenge could be a simulated economy and simulated other cities that are going for the same sources of income you would want to go. Perhaps changing or degrading environment. Or something else. Something you can play with and feel good about figuring it out and beating it the same way you feel good about beating cold snap followed by bug infestation followed by psychic ship and then toxic fallout. Just on the larger, city level, rather than personal level like in Rimworld.

I started on Naked Brutality in desert and managed to survive for 3 seasons now. I don't have a lot of hours in 1.0 under my belt but so far I am having an extremely unusual game and I am curious whether it's normal. Almost a year in I've had 0 "wanderer joins" an 0 "someone is chased and asks for help" events. I am still surviving by myself but don't know how long luck is going to be on my side since any infection is going to be the end of me.

I've had 3 raids so far - first raider got infection and died in prison, second raider happened to be captured during unfortunate times when I was having food shortage so I had to ear her, third raider was shot by visitor and died on spot. I had one stranded person event and I tried to help, saw that the person has crazy injuries and wake-up addiction so I did a 180 turn and left. I had also a couple calls for help from prisoners but the balance of powers was a joke - I am not a Rambo to take on 3 raiders, 2 turrets and 1 mortar with my short bow.

It's not really bothering my game enjoyment and I am really curious how far I can survive and whether I am going to find a friend before I forget how to be human. But I am still kind of curious whether it's normal in the latest version or should I file a bug report or something?

One other unusual thing is that I still haven't received the popup that asks me about what name I want to give to my colony and faction. Does it show only after I have more than one person?
Bugs / Desert map without a single agave
March 16, 2019, 11:44:40 PM
Tried googling and not sure whether it's a bug of intentional. I am playing on a non-extreme desert with small hills and a river and my map does not have a single agave. Is this a bug or does it happen sometimes?
Not sure if it's a bug or works as intended (combined with my luck) but will report just in case. I am playing naked brutality and have 3 people: 2 with short bows, one with club. Hostile outlander with a gun shows up and after a fight, my guys win but are badly injured. After a dramatic attempt to patch people up, everyone ends up unconscious, bleeding and certain to die.

But then, sensing trouble, a mysterious stranger in black shows up to help my colonists. Sadly he is incapable of doctoring and just watches everyone die. It was pretty comical, in a way. Now I have a mysterious stranger, 3 bodies and a tribal warrior in prison that I was attempting to recruit earlier.
Stories / Real-life Rimworld story
November 02, 2018, 02:45:00 PM
Slightly off topic but thought it might be entertaining: I feel like I relived a real-life Rimworld event recently. So my wife and I live in a 2-bedroom colony apartment with 2 cats. Two out of town guests are visiting us so we let them stay in one of the bedrooms for the duration of stay. Then my wife and I leave for an errand.

Meanwhile while we are gone, they settle in and decide to clean apartment since they generated some mess while moving in. While vacuuming our bedroom, they slightly punch wall which caves in and tons and tons of pissed off wasps pour into the room. Guests sustain a lot of bites but manage to capture cats, evacuate, and seal the room.

My wife and I return and are horrified by all this: our bedroom is full of pissed off wasps, guests are covered in bites, cats are safe for now and locked in restroom. Exterminator arrives and assures us that we don't have to burn down the building. She applies poison tells us to wait several days and leaves. But we still want to use the room. So we wait until it gets dark so that bugs become calmer, I dress up in all my winter mountain gear and go in with duct tape and start quickly sealing the hole while second person behind me is vacuuming any bugs that attempt to jump on me. Eventually mission is accomplished, everyone has pretty big mood penalty, somewhat improved by our beer stockpile (although with our luck one of the guests has a Teetotaler trait).

After this story, Rimworld infestation events have never been more relatable. ;D I hope we are not going to have manhunting turtles next (although with all the food we have stashed at home, we are much more equipped to handle that).
Hey y'all,

Life got in the way and I couldn't play for a while, since v18 I think so I am two versions behind. I am planning to turn on my gaming computer this weekend finally, update to 1.0 and do some serious Rimworlding. I am super pumped and can't decide which biome to start on! ;D What are your recommendations?

I am fairly experienced but usually don't do hardcore digging into mechanics. In the past I've enjoyed cold maps since I like winter and snow but it was getting boring eventually after a couple in game years once things settle in. I also almost never travelled because it was super slow. I've also somewhat enjoyed desert map - it looked cool, like something from a wild west movie and I could finally use caravans and stuff  ;D I am torn, can't decide: should I do winter map with epic fortress with greenhouses, or open desert map with river, or may be temperate map to see pretty fall colors but worried it will be too easy, or may be mountain map with a dramatic infestation ending, or may be try something radically new like jungle...I don't know what to do!  :o
I didn't get a chance to try out 1.0 yet but read about AI improvements and curious whether killbox is still a major tactic in the latest version. In the previous versions it used to make things way too easy to the point that I've been avoiding killboxes to make the game more interesting. Is 1.0 still the same? Just curious so that I know how to go when I start a new game.
Just curious, from the role playing point of view, what is the motivation of your colonists to build a space ship? In all my play throughs I've struggled with the following dilemma. My colonists start on a planet and life is harsh the first few years: you live every day like it's your last, literally, because it might really be your last day, there is definitely no shortage of sudden ways to die. Meanwhile for entertainment you throw horseshoes at a stick and dream about the day when you can escape this hell.

But slowly things get better and eventually you have a well established colony. Sure, it's still "wild west" and everything is trying to kill you still but you now more or less have means of dealing with it. You have a stash of glitterworld medicine if somebody gets gravely ill, fancy armor and weapons for those pesky pirates, organs and bionic body parts if someone needs to be patched up, etc. Meanwhile you have golden beds, poker nights, own cinema, own art museum and more importantly absolute freedom: you can get drunk with your friends and go squirrel hunting with mini-guns and nobody is going to call cops or report you to local ranger that you don't have hunting permit. Neighbors are playing loud music until late and tell you to screw off? Time to grab power armor, charge / sniper rifles, battle bears and pay them a visit.

At this point I usually start struggling to come up with explanation why I'd want to leave this place and undertake a dangerous journey to a place where I'd likely have to get a job and lead a much less luxurious and more limited lifestyle.

What motivations do your colonists usually find? Are they trying to get to a glitterworld where you live in heaven without aging or death? Are they just sick of being surrounded by barbarians and want to be surrounded by civilization? Is the world heading towards impending doom (may be mechanoids we see are just the first warning signs)?
This is really a cosmetic suggestion rather that an actual functional feature but it's something I've been doing in almost every colony I've built so far. May be I read too much LoTR when I was a kid or may be it's because the city where I was born had something like this also but I always plant a tree in the middle of my colony and treat it as a symbol of the colony, an old tree planted when the colony was founded. Particularly on desert maps I love to plant something like a willow tree in the city center, surround it by flowers and imagine that colonists come there to relax from all this desolate cactus filled landscape around them (I also do weddings there, etc).

Having to replant the tree harmed the immersion a bit. And also now it's going to be impossible in 1.0, so I am wondering whether this can be a feature. Like building a very large equivalent of flower pot but for tree. Or may be even have an item "seed of {exotic_and_super_pretty_tree_name}" that you can obtain through quests, traders, etc. The tree would have special art and would grow forever with all the added drama if it burns down and all that.

And expanding on that, wondering if adding things like ambrosia seeds/saplings you can obtain, would be viable. May be make them super picky to temperature (need to keep very narrow temp range or it dies quickly). This could add reasons to have growing rooms on non-freezing maps. And also adds to the drama if your hard obtained ambrosia garden dies from electricity outage, breached wall or something like that (although don't know how to cool the room down on a hot map during a blackout).
Bugs / Vatgrown soldier incapable of violence
February 08, 2018, 08:20:43 PM
Not sure if it's a bug or feature but I have a colonist who has "Vatgrown Soldier" backstory but is randomly (not through adulthood backstory) incapable of violence. Not a bug per se really, just IMO an immersion thing because the childhood backstory is telling how they were created to be a perfect soldier but then for no reason they can't do violence
I have a room with indoors temperature of -31C and a prisoner whose info screen says minimum comfortable temperature is -26.2C, yet he never seems to get hypothermia. I've made a separate save file for this, let me know if attaching it would help.
Just encountered the following situation: a pod with a badly injured survivor lands. I send a person to rescue them. It's pretty far from the base so it takes my colonist a while to get to that person. The colonist starts carrying the survivor but somewhere midway survivor suddenly becomes capable of walking and decides to walk to the hospital on their own instead. Luckily they manage to get to hospital alive (they were bleeding and their moving was 16%). However now the survivor is sleeping in my hospital bed and I cannot treat them so they will probably bleed out to death.

Not sure if it's a known bug, I tried to find it but couldn't. Also I am using trade spot mod but I doubt it's related in any way.

I have a walled in base with only one open entrance with a couple turrets there. Close to the turrets I have steel storage area with random stuff including steel. Pirates arrive and lay siege. They are way too strong and I decide not to attack immediately and let them lay siege. They start building stuff. After having built mortars and almost all sandbags, they suddenly fail to build one of the sandbags and waste some resources. Pirate tries to build it again but doesn't have enough resources so decides to go through the entire map to pick up steel from my storage area and dies on the turrets (the pirate doesn't even try to attack the turrets, it just keeps going until it dies). Next pirate repeats this. Next one repeats. Then they decide to attack and rush my turrets but are easily defeated at this point.


2nd post.
Also I am not sure if it's a new A16 feature or a bug but I also cannot do anything with those mortars left by pirates. All I can do is forbid/unforbid. I cannot relocate them to my base or deconstruct even. In A15 I remember being able to uninstall them and then install in the base. I think it would be reasonable to at least allow to deconstruct them.

Mod edit (Calahan) - I've merged your two posts to avoid you infringing forum rule #10. Please can you edit/modify your previous post rather than creating a new post. Especially when only a few minutes has elapsed between posts. Thanks