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Topics - Jibbles

Mods / [Mod Request] Load shells into mortars job.
January 25, 2018, 11:58:16 PM
Right click on mortar for option to load in a shell.  Pawn automatically stops operating after shell is loaded.
Ideas / Fix Scyther's AI
January 24, 2018, 04:39:50 PM
When scythers come in through pods, they usually select a building or item to attack.  The problem here is that they usually don't engage my pawns til they get hit.  Their movement speed is super fast too.  Soo.. what usually happens is that they'll end up right next to my pawns; making my walls and sandbags almost obsolete.  It's a big wtf moment and looks ridiculous on screen.

I have to resort to turrets and choke points which is something I normally don't do in A17..  I'm not aware of any solutions for this early game.  The pawns typically have low skills, crappy weapons, and you're still planning out your base.  You can't use the terrain around you cause the scyther just waltz right into your face since your pawns can't land a hit till it's too late.
I want a mod that will let me heal scars through operations.  I don't want bionics etc.  I just want it so it takes a skilled doctor and good amount of glittermeds to fix a scar.  Any mods that do this?
Ideas / Specialized traders/sites
January 06, 2018, 03:40:00 AM
When you don't have mods installed it's pretty difficult to obtain specific body parts that you need.  I've been running around to friendlies while also requesting caravans for years and still haven't come across a bionic eye.  I usually have this issue playing vanilla and it's why I normally buy body parts I don't need at the time.  On top of that, you gotta have the money to pay for it if the opportunity arise.  Pawns lose pieces of themselves left and right, and it sucks when you need the same item you can't find for several pawns.

I think it would be neat to have sites that pop up that only sell specific items in their category, such as drugs, organs, bionics etc.  Of course the convenience comes with a high price tag and some time to travel.  Maybe make some items harder to get and this is pretty much the only place to buy them. The sites may move or have a fixed location, I don't care.
Help / B18 Tags are now case sensitive error
December 04, 2017, 03:48:40 PM
"Attempt to use string Description to refer to field description in type Verse.ThingDef; xml tags are now case-sensitive."

I come across a lot of errors similar to this with the new update for my mods.  What should I be looking for to fix these?

EDIT: I always thought things were case sensitive. It makes me think that I use <Description> and it should be changed to <description> but this is how it is my xml. Am I overlooking something or did I misunderstood this error?
General Discussion / "keep playing" What to expect?
September 20, 2017, 04:44:15 AM
I don't recall playing the same base after the whole colony has been wiped out.  I've been thinking about making a HUGE base for A18... modding in my own landmarks and whatnot. Continue playing even if I get wiped out multiple times. It would be an ongoing project. The colony would be extremely rich. The game mode will most likely be on Randy Extreme.

This experience may change in A18. So these questions are for A17.
What are raids like when new people start to join? How fast do they scale up?
Do mechs continue to obliterate everything on the map after all your pawns died?
Do they leave after a certain amount of time?
Pawns have new colony buff? low expectations?
Ideas / Scenario editor
September 02, 2017, 06:22:08 PM
I would like more parameters to tweak in the scenario editor.  The reason why I don't use it much is cause of the lack of them.  Not sure how much work is involved in doing this kind of update.

I want to be able to set events such as flash storms that could randomly last from 1-5 days.  Solars flares that can last up to a month. eclipse for a week etc.  Make it so I don't want any of these events above to happen till the 3rd year of my colony. Ability to temporarily disable repeated event may help.

Ability to set days on stuff like stats multiplier if that's possible, e.g. can't mine for a week. 

So lets makes sense of the stuff we're doing above and possibly make it that much easier to refine these tweaks in the scenario...
Custom event notifications with custom dialogues. We can choose yellow, red, blue notification icon to show if these events attached to these notifications are good or bad. Ability to Group multiple events to this notification such as the month long solar flare, can't mine for a week, and come up with whatever lame reason this event is happening so the player isn't in the dark. THEN we can set custom number of days or intervals (if we wanted) in this event that has sub-events.   
Help / two power nets on the same cell Bug
September 01, 2017, 10:15:13 PM
I released a mod on steam the other day involving a conduit.  I'm just noticing that it's triggering warnings. "two power nets on the same cell."  I was wondering if anybody has any experience in fixing this bug.  As far as I know, it only pops up if you lay buildings that generate power such as solar panels on top of these conduits.  Would appreciate any help here as I don't want to break the users  game or leave warnings in their logs. Thanks.

Here's my mod:
Ideas / New equipment type.
August 24, 2017, 06:04:19 AM
Would be useful to have another slot for holding unique items. I'm going to call these items gadgets for now.  Think it would fit well with vanilla and make modding some items a bit easier.

I'm dreaming here but allow pawns to carry gadgets along with a weapon.  Weapons are not allowed in the gadget slot. Nor items such as food or resources. I say this because giving pawns the ability to hold more than one weapon changes strategy a bit and would need to re-do just about everything involving combat to balance things out.

What are gadgets? They are items that do not cause direct harm. So the list is pretty broad.   Think of items such as a shield belt if that wasn't already a belt.  Or a device that prevents friendly fire if equipped. A lighter. A flashlight. A drill. A portable joy item... the list goes on.

Gadgets could even shoot objects and have target parameters. example; throwable glow sticks. Since it's a "gadget", it wouldn't be considered as a weapon which would allow pawns incapable of violence to equip these items. 
Mods / Rimworld Sprite Tutorial: [Animals]
August 12, 2017, 03:18:30 AM
I came across this tutorial/tip and wanted to share.
I hope to see more tutorials from the community about making rimworld style sprites. Stuff like Weapons, Items etc. Seriously helps with people like me who sucks at this.
Wider/bigger doors is something I've been wanting to see in rimworld.

I did some testing yesterday. All I can do at the moment with doors are small adjustments. like make them stronger, change texture etc.  I can't make them appear wider or bigger.  I'm on a mac so I have trouble viewing rimworlds source codes.  Also, I don't know much about creating dll mods which is what this kind of modding requires. 

Vanilla doors will sit place on one tile regardless the size when built.  one would have to consider speed of the door opening when making this mod.  Normally, there are multi textures for the same object when it comes to rotating them.  Doors only use one and auto rotates when building? I'm not sure how that would come into play if you wanted to implement a huge door such as 2x3. I imagine that it would want to use sliding door animation if considered as a door which wouldn't look right in most cases. I guess these issues explains the lack of wider doors.

Forgive me if I'm being too naive:
So what if we make them as an impassable object (instead of a door) that acts similar to a trap? Modify the trigger code borrowed from spring traps and make it so that it only activates for colonists which would then make them open and passable.  A deadfall trap uses; same HP when rearmed, uses different graphic when triggered and can also trigger sound. So can we make it so that these "wide doors" appear to be lowered into the ground and play a sound when the door is triggered?  I don't know what all entails with auto re-arming but maybe you experienced programmers know a way to make the door appear to close automatically. I'm not sure how raiders would treat these doors if implemented. Is this idea too far fetched?

Help / Two issues with my mod
August 04, 2017, 01:13:23 AM
My mod: Stone Painting

First Issue:
When the map generates, it uses colored brick walls such as pink for ancient dangers and other small buildings. How can I disable it so that it only uses blocks such as marble or granite?

Second Issue:
Is there some way to change text color for recipes? Or ability to use graphic? I want to display colors in the recipe bill.  The closest snippet I could find was <defaultLabelColor> However, it doesn't seem to let me use this in the recipedef.
Mods / [Mod Request] Legit Weapon Racks
July 29, 2017, 11:15:43 PM
It would be nice to see some weapon racks. Holds various types of guns as well as exposing them. (So you're not guessing where you placed that sniper rifle) Would be nice to see some support for melee weapons too. Maybe pop up menu to select the weapon when you want to equip.  People will love you for it. Something like this.

Outdated / [B18] Jibbles Modlist
July 27, 2017, 04:18:04 PM
Say if I wanted to add an item that supports both stony and metallic categories. I wanted my item in stone to use not only a different color, but a different image than if it was created with steel.  My main issue is that I want this to be selected under only one icon in the menu.  How can I go about doing this?
Outdated / [A17] Natural Walls (v1.0)
July 19, 2017, 01:45:09 AM
Natural Walls

Now you can give your base that mountain look on a flat map by building these walls.

For balance, Natural walls have the same stats as your standard walls. Available in stony and metallic materials.
The second type of wall in this mod is filler.

"Filler" is cheap and fast to make.  Only available for stony structures.
        Build time is the same as a wooden wall.
        Not flammable. Beauty is -5.
        Cost 2 stones.
        Very weak (Around 30hp)
They're usually surrounded by strong stony walls. They're meant to fill up large areas quickly and cheaply. It may look like your base is built inside a mountain, but you sure won't have the same amount of protection if you use fillers.
Fillers are marked at the top so that they're easily identified inside other walls. Texture may change on you during construction. This is normal. Once you've properly surrounded filler with other walls adjacent to them, these marks should form into dots.

Fillers should be balanced as is, but changes may be made if needed in future updates.


How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.
Help / How to target a specific animal?
July 02, 2017, 03:27:16 PM
Hi! noob here.  I've been looking through the defs but I'm not sure how turrets target AI.  How can I make it so the turret automatically shoots only a specific animal?