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Topics - rtiger

General Discussion / Dealing with the dead
April 14, 2015, 03:53:02 PM
Not sure how to make a poll here, but how do you all deal with your dead?
3)Destroy with grenades
4)Butchers table
5)Dump in a stockpile
General Discussion / Alternatives to killboxing
March 29, 2015, 10:40:51 PM
:Rant incoming:
As things stand in terms of protecting your colonists, you either let the turrets handle enemies, or you send out colonists to defend your base....

Except sending your colonists out is usually a bad idea. The raiders often are better equipped then your colonists, and outnumber them. In addition, some colonists can't fight at all. Especially in the early game, losing just a single colonist can land you in a very bad spot, as it is nigh impossible to run everything you need to do with less then three people without serious micromanaging. Generally you at least have:

A dedicated grower to keep your farms maintained.
A dedicated hauler, so all that food you just harvested doesn't go to waste.
A dedicated chef, doing nothing but cooking all day.
A dedicated scientist to get all the research done.
A dedicated doctor so you have a reasonable chance you succeed in medical tasks.

Without these five roles filled, the basic functions of a colony become rather limited. Losing any one of these colonists is a severe blow, especially to an early colony. Even past that, there is no way for you to easily train someone to be better in combat except in combat. A single assassin, with a sniper rifle, is the one raider I always dread seeing and is generally impossible for a colonist to take out on their own, and even if you do, your likely taking losses to do so.

Turrets are weak, can easily be out ranged by any sort of rifle, and can easily be destroyed by an enemy carrying grenades. Fighting out in the open, behind sandbags, is pointless if your out ranged. The personal shields are a good step forward, making melee a viable option. The mortars, not so much. Especially with the latest patch, mortars needing shells which require steel, which is generally in short supply anyway, they are expensive to use consistently for defense cause of very low accuracy.

Every colonist is valuable, and rarely well trained/equipped for combat, so tell me. Exactly what reason do we have not to use killboxes Tynan? What other ways do we have to protect our colonists without such high risk?
General Discussion / A Frosty Challenge
March 28, 2015, 03:11:07 AM
Of late, I have been drawn to attempting the extreme temperature biomes. So, I wanted to set up a bit of a challenge I have been working on.

Map seed: Frozen
Dimentions: 200x150
Location: 30.93 E, 68.27 N
Starting Month: September
Storyteller: RR Casual or above
Starting Colonists: Clerk, Settler, Sex Slave
No mods.

Average temperature is -20C, and I have seen it dip as low as -60C. This map also drops you on top of two different and dangerous rooms.
General Discussion / I need clothes!
March 13, 2015, 05:29:29 PM
What sort of skill/material is it to make clothes(parka), cause nobody is working at my tailors bench and I can't order them to either.

I have leather.
Ideas / Expansion of New world
August 16, 2014, 12:19:03 AM
If you have multiple colonies on the same world, why not let them see each other in the factions menu, allowing more then 5 factions
Ideas / New Colony +
August 15, 2014, 03:37:06 PM
Sure, you can build a ship and escape the planet. After that however, why not make it so you can select an escape ship you made, and use that ship to build a new colony with your old units.