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Topics - maxmundus

This thing is bugging me for a long time, so I had to sign up to report it.

No, seriously, how do I prevent RimWorld CPU usage when the game is on pause and not even focused?

This thing is crucial for me, cause it's too darn long to reopen the app and load the game every time I want to return with another mind-blowing routine of improvement the colony of mine.

Since I don't possess the high-performance gaming PC I play on my MacBook which I also use for the everyday working basis. I'm sure you've got the idea.

There's a lot of ways to tweak performance of RimWorld, but this aspect still hasn't been discussed yet (yep, I Googled the topic)

I also think this is an issue big enough to be posted in General.

Oh, and the extra one — there's a bug with trading menus causing them to consume additional CPU power (above ~ 30% of the average) on a regular basis.