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Topics - DazedMaestro

So I have +- 600h into this game and it's one of the best games I've ever played, BUT, there are some problems in the game that bug me the hell out. (Beware that I'm kinda a perfectionist...)

- If you look at the base starting scenarios, you got 4/6 scenarios where you don't willingly end up on the Rimworld (Crashlanded, Naked Brutality, Sanguophage & arguably Lost Tribe). The other 2/6 you willingly go to that particular planet (Mechanitor, Rich Explorer). So just from these base scenarios we can see that wanting to escape the planet certainly makes sense for 3/6 scenarios and that it is possible that in the Mechanitor, Rich Explorer and Lost Tribe scenarios one may want to escape the planet, though remember that at least two of these willingly crashed into it and may want to stay. Consider now that you can create your own Custom Scenario and that you can chose your difficulty and planet to crash in. Suppose that you willingly crash into the planet and chose 0 perma-hostile factions and no illnesses nor Solar Flares, Psychic Drones, etc. And suppose also that you create the perfect colony where everyone is basically immortal, always healthy, fed, comfortable, etc. Why then would you want to leave the Colony, right? After all, you even got Arcotech technology which isn't even really present in most Glitterworlds (I think). But the thing is, the game PRESUPPOSES that you want to ESCAPE the planet. Let me provide proof:



As you can see, the whole point of the game is to get the hell out of the planet since the game presupposes that it is a shithole and that YOU don't want to stay there (and that you got a home on another planet). This obviously breaks roleplaying, even when you start with base scenarios like "The Mechanitor". In some colonies, it just makes no sense why you would want to escape, even if you abandon the planet. These messages should be changed to have a neutral tone or something of the sort like "These colonists left the planet" or something like that so as to include any possible reason one may have to leave the planet (to actually escape, to go colonize another planet while some stay, etc.).

- There should be something like "Prepare Carefully" integrated into the game, be it available to everyone or as a "devmode" option, I don't care much (though it makes more sense to add a basic version available to everyone and then a more cheat version with devmode, like with genes). After all, you can already change the name of pawns and reroll + you can change pawns however you like with devmode, so just add the option when choosing your starting pawns at the very beginning. We can already chose the scenario we start with, the storyteller, the difficulty, the planet we crash in, the ideology, we can reroll pawns, etc. It just makes no sense that you cannot precisely choose the pawns you start with except some minor things.

- There should be 2 more options in "devmode": change pawn relationship compatibility and add more memes in a given ideology. For example, you can change precepts however you want in devmode but you still cannot have more than 4 memes. Same thing with pawn compatibility. You can change whatever you want about the pawn except that. I still remember not long ago that you couldn't remove geysers in devmode nor could you add passions to pawns nor even change soil type in a rectangle (only tile by tile!).

- When making a custom scenario you can add more than 10 colonists as a matter of fact. However, if you do so, you'll have this problem:
As you can see, I can only see 11 out of the 20 pawns and one cannot scroll or anything. So I consider this to be a bug.

- Another bug I guess would be the following:
In "Focus objects" there is "Grave containing a Astropolitan" (I call my colonists "Astropolitans", that's all). There should be a check to see whether there is a vowel or not and change the description accordingly.

All in all, amazing game. But as always, there are always little things to improve...