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Topics - majesty

Help / cannot install legs and other organs.
February 25, 2015, 04:56:45 PM
i have a colonist in a bed and i can harvest legs from prisoners and i have a bunch in my stockpile but when i go to operations on the colonist who is missing a leg it only lets me harvest her organs, but not install any. i think it might be mod related, but i wouldnt know which one and i dont know how to find out. below is a list of my mods , ive checked all the threads for them and none of them say that they disable this, so i am at a loss here. please help me! thanks.
Ideas / colonists should gain some traits over time
February 25, 2015, 02:27:44 AM
cannibalism for instance. i feel like people should be able to get accustomed to human meat after a while instead of getting a debuff all the time, and i feel like people should also become desensitized to prisoners dying or something. im trying to run a black market organ harvesting operation where i capture prisoners or buy slaves, harvest all of their non vital organs, and sell the vegetables to the slave traders and organs to the exotic goods traders. it would be profitable if every staff member wasnt a total pansy and couldnt handle the sight of a little prisoner blood. where has the professionalism gone? i cant have my staff in a state of mental breaks 75% of the time, it just isnt good for business. prisoners die this way and i lose money. i already have enough meat from all the ones that they accidentally kill during combat. anyway, certain traits should be gained over time. or certain traits unlocked, or certain items/weapons unlocked through gaining traits. for instance, how can you expect a brawler with 0 shooting to even know how to operate a rocket launcher? i like the system where it requires a certain amount of cooking to cook fine meals, should add that for weapons too.
Ideas / capturing raiders and doctoring them
November 14, 2013, 04:54:52 PM
i've been having some issues with incapacitating raiders which leads me to scumbag save and load till my turrets finally incapacitate someone. i think there should be some kind of weapon or character class that specializes in non lethal combat.

the doctor issues that i have are mainly with starving prisoners. the doctors wont feed them, even after i select that they get food, and right clicking on the prisoner with a character who is a doctor and a warden does not give me the option to doctor them. i'm not sure if this is a bug or if it is intentional, but i think that a right click option "feed" would be great so incapacitated people don't starve.