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Topics - jsteele726

 (Tried checking to see if this had been suggested, found nothing, I apologize if I missed it and I'm repeating)

So in one of Tynan's last updates, he mentioned apparel and the possibility of multiple layers. I'm new to the game and the community, so I apologize if I may have missed this, but I think a layer system for clothing would be a perfect chance to try out temperatures. Colder environments would require more layers, warmer would require fewer. I would like to see this work out where a player has to choose to send his colonists outside at night because the day is just too hot, and likewise, send his people out by day because everything freezes at night.

Additionally, on the topic of temperatures, I would like to see this work into colony construction as well. Using Theme Hospital as a reference, I would love to have the option to place radiators throughout my colony to create warm zones to keep everyone comfortable, and likewise, I would like to install fan systems to keep everyone cool. Perhaps radiators and fans could be an early tier research item, and further on down the road, central heating and air systems could be researched to allow the running of ventilation systems throughout the colony to keep everyone a nice, pleasant temperature.
Ideas / Room size
December 13, 2013, 08:57:09 AM
 I tried searching to see if this had been suggested, so I apologize if it has been and I didn't find it.

I've read that bedrooms must be 6x6, or 36 blocks, in order to avoid the "Cramped environment" negative effect. That is definitely a large room, easily rivaling that of a master bedroom suite. Because of this, I would like to see that requirement lowered to something more realistic, like 5x5. And since this game has an emphasis on feelings and effects on our individual colonists (And the stories that result), maybe we could see some additional effects. Maybe something along the lines of:

Closet Space- Room is smaller than 4x4, generates significant negative mood
Cramped Environment- Room is 4x4 or larger, generates small negative mood
Room to Breath- Room is 5x5 or larger, generates small positive mood
Master Bedroom- Room is 6x6 or larger, generates slightly higher positive mood