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Topics - TwixFunSize

Support / Simple Question on "hardcore" mode
April 20, 2016, 10:27:40 PM
Hi, I remember seeing a feature where you could do a hardcore mode, where you couldn't save scum. I cant find out how to do that, can anyone guide me in the steps to create a colony with this feature? thanks.
Ideas / Simple Animal Modifications
December 05, 2015, 12:46:35 PM
In one of my recent colonies, I had over 20 huskies, that I would send in to battle from time to time. It made me think how cool it would be if we could modify our animals by giving them metal teeth. What also would be cool would be giving them armor.
General Discussion / Controllers
August 13, 2015, 05:34:43 PM
I was wondering if anyone with a controller (such as an xbox controller) has used one while playing Rimworld. If so, does it work well with rimworld, or is a controller not meant for rimworld. Thanks!
General Discussion / Rimworld Alpha 12/1.0
August 04, 2015, 11:56:33 PM
If you have been following the Rimworld Change log, you know that Tynan and his crew have been adding a lot of content,Without letting up at all, Which is just awesome! This question is mostly directed to Tynan, but does anyone know how much content we can expect for Rimworld Alpha13/ 1.0 Compared to other Alphas?
     Ok, Lets just say you have 2 or more prisoners from the same faction who are both set up to recruit. Lets say that 1 of them joins, The other prisoners would either get a mood boost, a higher percentage of getting recruited or both. I thought of this would make since because In real life, and personally for me, People or I myself would most likely be more wanted to join the Colony. Thanks!
Throughout my experiences in Rimworld Mechaniods have always been a challenge for me, As I have never found a good way to dealing with Them. I was wondering if anyone had a good strategy to dealing with Mechaniods without using a kill-box. All Feedback is Appreciated!
Ideas / New type of attack
May 15, 2015, 01:43:39 PM
So i think it would be really cool if enemies would form up in a protective shield like position like the Romans used to do. ( I have a link of a picture down below) To make this strategy more modern, their would be guys with shields in the front, with guys with guns, grenades etc, behind the shield users. Of course this tactic would involve a lot of men, So it would be an attack that happens much later in the span of your colony. ! I would appreciate if you left feedback down below! Thanks!

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General Discussion / Project Eons Shout Out!
April 28, 2015, 10:49:26 PM
Hi everybody! Before I say anymore, I am in no way associated with Project Eons.  I just wanna Give a shout out to them, And I think their project/mod Could really become amazing with more support, and even part of the game! Here is a link to their Topic!
Ideas / Pro-Con page
April 28, 2015, 10:38:34 AM
I have noticed that that in suggestions I have seen many arguments about certain ideas, and even in general discussion I have seen kill boxes being debated a lot. What would you guys think of a Pro-Con page where you can see the pro arguments on one side, and the con arguments on the other side?
Ideas / Special story tellers in A upcoming Alpha
April 20, 2015, 10:18:19 PM
    So today I decided to read the Rimworld info stuff on the homepage. And under Storytellers, Tynan(or whoever wrote it) said, "And we're considering other AI Storytellers, too. High population storytellers, starvation storytellers, seasonal storytellers, moody storytellers, and anything the community thinks up are all on the table."
    I thought these storytellers would be amazing! I was hoping it would be possible to add this in upcoming Alphas, As it is something I think would go really well in the current stat of the game. Thanks for reading this and please leave feedback!
Support / Viruses
April 20, 2015, 10:12:41 PM
Is it possible that when I download Rimworld, could I get viruses or Malware? my brother said this happened to him but i think it was form something else.
General Discussion / Removed Spine
April 17, 2015, 06:42:11 PM
ok, so one day i was operating on a colonist and the doctor managed to screw up and remove her spine. Is their anyway I can Do to get her a new spine or a fake one?
General Discussion / Sneaky Tynan
April 17, 2015, 01:21:34 AM
Tynan I know what your up to  ( ͡͡ ' ͜ ʖ ͡ ')

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Support / Getting old versions of Rimworld
February 18, 2015, 02:39:21 PM
Over time I have permanently deleted rimworld emails from alpha 3 and below. I have permanently deleted the emails and was wondering if I could somehow get these Emails back such as someone forwarding them to me or sending me new emails. I hope this isn't to much to ask. Thanks!
Bugs / Free food
January 09, 2015, 10:42:44 PM
When I made a strawberry growing zone about 7x4, right as I planted the the strawberry plants about 3 of the just planted bushels gave me strawberries automatically. I was playing on randy random on rough difficulty. no sun lamp was used.
General Discussion / Pirate king pack
December 27, 2014, 11:24:48 PM
If you didnt know for different prices you can buy rimworld with special things added in. One of them is the pirate king pack.The pirate king pack allows you to be the raider squad. I have never seen the pirate king pack and was wondering if anybody had screenshots of the game play, videos, and/or more info on it. thanks :D
Support / Touch-Screen
December 25, 2014, 03:09:47 PM
I recently bought a touchscreen computer and was wondering if Rimworld is compatible with touchscreen.(I haven't tested it yet because my computer hasn't arrived yet)
Ideas / Sub-Species of Humans
December 15, 2014, 11:20:15 PM
     A few minutes ago i was reading the rimworld fiction primer and it listed different sub-species of humans that were changed over time by genetic modifications and the environment they live in. Some types of humans were humans changed by gravity making them short or tall. Their were also humans who could breathe underwater.
     I think it would be AMAZING to have different types of humans living in a single colony and being attacked by a colony of genetically modified humans who have extreme accuracy or can take extra damage. This is just a dream but I hope one day I could possibly have a colony full of people that are completely different. But this is still, Just a dream.
Ideas / Enemy Leaders
August 26, 2014, 09:26:51 PM
I had this idea that when your attacked by humans that can be pirates or tribes people, they could have a leader. This "Leader" would have extra armor, a special weapon, and better stats . This leader would influence its soldiers to preform better. If this leader dies, The enemies would have a 10-20% chance of fleeing. I hope that A leader is implemented one way or another. Thanks!
Ideas / Extra Body Parts?
August 22, 2014, 03:07:43 PM
     So, the other day i was looking at Tynans old YouTube videos like alpha 1 and 2. He said that he wants to gt the game to a solid foundation before adding factions(which have been added) and extra body parts. Could we have this happen maybe? Well here is how i think it would work:
     Say one day you were raided by a few raiders. after the battle you captured a guy. If his heart wasn't shot in the battle, you could take his heart out and give it to a colonists. the point of this would be to allow your guy to pump blood faster which means more energy. More energy means you don't need as much sleep which means more work. Their, your colonist is more efficient!
    Please give feedback saying how you could improve this. I hope tynan Adds this!