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Topics - colonistPally

Sorry if this belongs in the "videos" subfolder. I didn't think of it until after I posted it. :/ Move it if need be, I won't freak out.

Just got hit with youtube's copywrite infringement hammer. See attached image.

Apparently there's a techno song "The Kraken (The Hacker Remix)" that sounds exactly like miners mining in RimWorld to youtube's copywrite worm application it has running. One of those stupid "rights collecting societies" owns the song.

I guess this is the song, I have no idea. I guess it's the sampling of that tink tink tink noise it plays in the background?

I can't believe how sensitive the program they're running is. I also can't believe I'm the only youtuber doing RimWorld that's ran into this.

RP version. My miners were apparently mining to the beat of their song (either intentionally or accidentally.) I don't remember allowing my miners to listen to music, but apparently they do. Is this a new feature? Our miners can listen to music now? Well they need to stop because youtube says it's copywrite infringement. :)

Anyway I thought I'd give everyone a heads up. It isn't a new song or anything so I guess the worm is finally doing it's rounds to RimWorld vids.

There are a lot of ironies here but I'll let people draw their own conclusions. I f-ing hate youtube by the way. This's only reason #1250823502835203523540234.

Take care.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Ideas / 3-day pack
March 06, 2014, 10:52:08 AM
I'd like to have a little research option in the game where I check it and I can have people craft 3-day packs maybe from muffalo hide or something where my guys will take 3 days of food and a bedroll with them that inherits their bed's personal assignment.

That way they can mine, forage, capture, or rescue far away without starving, mentally breaking, and dying.

I think until other features are in place, the larger maps will be relatively unplayable without some extremely detailed micromanagement of switching beds and making food along the way. Which is neat but the outpost thing is just prone to raider deathballs and so... anyway.

I hope this makes sense. 3-day packs. food. bedroll. tent. medicine. firearm obviously.

Ideas / Colonists need to relax
March 06, 2014, 10:49:04 AM
Until we can get a counselor role, recreation, and social areas into the game can we please have a job or mode or something that just tells them to relax? I have two colonists that on almost a daily basis are reaching mental breaks despite everyone else being fine, place being clean, bodies taken care of.. but two of them seem to be significantly more mentally fragile. It's starting to really get on my nerves but the game isn't giving me more colonists so I don't have any choice.

I'd love to give them days off but obviously only unchecking all their jobs causes them to wander aimlessly maintaining their mental break status until either their debuffs wear off, they sleep or eat. I can't make them sleep or eat so I just have to watch and it's painful.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeease. This mental break thing after my colony is in good shape is very very very frustrating.
General Discussion / 1v1 (pvp) workaround possibly?
March 01, 2014, 01:54:29 AM
Okay I know we have been talking about how expensive co-op / pvp would be. I thought of a workaround. (HEY!! PUT YOUR PULSE RIFLES DOWN AND LISTEN!)

Until the raiders are coded to make bases, what if we did this.

Is there a way to let 2 people log into the same game (some kind of dual threading), let one person "debug" spawn and control raiders, and just let the other person build and colonize?

Then at least we could play some kind of castle siege ... thing...

I mean, it sounds insanely fun. And at least it's some form of multi player.

Plus we could record the games, upload them, and the strategy can be applied to the raider AI later. It'd cut down on people exploiting the raiders. The raiders would be smarter and more cunning instead of deathballs.. .. all kinds of fun stuff could come from it!

As soon as we got raider bases that'd count as an enemy base, that would be applied and we'd have relatively stable 1v1...

Thoughts opinions ideas? Is there a way to set a save file to thread two people in instead of one?
Ideas / "Go to bed early"
February 20, 2014, 02:58:16 PM
There seriously needs to be a "go to bed early" option.

I had 2 raids back to back, both of which I fended off. But having to keep my guys and gals in "soldier mode" for so long pretty much sent them all to the brink, then of course the dead body debuff, seeing people die debuff, and the place now being messy (with blood) debuff...... I almost lost my colony. So I had to rescue them in all various ways and get them to bed, when then they started to starve.

If I could have sent them all to bed EARLY I could have fed them all, but no can do.

Go to bed early would prioritize over all jobs, hell it could even BE a job. a Sleep job that's top priority, call it recuperate or something, I don't know. I literally almost lost half my colonists solely because they were distraught and wouldn't go to bed. I cancelled all of their work, then they just wandered aimlessly until the various mental scripts kicked in.

Since we don't have a social house yet and we don't have a counselor job yet, can we please at least put them to bed early so we can start to manage their recovery? :( Pleeeeeeeeeeeease! Let us override everything and just put them to bed.
Support / [W|0.1.334] Unplayable FPS [F]
February 15, 2014, 09:21:18 PM
I'm getting in the around 2 FPS range on "colony 9." Not only is the game 2 fps but the game is literally PROGRESSING at 2 fps. Like the speed of the game is actually 2 fps.

I feel like the other FPS threads aren't being looked at anymore so I'm starting up a new one so this gets top top top top visibility.

I've recorded it in my last 3 vids and it's very much an issue. I tried it with my old hardware (a 4x AMD CPU / 6 gigs of ram) and my new hardware 8x AMD CPU / 32 gigs (I think around 8 are available, rest is a ram drive) and my Radeon 7870 GHZ edition.

It'll be smooth as butter then BAM 2 fps. Then out of nowhere it'll be back to smooth. It doesn't seem to be rain, fires, pathing. It seemed to have started when I increased my home tile size, but removing home tiles didn't seem to help. I have no idea, I'm at an absolute loss. The game is about 80% unplayable. It's heart breaking. Out of each hour I get about 10 minutes of smooth play (after my brain resets from the lag and starts to get rhythm and momentum again) total where I can actually focus and try to play. Plus since it's actually literally advancing at 2 fps in an hour of play I'm getting maybe 4-5 days max of game time in. :( Where I was getting at least 10 with all my pausing and thinking.

So I'm focused and attentive and then the lag hits and totally kills immersion and I lose track of what I was doing and have to stop and wait for the lag and try to figure out what it is then out of nowhere seemingly it's fine again and I have to again try to ramp back up and figure out what I was doing and so on.

My only clue is maybe it's the save file? I've had colony 9 for quite a while, maybe the save file is too bloated. I know the game isn't bloated otherwise it'd never speed back up again ever. My other clue maybe is that I seem to almost be in a permenant eclipse. The game has been hitting me with nearly nonstop eclipses for almost 4 solid hours worth of gameplay. Does the game have a system where if it's having a hard time coping that it actually slows itself down to almost nothing? If so can that either be turned off or figure out what's burning it up?

Please please please seriously help because the game literally is almost unplayable for me right now.

It's up on my youtube channel.

I zipped the file and it's literally 3kb too large to upload...

Ideas / New Job suggestion: Pet Tamer / Herder
February 14, 2014, 12:23:57 AM
Kind of a quick post between other things. Can we get a job that's a "pet tamer" or "herder" or something so he can go out and calm and train all the pets and do some pet-related stuff with them, maybe use them to help fight or help farm or milk or collect nuts/fruit or something?

Maybe having one and having him talk to all of them periodically would keep them from rampaging, and if you have any that like to live in your base like I do on colony 9 he can keep them calm and he can sit with them all day in the grass? Stuff like that. and he'd have a crook?

I think it'd be a neat mechanic.

Thanks for reading. :)
General Discussion / How do you want to lose the game?
February 11, 2014, 11:46:11 PM
What is supposed to be the absolute #1 end game killer? Is it always critical mass death ball of raiders? Or something else?

This isn't a "suggestion" just brainstorming and chatting.

I'm just curious what you think because I want to make sure the director AI has many many many tools to smartly wipe you out whenever it decides to. I talked about this in another thread but I fear it got buried. I've been thinking about other endings to the game and I wanted to start a list of how people would want to lose. Yes there are a million ways to lose before you get the hang of it, but after a while it seems like a raider deathball is all you have to fear, soooo..........

In no particular order. Feel free to add your own.

1) Raiders set up a counter colony and take up all the resources on the map, then wipe you out. If you can actually beat them you get their base and resources.

2) You kill so many people and animals, and lose so many of your own people defending that you get a critical mass in the graveyards and an errant comet resurrects them all and sends them all to you at the same time. All bodies you defeat are permanently destroyed at that point and decompose.

3) Area dries out and everything catches on fire that isn't a building or mountain at the same time unless it's under the mountain. Destroys all outdoor farm land for 30 days. The ensuing BBQ melts down the mountains into new metal veins.

4) Strong EMP that permanently fries all electronics not under a mountain, causing you to rebuild all electronics. People decide afterwards to make fire pits and start cooking on open fires until the electronics can be rebuilt.

5) The animals all getting space rabies and massing up into a death animal ball and marching on your base at the same time. If you survive there's enough meat to feed you basically forever... if you like rabies meat? Space rabies!  :o

6) Space swarm bugs land, mass up and attack. They'd be 3x whatever the current raider party would be, but can only melee. If you survive this then... I have no idea. Capture the queen bug and have their drones mine for you...?!

7) Biblical flood. It never rains then all of the sudden you've been bone dry and then FLOOD TIME! You have to quickly craft a boat using your remaining resources (it takes 500 metal! and you only have 3 days) then get all of the animals and survivors you can on there and float, float away to a new area. :)

8 ) Meteor Storm "Bodog999") Named for the seemingly 999 meteors that hit the planet every 100 years due to the moon passing through exactly when the storm passes through, meteor storm Bodog999 pelts your planet with hundreds of meteors setting the whole moon ablaze. Should you try to put out the fires, you will all surely die (hint: you have to turn either "home" off outside or turn "firefighting and repair" off for everyone). You have less than 3 days to move everyone in doors or risk total annihilation. Should you survive, you now have new mountains full of metal all across the map.

9) Virus hits your systems. Food stores spit all your food out everywhere, turrets turn against you, doors won't open, com system only broadcasts banjo music. Can only fix it if you have someone tech savvy enough, otherwise you have to wait for it to reboot which takes 3 days.

What are your ideas? How would you absolutely love to have your colony annihilated? What horrible catastrophic thing would you like to have? Have fun with it!
General Discussion / Community mindset...
February 10, 2014, 01:01:34 PM
I see a lot of people in the forum not contributing. Going from thread to thread, not reading the post and immediately shooting down idea. This is going to hurt RimWorld in the long run and in the short run, going to chase off a lot of the community, if it hasn't already.

They're people with really high up posts, and cool titles, and all of that, but the things they say don't even seem to support that they've even played the game.......

I was having problems with grave sites. Someone chimed in that it was a "known issue" even though there was nothing about it posted in the known issues box. Further down a poster let me know I just had my priorities set up wrong. Fixed it easily with their help.

I had a suggestion for 1-off or permanently resetting jobs from the in-game context menu. Someone said you could already do it, and so it was technically already implemented. The other people in the thread understood what I was saying just fine and kept the conversation going. Hopefully it's something we can get implemented moving down the road.

I had an idea for having multiple home zones so I could portion out my towns when they got bigger. Someone said why I would even need more than a few people and why would each of them ever need their own little home. Basically saying, "That's now how the game's meant to be played, so your idea is invalid." Everyone else seemed to understand what I was saying just fine and we're having a good time talking about it. Hopefully we can get it implemented some day.

I could go on. I get this every time I get to a new forum and I'm sick and tired of it. In fact every time I sign on to a new forum to help with a new game I IMMEDIATELY REGRET IT. Elitist trolls sitting in their forums, seated in positions where they cannot be moved, shooting every new idea down like they're protecting the developer from having to do any work that THEY don't agree with but never coming up with any new ideas of THEIR OWN. The developers need new ideas. That's why there's a suggestion forum.

You aren't the suggestion forum police to shoot down suggestions. That's why there's a suggestion forum. For new suggestions. Do the game you claim to love a favor and stop shooting down people's ideas and suggestions. You want to open it up to creativity and collaboration not be elitist telling everyone how their ideas are irrelevant and won't work. This game's in early alpha, we can make the game whatever we want it to be if management and development decide it's okay.

If we want to turn the combat into StarCraft, so what? If we want the characters to level up like an RPG, so what? If we want the characters to hook up and have babies like the Sims, so what? If we want our colonists to live in multiple giant sprawling metropolis like Sim City, so what? If we want to add new jobs, so what? If we want to add functionality to multiple menus for ease and usability, so what? If we want the farming to be like FarmVille so people have huge giant sprawling and easily manageable farms, so what? If we want to ally with other colonies but not actually control what they're doing, so what? If we want to have enemy colonies that set up and work against us an our ally colonies, so what? If it gets to be multi player some day where me and a friend can both build colonies on the same map, sharing resources toward a common goal, or against other players, so what?

This happens on every board I go on, literally every one. As I've been typing this I've actually come up with at least 5 examples of this from other games, new games still in alpha. People that do this are actually LOWERING the quality of the game by their stupid uneducated remarks. They're LOWERING the core community base by responding without even reading the post let alone actually understanding or interpreting it to anything positive. Who are YOU to tell ME that my idea is already implemented (When it's not) broken (when it's working) working (when it's broken) not needed (when it might be) needed (when it might not be). Who are you to tell me that? If you're going to, at least be right or at least be cooperative and positive...

Unless you're literally Ludeon staff, you don't have the right to come into every thread and tell me and everyone else here that our ideas are bad, stupid, invalid, etc.. You aren't hurting my *feelings* you're hurting *the game.* I want you to understand that. If RimWorld doesn't meet full expectations I want to make sure it isn't because of me, because it may be because of you with this attitude and mindset.

Encourage new ideas. Encourage collaboration. Encourage the community. If we're all getting together and having a good time and talking about new ideas, please try to collaborate, be positive, and supportive. Otherwise... You aren't contributing anything. You're hurting the game. If you love the game, be supportive of the community. The community is the game. The game is the community. You guys are the community. Be supportive of each other.
Ideas / Town Hall, managing multiple towns
February 10, 2014, 11:32:52 AM
Hello. This's 2-parter.

I would like a new building called a "town hall." It would serve the purpose of identifying a unique singular town.

As soon as you built one, this would be a 2nd option of splitting out "home zones" so you could have multiple "home zones." For example "home 1," "home 2," Home 3," and "resource 1," "resource 2," "resource 3."

As the game gets bigger it won't be viable to fill up the entire area with a sprawling metropolis right away. Especially when the map doubles or triples in size and CPU resources can handle it... It's more likely you'll start placing small towns wherever there is a geyser. Problem is that if there's metal in the other town people'll try to go get it, wear them self out, ! and rampage. So you'd set the other town's resource square as a "town 2 resource" so the "town 1" people wouldn't go get it.

Right now on the smallest setting there are 2 geysers, one on each. I know as soon as I build over there, people'll want to make the trek back and forth for resources and I won't be able to manage their beds without some difficulty. I could build a road but it'd take forever and be crazy expensive. The attacks are already scaling up to over 7 attackers so I need to carefully balance out my colonists.

So what do you think? Some kind of multiple town hall, multiple town zone functionality? Then I could assign colonists to "town 1" and "town 2." Then they'd go find a bed on "town 2 home" instead of "town 1 home" ?

Make sense for bigger maps or if things are very spread out on a smaller map?
Ideas / Job command overhaul
February 09, 2014, 11:55:24 PM
This's starting to drive me nuts so I hope you'll take a sec to read it.

If there is an emergency and I need to repair something let's say, mid battle. Or if I need to cut food when everyone decides to eat the food and starve at the same time.. I don't want to sit there and stop everything I'm doing just to check the boxes and stuff and come back to do 1 move and try to remember which character and stuff.

If I need to repair something or get a boulder or corpse or whatever, I want an option to have the person do the command ONCE and then go back to their regular routine. Sort of like, "allow this once?" "make permanent switch" right from the context menu.

My brain has a hard time and is getting really flustered trying to continually remember who is doing what and when and where. It's much easier for me to go, "oh I need cutters, I don't see cutters, everyone's starving." I don't want to go and have to immediately sort out what all of my cutters are doing as soon as I figure out which ones my dedicated cutters were. Usually they're cutter/haulers or cutter/growers and I have to go figure it out and it gives me a massive headache.

I'd rather just say, "do this once" or "add this to your list." Then after the emergency has passed I want another option on the job menu that unchecks EVERYTHING for EVERYONE so I can just redo it. Likewise I would like to add little notes to everyone's name as to what in my mind their job really is. So once I get around 10 colonists I'd like to name them like, "dedicated repair," "dedicated clean." Stuff like that, so I can remember.

Also I would like to narrow down gathering so I could tell a specific person to prioritize cleaning up bodies, another to clean up guns, and another to clean up boulders. Earlier there was literally like 25 pistols sitting on the ground because it must be at the absolute tail end of the priority list. Which I understand but until you clean everything else out of the pipeline they just sit. Either that or allow us to go to the pistols and reset their priority or something, but I'd rather handle it on the person by person level so a) it gives them personality and b) it makes me feel like I'm actually managing instead of being at the mercy of a partially invisible priority system.

Don't get me wrong please. I love the game. I think this's the last little tidbit of the job system to be taken care of... I don't want to micro manage. It would be ideal to stop everything and have everyone have the right job from the top down but I feel like I'm the management and the fireman and the police officer all at the same time. So I have to switch my command structure and instruction techniques based on the situation.

I need the top-down and also the bottom-up. Gotta be both management types.

Hope all this makes sense. Correct me if I screwed anything up like actually being able to prioritize picking up bodies over pistols or rocks, etc.

Ideas / Set turrets to defend against animals
February 09, 2014, 12:19:22 PM
Colony 9 keeps getting attacked by exploding squirrels. :P I have to kite them around while someone else shoots them, then put out the fire really quick after they're usually already near my town's sensitive bits.

A little toggle or upgrade to my turrets so it can detect and track animals would be very very nice. :) It doesn't have to be stock! But I would definitely like it some how available.
Bugs / [W|0.1.334] Gameplay: Arrest + Mess with bed =
February 09, 2014, 12:16:12 PM
I swear I saw this reported somewhere but wanted to make sure it's official because it's pretty bad.

If you capture someone, let's say, and you're bringing them back to a prison cell. If you mess with that bed like remove it or switch it to a non-prisoner cell it bricks whoever's carrying the character. Makes them completely un-interactable. Can't shoot, capture, talk, move them. Nothing.

Meanwhile the npc walks around like it's in the prison cell when they really aren't. So you can warden them but then have to shackle them then they might fight back and you eventually have to recapture them.

There are several variants to this that I've recorded. But this's the only one I remember off the top of my head. Unfortunately it might be some heavy code tweaks but the capture / insanity / arrest / etc. code has to be more robust. :(

Hello all. I'm on my 9th "Colony" on youtube. Each of them is rocky in their own way, just like well.. how the game is.. So don't beat me up too bad. I get a little upset as I get confused and flustered, offer hints tips tricks feedback, etc.. I play some other games that go up on the channel too but I saw this thread so I thought I'd post.

If anyone's keeping tally of why we're here, it was ChristonianA that got me into it. Found his vids on youtube and got instantly hooked.

Thanks and take care.
Hello. Been really struggling with the whole corpse situation.

Update. Just needed to turn zones "off (or lower than the grave priority)" to corpses, make sure I had enough graves (and had them a higher priority) and viola no issues.

Thanks all that helped.

I make sure my character is on "gather."
I make sure the corpse is "interactable."
I make sure the trash pile is set to "allow all corpses."
I put the grave sites next to it.
Wait for that to build...
Make sure the whole thing is set to "home."

I can get the blood cleaned up using "cleaning." I can get the corpses as far as the trash pile using "gather" and then they're completely untouchable. Group gets whiny about the gore, seeing bodies, etc, etc, game over. Very frustrating. :(

No matter what I do, I can't get the body into the grave. Animals, friends, enemies, nobody'll go into the grave and it only has one option that says "allow animals."

It's a loooot of steps but I don't mind if you say it has to be done..

Any ideas what I'm missing for the final step?
Ideas / Counselor Class / Role
February 09, 2014, 12:51:45 AM
Can we please have a "counselor" class so he can try to talk everyone through their problems? You know, for those times where you can't possibly fix *everything.*

I know the game is supposed to be super tough and I respect that. I LIKE that. But at the same time I keep running into situations where they're upset about it being dirty, or upset about the body count, or tired of eating raw food and it's like.... you have food and shelter so can you try to come to grips with your issue instead of freaking out *every time*????

If you had a counselor there would be a sort of "counseling room" where they would visit every day and you'd have a random chance to either temporarily (like for a set of days) "cure" them of whatever psychological thing was bugging them.

I know nobody wants to be in a dirty room, surrounded by blood and gore of a recent battle, have exploded fire squirrels everywhere because they keep blowing up on the fort... but they're alive and have food and a nice warm carpetted room to themself with a bed and plant and lamp. So........ why are they freaking out?! They need a counselor!

It'd work just like Warden but would be much more rare. They talk to the counselor every day and have a chance to proc a temporary reprieve of their issues.

I've lost a lot of colonists due to things a very short reprieve would have allowed me to remedy... :( It can be a low chance maybe like 20% per day but something... Gives me a chance to actually fix the issue which I basically never have time to fix.

I don't have any problems with the game. Not dogging on the game. But this's my suggestion on having the game slightly more forgiving.