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Topics - IncognitoMode

Bugs / Geothermal generator bugs (need info)
February 20, 2014, 02:47:31 PM
I know this has been said before but I just wanted to point out that I still have a problem with these working when I load a game. Very, very, very frustrating.
Ideas / Change to Blight
February 14, 2014, 09:05:26 AM
I have been playing a colony and everything is perfect, a few colonists unhappy about recent raider attacks etc but on the whole it looks like I will be tending to some happy colonists for a long while. No... blight happens and, even though I have stockpiled food after a few minutes of playing my growers can't keep up and everyone starves. I know this is meant to be difficult to handle and everything but I have had two individual areas of crops before and the blight has wiped them both out.

I would like to suggest (if this doesn't come with the cooking update) that we have multiple crops that are planted in different growing areas (marked like storage). Then, just like IRL tomatoes and potatoes get real bad blight but then other plants like onions and cabbages are fine. On the flip side of this there could be messages saying "The ground was too wet, all your onions rotted" and "Although 100's of butterflies are a pretty sight, they have wiped out your cabbages."

Also the variety of different veg would make recipes in cooking more interesting. I am assuming these are being implemented.
Ideas / Building a new ship.
February 12, 2014, 06:36:31 AM
So I just came up with this idea whilst reading the forums so it isn't going to be perfect....

So this game has no specific end to a colony does it. Now, although I don't think this is a problem it might be nice to be able to have one so that when you get bored of a colony you can draw a line under it.

So here is the idea.

At some point one of the cargo re-entries contains the item named Ship Computer Core.
Once you obtain Ship Computer core you can research and build Ship Launch Pad (14x22 squares) which enables you to build a ship that contains enough space for 4 colonists 4 weapons and 16 stacks of resources. In addition to this you would be able to research Restore Hard Drive which would enable you to take 1 piece of additional research with you.

After you have built and loaded up the ship you will be able to use uranium to power it up (unsure on how much uranium). Next you would choose between the following:
Continue Mission Ends game with a message along the lines of The mission was a complete success *brief description of a mission* and brings up stats, achievements etc.
Find New Home Would spawn you into a brand new map replacing the Lee Enfield and pistols with 3 of 4 of your selected weapons, 3 of your 4 selected characters and your resources dotted about within around 40 squares of your landing zone. The game would then continue as normal but with the starting message saying something like You managed to find a new planet to settle on. Unfortunately, you were attacked by a pirate ship upon entering orbit. You had to evacuate and one of your crew members died... Those pirates will be looking for the remains of your ship... Let's give them something to find.

You could obviously have the same customisation to the map as any other... I guess using your planet scanning equipment ?