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Topics - Vindar

Help / Custom RaidStrategyDef
May 28, 2017, 04:38:49 PM
Anyone know how to make a custom RaidStrategyDef that doesn't affect other mods / the core files?

best i've been able to come up with is if you put

  <RaidStrategyDef Abstract="True">

than core and other mods wont be able to access it, but the problem w/ that is it also disappears for the mod in question.

Their is also the possibility of using the defpatching in combination w/ <disallowedStrategies> to remove the raid strategy from the core and any other mod after the fact, but that really feels clunky and like it's bound to go wrong.

am i missing something obvious here? or is my best bet the <disallowedStrategies> & defpatching combo?

I guess what i'm trying to ask is, is their an allowed strategies or something i can use in the <FactionDef>,     <pawnGroupMakers>, that will specify the use of a specific  RaidStrategyDef  before it gets tossed out w/ the deload by the abstract clause?

sorry if this question is confusing, tried to make it simple >.>;;;

Ideas / Changes to Alpha 16 for Modders
December 22, 2016, 04:52:00 AM
Is their any way to have a seperate tech tree list (like the old one) that modders could use to add new techs without affecting the big pretty graphic tree?

could put a little clickable icon or link in the tech tree that goes to the list.

If not, that's the suggestion. Would go a long way to helping modders.
Bugs / Fertilized eggs don't stack
August 24, 2016, 04:11:51 PM
Quote from: ReZpawner on August 19, 2016, 11:25:27 PM
Hooray! Found a bug!

Fertilized eggs don't stack, but are in the same location. Right now I have 165 eggs in two different spots in my stockpile. All fertilized such, frozen.

Quote from: ReZpawner on August 20, 2016, 02:23:44 PM
Got it. It's to do with the freezing of the eggs, and the embryo being destroyed.

The eggs go from "Egg progress: X%" to "Egg progress: Damaged embryo", two items that are not considered the same by the game.

This means that unless they are automatically stacked when they change to damaged, they will still think that they should be in their old stack (the one they were first put in). New eggs that come in with X% progress, will then be put in a new stack on top of the old because they aren't supposed to stack with destroyed ones. Then the embryo is destroyed, and you get another grouping of eggs in the same stack.

So yeah, it's definitely to do with the item type being changed. To reproduce it, just get a freezer with -30C, a couple of chickens (male and female, so they can do it like they do on the discovery channel), A storage area, and someone to fetch the eggs.

It's not a major issue, as it doesn't cause any real problems. The items all work fine, it's just that it looks weird.

This bug still seems to be around. (just tested it, note: at least -30 for damaged embryo )

if it helps narrow down the coding aspect, the bug also seems to affect any mod generated w/

that have multiple types.

ergo, stuff categories & comp quality type (at least that's the issue i'm getting)

speculation:  might be a layer issue?

Promo Video:

-------Please (Rate Up) on Nexus or Workshop if you like this mod--------- 
Medieval Times operates as a game expansion, filling out early game / Tribal era content as Medieval era items, weapons, armour and buildings. This mod also adds 2 new types of Medieval factions to the game. In addition to Medieval content, some bonus items / additions were added for fun & to flesh out other additions made by "Medieval Times".

Now available on Steam Workshop:

& the Nexus:

Dropbox Link:

My Youtube Channel: (It's a work in progress)

Feel free to use this mod in your Let's Play, if you do, feel free to post a link in the Let's Play Discussion on the workshop.


Mod is primarily updated on the steam workshop, please go there for latest version info

I will also be primarily watching the steam workshop file so it's the best place to contact me

Mod was heavily inspired by the works of; "IshOfTheWoods", "Shinzy" and various other modders.

This mod started as a personal mod combining "Ish's Medieval" and Shinzy's "Norbals", however it's current incantation does not use any of the assets or coding from either, all the coding should be using core files as a base for it's coding. if you notice anything creeped in let me know.

Dev Notes: ------------------------------------------------------

- How to enable a mod? - When in game at the main menu, go to the [mods] section and ensure that Medieval Times is green checked (enabled)

- Most mods, if you remove them outright after saving with the mod active, will leave your save-game "broken". Because of this, it is always recommended to do a new save when trying out mods or adjusting your mod lineup.

- In order for the factions to appear in-game you need to start a new save as the factions are created at the map-generation stage.

- Save-buster Updates are generally reserved for Alpha Updates, if one occurs a Notice will be placed beforehand.

- Help, You're save buster broke my save!
~> Legacy versions of the mod are available at the nexus, simply download and install the old version and you can still play the last alpha of this mod. Keep in mind though, legacy versions will be missing many of the cool new features and items newer versions have.

-------- Nexus Link: -----------

- If you want to remove embrasures from the mod, you can do so via the: New Game ~> Scenario Editor ~> Add Part ~> Disallow Building. Simply select embrasures. (Note: The embrasures in this mod are not your typical embrasures as they can eventually be scaled, meaning enemies will fire at you from the other side)

- Medieval Times does not remove any core content such as guns from the game, it merely expands upon it.

-Winter Cloaks and cloaked items meant to act as medieval style replacement for parka's, Yes they look cool, but their primarily meant as winter wear so warbands dont freeze to death while raiding your ice-castle. As such wearing Winter Cloaks in hot enviroments will always lead to heat stroke.

-- On the Topic of Overhaul / Removing guns / factions / Creating alternative versions / Compatability Patches / Piecemealed Items -------

I'm considering an overhaul. However, you have to realize that doing that means cutting a whole swath of content from the game, if your going to do that you need to replace it with something else.

While this mod does have alot, i dont think it has enough(at least not yet) to justify a full overhaul. If i do one eventually, it will be after I've made more content for this mod, enough to justify an overhaul and it would have to be a seperate mod/download.

Maintaining two mods would require more time and mean that i'd have less time to update / finish this one. With the game in early-access their is still alot of work to be done in terms of future updates. Every update means that every mod i have out needs to be individually updated for the new alpha. (which w/ tynan can occur monthly in some cases)

so my thought process is make one mod, make it good, keep it up to date, than once the game is stable / "finished" and once my mod is stable / "finished" i can look at all the things like peicemealed items, compatability patches, extra mods, overhaul versions, ect.

this mod itself isnt finished or polished or fully balenced, It has a long way to go on getting it right and that should be done before I consider other projects.

alotta mods and projects get started great, but than never get finished, or they never make it to the end line in terms of early-access mods. I figure if i stay commited to the cause of one, the chances of making the end-line are simply better.

Once this mod is "done" first re-iteration will probably be the Overhaul, after which id consider other iterations and compatability patches.

In summary, Its a whole lotta work, maybe in the future, but definitly not right now.

Mod Conflicts: -------------------

Mod should play nice with other mods.

If their are any big/important mods that this is incompatible with (as in non-functioning) let me know and i can prolly make a compatibility patch for em at a later date (after this mod is finished (Combat realism is noted and on the list))

Licensing Stuff: ---------------------------------------

Any work I do is free of charge, if anyone try's to distribute/sell you this mod at a location other than here or the nexus, it's not me and is probably a scam.

If you see anyone asking for money on my behalf or claiming to be me and asking for money/items, be it patreon or otherwise, it's not me and probably a scam.

This work should not be distributed or reproduced without my express written consent. please do not include my work in modpacks or upload to other locations without first contacting me and receiving my written consent.