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Topics - Crazytoast42

For some reason, I'm in the late-game, year 4, and I can't build new structures. My colonists repair current structures, I can prioritize all other tasks, and have no issue. But when I place down new walls, the outline is placed properly, yet my colonists won't build them. I can't even prioritize builders at all - whom I've doublechecked many times to see they were set to build - and the right-click context menu doesn't pop up.

When I remove some things with dev tools, they'll build a little bit more, but then they'll stop again. I don't exactly understand what the issue is or how to fix it, as I can't tell if this is a mod bug or some hard-coded limit in the engine that there's too many objects.
I also used dev tools to blow up a large forest of trees and any wood that dropped to see if it was an object limit, but it didn't seem to help. I destroyed some ruins nearby and it barely helped. I'm not too sure what's causing this issue or how to work around it, and I was wondering if anyone knows why this may be happening?

Here's the Log + Mod List:

Here's the save file:

EDIT: Apparently there's a possible issue with Vanilla Furniture Expanded. When I destroy the plants underneath the construction site, it all starts working. For some reason, if one construction zone has a tree under it, it borks the whole thing. A strange bug, but hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
Mod bugs / [1.3.3076] Vanilla Animals slightly broken?
August 02, 2021, 11:09:33 PM
So, I had an issue when starting Rimworld even without mods, where it gave errors stating:
Mod Ludeon.RimWorld has multiple Verse.BuildableDefs named Muffalo. Skipping.
This included basically every single vanilla animal, as far as I could tell.

This didn't seem to inherently break anything so I continued as normal. When I hunt animals, they drop meat, they drop the leather or fur they're supposed to, so I was none the wiser. Until today, a few days later into my playthrough, when I tamed a few muffalo and tried to put them in a pen, I noticed they weren't even an option for the pen marker.

So I made a custom area and tried to assign them, but they weren't selectable on the Animals tab. Then, when I selected them directly, I was able to change their area that way, but opening the Training tab crashed RimHud, but not the game. So there's clearly something slightly wrong, but I don't understand how to fix it.

While I was installing my mods earlier, even loading just vanilla with the DLCs, this same error was occurring, but nothing fully broke. The error is baffling to me because by all means the animals function to some extent. Oddly enough, Alpacas don't break the RimHud UI, but Muffalo do, despite the fact Alpacas and Muffalo are included in the error codes. And yet, both animals properly make wool.

I've already tried validating file integrity through Steam, so I'm not too sure what's even causing these issues. What's strange to me is how inconsistently the animals are affected. Alpacas mostly function, but can't be assigned to a pen directly, but Muffalos are fairly broken. What might be causing this?
Bugs / [A16] Alcoholic Dogs?
December 23, 2016, 06:05:35 PM
For whatever reason, rather than eat meals or rice or anything else (it says they can eat vegetables), they choose instead to eat beer because it has nutritional value. This has resulted in all of my huskies having massive alcohol tolerance, one of them is an alcoholic, and another has cirrhosis.

It's honestly hilarious but in a bad way, cause I can't do anything to stop it; animals don't care about forbidden and if I forbid, then my colonists can't drink.
General Discussion / Downloading an Old Version?
September 27, 2016, 08:31:52 PM
How do I get an old version (Specifically A14) for download? I want to play the Hardcore SK mod, but it isn't available on the steam version, and I lost my old A14 version. Is there a way to get it from old download links?
I tried going to an old email but it seemed to give me the updated A15, so I'm not too sure if I can download it.
General Discussion / Psychic Drone balance
July 05, 2014, 12:34:51 AM
So I watched my colony fall to pieces because out of nowhere, the game wants to give me a -25 hit to happiness for a few days.
There wasn't a thing I could have done that I saw, how has everyone else been dealing with this?
It just doesn't seem fair to pin me with -25 happiness; that's a steep drop and I have no idea how I'm supposed to amend it.
What has everyone else done?