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Topics - ThatOtherGuy

Ideas / Starting Equipment
April 07, 2014, 06:28:22 AM
At least one person has complained (and proposed to remedy the problem with a mod), that some random people landing on a desert planet and immediately building solar panels out of scrap metal stretches the imagination a bit. Several things that are built from day 1 feel like they should definitely need some research or at least a minimum of infrastructure.

But how do you then start out? Well, why not drop a survival kit together with the escape pod?

It could contain some basic stuff, like:
- MREs (high nutritional value, keeps indefinitely, animals don`t eat it, neutral aesthetic value)
- a pistol or two
- a small solar cell or wind turbine (very quick setup, no materials required)
- a hatchet (for chopping wood, doubles as a melee weapon)

Some stuff that might become important in later versions, like:
- medicine
- a small pump, if water ever becomes a topic
- a signal flare (why would anybody want to leave our little accidental paradise?)
- boom-rat repellent

You could also pack a suprise into each one, randomized for each drop:
- a map (shows you ruins or geysers)
- performance boosting bio- or cyber-tech
- books (help training skills)
- universal translator (helps with faction relations)
- a deadly virus that instantly kills all your colonists (if you play Randy)

The advantage would be a slower and therefore longer and more meaningful progression, since you can start out rather primitively. Research would be vital, not just a luxury item.

What do you guys think?