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Topics - Reolos

General Discussion / Alpha 18?
September 30, 2017, 09:12:36 AM
Has there been any posts or words to the aether about A18? Just curious. Loving A17 and the tons of new mods for it, but I also love hearing from Tynan...

Mods / [Mod Request] World Map Road Building System
June 02, 2017, 12:49:00 PM
Hi all,

Before you troll, I am NOT talking about a pack like MikeRobe's Highway Restoration (excellent work!). I am suggesting a system that uses the caravan model to build roads of varying levels on the world map. You would need to pack or procure materials along the way, man hours would need to be involved, as well as terrain modifiers, but the goal would be to, over time, connect your colony to the other known civilizations of the rimworld, through road-making. I have no modding abilities whatsoever outside of sprite tweaking, and so, this is why I am suggesting it here.

Hi all,

I have been playing since A8 (if I remember correctly). I had mentioned a water system way back when, as had others, and I was wondering if Tynan had commented on it, or if was in the works in any way?

What I had envisioned was water needed for everything. Pawns need to dig wells for finding it, or use map water if it is present.
Water would be needed for:

  pawn hydration (canteens and bubblers)
  plumbing (for cooking and droppin' deuce)
  animal hydration (both domestic and wild)
  crops (irrigation channels, then sprinkler systems, then aquaponics)
  firefighting (bucket brigade, then hoses and sprinklers)
  defense (moats, floodgates, and fire-hosing)
  some crafting (hide-working, tempering steel, etc)
  cleaning (mopping, and even personal hygiene)
  biome fauna (fish, mollusk, crustaceans).

Looking forward to the next alpha, keep up the good work!
Thanks Tynan. My question is then, what is the difference now between medicine types? Is it just chance of success and ease of obtainability? Herbal 20%, Regular 40%, Glitterworld 60%, something like that?
General Discussion / What is the Tale system?
January 16, 2015, 06:04:09 PM
Hello all. The changelog today mentioned "the Tale system". Care to elaborate?
General Discussion / Changelog Question
January 14, 2015, 05:33:07 PM
"It is no longer to possible to create or have non-contiguous zones."

Might I ask, why? I love creating huge dump zones for my stone chunks, and then deleting where my Pathing is, or where I dont want stones. I am just curious about the motive for the change. Thank you, keep rocking.
So, Fridges with double walls will keep colder? Airlocks are all the more important now? A heated room will now partially heat the hallway?
Ideas / Late Game Opposition. Idea Thread
January 12, 2015, 12:01:14 PM
Tynan has stated loosely that game content and events have only been designed for the first 50 or so game days. Having swarm after swarm of tribespeople and raiders attack your base then, is not so much endgame design, but, early game events that have been multiplied for difficulty.
The purpose of this thread is to compile a list of late game opposition that we'd like to see as a community. Instead of always facing "50 tribespeople are attacking immediately", describe what events you would like to face as you progress.  Please be as descriptive and concise as possible. Many of these likely have been described already, but a compiled list might be helpful.
Here are a few of my suggestions, more to follow:

Acts of God (Weather)
Weather currently consists of rain, wind, lightning, or these in combination. Solar flares, blights, and eclipses are a little more flavor.  I propose the following:

Electromagnetic Storms: Similar to the dry lightning storm we already get, but much more intense. Many more strikes, new animation for ball or branch lightning, chance for colonists to be hit if outside, and interference with electronics.

Floods: Perfect for coastal and jungle biomes. Either yearly "flood season", where the waters on map will rise exponentially, or "monsoon season", when heavy rains lead to flash flooding: standing water everywhere that will evaporate over time, or both! Obviously damages crops, could overflow structures, need sandbags to prevent. Benefits could include dispersion of rich soil.

Hail Storms: Big ol' nasty ice balls from the sky. Stay indoors or get pelted! They damage structures and power building, some damage to crops and livestock (if implemented).

"Mud Season": I grew up in Vermont, and this is a real thing there. Every dirt road turns into a quagmire, slow, and almost impassable. Could be a great addition to a Boreal/Tundra biome between Winter and Spring.  It could be just an annoyance though?

Droughts: Quite simply a period with no rain. Crops, wildlife and trees would shrivel and die, if a water mechanic were implemented, there would be challenges there, hydroponics would be all the more important, if the water to run them could be found�

Hurricanes/Typhoons: Could include bracing winds that damage structure and could blow pawns over, damage crops, blow over trees, and blow items all over the map. The eye could be engineered, a period of calm in the middle. A benefit could be new items blown in.

Tornadoes: Perfect for arid biomes. Causes severe damage to whatever it touches, accompanied by high winds, dispersed by repeated contact with structure and topography. Muffalo should fly...

Dust Storms: Arid and desert biomes. Severe damage to solar and wind power, fries electronics, destroys crops. They could "build" new topography of packed sand.

Meteorite Showers: I would LOVE this. No place is safe but under mountains. They could cause impact craters, fires, and destroy structures and roofs. When the dust settles, they could leave behind rare stone and metal!

Earthquakes: This has been mentioned as a "punishment" for mountain turtling. I don�t see it as such, but rather, a challenge for any kind of player. Buildings could crumble if poorly supported or built of inferior materials. This could influence base design, with the building of double walls, more supports, bastions on corners, etc. being important. Mountain bases could have cave-ins and rubble. Colonists could be cut off from others.

Mudslides: In warmer, wet biomes, after a hard rain, mountain slopes could slide down, blocking entrances, and creating a lot of cleanup.

Locust Swarms: Same as blight, but with more flavor. They could strip trees and wild bushes as well. It might be possible to catch some? You could process them into yum-yum paste.

Stampede: Either wild animals or your own domesticated ones would go crazy, and run in one direction across the map, destroying everything under their hooves.
General Discussion / Help with Walk-in Fridge doors
January 12, 2015, 12:58:23 AM
My most recent colony is a Jungle Biome. Perhaps it was happening in other biomes as well and i wasn't noticing, but no matter how low I set my AC, whenever anyone entered the walk-in, it reset to outside temp instantly, and then would slowly drop back down to fridge temp. I added another AC, and this sped up the drop rate, but didn't change the insta-raise.

Does an airlock system work, and what does that look like? What is a cost efficient fridge setup in a hot biome? Should doors to the outside be avoided? Do wall and floor mats affect temp?

Thanks guys.
Bugs / Killing Hunting target over grave
January 12, 2015, 12:49:25 AM
Silly bug, but I shot a boar over an open grave, and the boar got auto-buried in it, despite it being set for human corpses only. Deconstruct worked for getting him out.
General Discussion / Your wish is Tynan's Command...
January 09, 2015, 08:26:25 PM
From today's changelog: "You can now rescue incapacitated neutral people and heal them. Their faction will be appreciative."

I have seen this asked for so many times it hurts. Good on you Ludeon!