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Topics - Stannis

Ideas / Level up notification
December 30, 2014, 11:12:46 PM
I think a "ding" with an icon above the pawn, plus a white message up top, or a blue envelope on the side would be a "cheap" improvement to let us know that the pawn is getting better at a task.
Ideas / Medical subspecialties
December 30, 2014, 11:08:46 PM
Psychiatry - Mood, Personality Disorders
Orthopedics - muscles, bones, movement, bionic limbs
Internal Medicine - shock, blood loss, heart pumping, blood filtration, etc
Neurosurgery - enhancing modules
Ophthalmology - cataracts, blindness, bionic eye
Dermatology - Burns

By adopting a sub-specialty they gain bonuses to certain types of treatment and lose half their skill in the others.
Ideas / Psychiatry and liesure
December 30, 2014, 11:04:37 PM
I think the doctors should have psychiatry as part of their healing repertoire, and pawns should also be able to be commanded to relax, that is, hang out in a comfortable environment and do nothing, or work on art.

A lot of the pawns essentially have PTSD, especially after a series of battles, and they need medical care.
Ideas / Night Owls / Working at night
December 30, 2014, 11:02:15 PM
I am playing a desert map which gets into the 130s F 55+ C during a heat wave; it would be nice to be able to switch the AI wake / sleep pattern to working at night when it is"only" 100 F.

That could also parlay into a trait where colonists prefer to work at night "night owl" or "early riser" or "late sleeper" etc.
Consider the way you assign population to tiles of various productivity to the way pawns work their areas in RimWorld and their differing skills.

Hope this stimulates a new way to look at RimWorld and the relationship between the maps and the colonies.
Mods / [Mod request] Land mines
December 28, 2014, 08:50:01 PM
A good way to defend at the expense of your own mobility.

Make them hard to make, and give the AI tools to cope, eg better nav, frag grenades to clear them etc.

Heavy animals could also set them off - boars, etc.
Just curious.
Mods / [Mod request] Fog of war
December 28, 2014, 09:37:34 AM
Hi all, I was hoping to see fog of war implemented to add a layer of exploration to the game. The fog of war could be reduced or eliminated in stages by research and development.

This would be a good prerequisite for colony vs colony on the same map.
Mods / [Mod request] Random colony site selection
December 28, 2014, 09:35:00 AM
Hi all, my idea is for some buttons to be added to the world map colony site selection screen, that would allow the computer to randomly select the starting locale.

Other options would be for the player to select the terrain type and have the location within that terrain be random.

Also, it would be nice to have an additional property for the world map, called "faction population density" which would effect how frequently factions interact (positively or negatively) with the colony. For instance, if the colony starts far away from other factions, they would get their slower and with fewer ambassadors and less frequently. On the flip side, trade with them would be assisted or penalized by near or far distance.

I expect that soon we will be able to recruit visitors without hurting them first, as well as do "quests" to influence or get favors from other factions. Distance should affect that as well.