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Topics - PieTau

Ideas / sterile tile research
December 22, 2016, 12:30:26 PM
I think sterile tile should require research.

The fact that i can make a room sterile, but can't make a carpet seems a little odd.
General Discussion / leaking battery
November 02, 2016, 11:24:38 PM
i wanted to now how much watt a solarpanel produces in a day. Because the light is irregural i desided to do it ingame.
I placed solargenerator with a battery and one with resp. 2,3 and 4 for a better average.

But what i discovered that when you have more than one batery some of the charge gets lost.
I did another test now to see how this stacks up with more bateries.
Up to 12 batteries being charged by a single solargenerator.
The results concluded that more bateries means more losses,  with 12 you loose 35%
This could be because when one battery has a little more charge it will give it to the others, but this causses the charge to be stored with another 50% loss. More batteries means more jumps from batery to batery each with more losses.

The results are a little odd.
The power jumps at sertain battery count, but doesn't seem to be a correslation between jumpnummers.
The amount that is lost and the amount of batteries doesn't has a correslation.
It is not random, i had multiple of each setup (breakdowns) and they all gave the exact same for the same batery count.

Can someone figure out wat causes this behavior and how exactly it can be calculated?

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Bugs / health factors are inverted at fail-chance stats
September 01, 2016, 01:51:03 PM
1.What the circumstances were.
i was playing when my level 14 builder with sensory mechanites failed to construced something

2. What happened.
i looked at the stat and saw that the health factors where off:sight was 67%(not 150%), manipulation was 77%(not 150%) and manipulation 108%(not 92%)

3. What you expected to happen.
The health factor of pawn to be displayed correctly

2.0 Where and how it occurs
It is with all fail-stats (build, harvest, repair). i did some testing and it is not only with disease but all health issues.
final value looks to be fine, test with someone who doesn't have arms has manipulation of 500% but a fail-chance of 51%

4. How to reproduce?
-get pawn
-change his sight / manipulation / consiousness
-open stat
-look at health factors of building-, harvest-, repair fail chance

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