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Topics - Frannck

Ideas / A more fluent gameplay
January 02, 2015, 08:24:28 PM
I found that when I get a bit far on the game I have to be on the lookout of each individual so it doesn't goes crazy.
For example: The colonist is urgently hungry but won't eat until he finishes doctoring the patient, wardening, mining, etc.
I find that this needs between their tasks become problems that i have to be micro managing and gets tedious and boring.
It is as easy as the colonist making a pause for eating and then continue their task, so i don't have to manually stop what they are doing and in sometime they go to eat, sleep or whatever they need.
Also I can't tell them to eat or sleep so i have to quit all their jobs on the overview tab so they can cover their needs.
Again, it gets tedious and not fun at all to quit their tasks so they can cover their need and again setting their jobs again, and this with each colonist. it breaks with the flow of the gameplay that can be much more enjoyable.
Also what is the purpose of conduit walls if you can just place cable on top of any wall? Maybe something that i don know?
Bug found on version 0.8.671, Mac OS X.

For every world you create you get different types of rocks. This being limestone, marble, granite etc. Let's say that in my world I have Limestone and Sandstone, and after I research cremation and want to build my crematorium. It asks me for marble blocks for it to build it.
In other world I have marble and granite but asks me for limestone for it to build.
So its impossible for me to build the crematorium because I never end with the blocks that I need to build it. Its basically impossible for me to acquire the blocks that are not generated on the map. And so I can't build the crematorium. This happens in every world I create.

Also in fights vs factions. With the pirates to be more specific. They tend to sleep and eat on the middle of the fight. Happened when I was against the pirates but could happen with other factions. I think its because they were the idle ones and weren't engaging on the fight. But seems like a bug to me.
      I expected that all of them got into the fight and not sleep and eat in the middle of the firefight.

Note: I think its needs a bit more balancing in the psyche of the colonists. Later on it gets impossible for them to be stable and the colony just collapses. I have to pretty much play at normal speed and manage individually each of their needs so they could be OK. I can't tell them to sleep or go eat. For example: Colonist won't go to eat or sleep until he has finished hunting the animal, if it has a bad shooting skill could take a long time, and after a while, it will just leave the colony. So you have to be pretty much be on the look out for each and every one of your colonists not be be doing something thats holding them to cover their needs. It gets to that point when its not longer fun.

SOLVED: Just selected a different type of rock to build. Since it was asking me for marble block to build a sandstone crematorium I got super confused but then I used limestone. So I was confused with the marble bit and I totally forgot you can use different rock types. Don't hate noobs. But that needs a fix. Love the game so far. Thanks for the replies.

EDIT: No need to fix anything it just appeared at first a marble crematorium even though I didn't had any on the map. Thats why the confusion. Sorry :)