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Topics - Goldenglade

Ideas / SEt beds for prisoners
January 29, 2017, 03:36:03 PM
So I have some prisoners going through withdraw... and I'm not saying I have a prison colony going on.... but I have a prison colony going on. and when they start murdering everyone it kind of sends the base into a rage. Can we get set beds for prisoners like they have for colonists so I can separate out the "troubled" prisoners?
What the circumstances were:   I moved a bed that was assigned for a prisoners to another room (was a double bed) aand now I can't warden the prisoner to the new prison room.

What happened.  I can no longer relocate the prisoner to a new room and the prisoner pawn is treating the room as a normal prison cell.

What you expected to happen.  I'm use to being able to have my warden drag them into a room in which a prisoner bed is available.

Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine.

build multiple rooms and move a bed (this case it was a double bed permitted to prisoners. I moved it to a colonist room and the current room is empty of all bed/furniture (see image) Beds are available elsewhere... See pictures below :D

save game

log file

If you have a downed pawn that isn't set to fire fighting they'll run into the fire with med supplies to attempt to treat a still burning animals wounds. thus putting both of them in the fire. I've re-created this twice . (btw is there a way to spawn a single fire stack rather then fire explosion?)

What the circumstances were: Had a pyro start a fire cornering a pet the pet burned some before passing out. They pyro not being a firefighter 
                                            defaulted to trying to treat the pet as I had no animal beds or rest spots running in to treat the animal mid blaze
                                            with a meds.... Fire did it's job

What happened.    The pawn proceeded bravely into the flames which were at this point 4 or 5 tiles deep with medicine trying to save the still
                           burning animal

What you expected to happen.    a rescue attempt/fire being put out? an error message stopping the pawn from going to treat a still burning pet?

Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine.  The image below should be pretty self explanatory with the information provided; however, getting the fire to where I wanted it was a struggle... thus the extra explosions before I realized i could just down the pawn. one of the pawns needs to be set to not firefight and doctor as highest priority or overall not be able to firefight at all.

savegame- I was just messing around didn't get far or even bother to save it q.q I do however have

Log File... says it's to large...... not sure what you want me to do about that o.o

Bugs / (A16 unstable Vanilla) No adulthood backstory
December 12, 2016, 07:57:39 PM
Might not be a bug but it hasn't been a thing in the past. Any pawn rendered with an age 19 or below doesn't have an adult focus... which does seem weird for a space traveler.

was able to re-create in the start launcher 3 times by just randomly re-rolling the pawns.
Ideas / Simple Medical supply usage.
July 15, 2016, 02:22:45 AM
As your colony grows larger when you work for a permanent settlement it gets overly tedious to go through and click every prisoner and animal to assign which type of medicine it needs to be treated with.

Much like they revamped the zones I was hoping they would add a way that we can have all animals default treatment,  colonist treatment, prisoner, and rescued travelers treatments.
Support / downloads between pc's
April 10, 2016, 10:44:33 AM
So I just downloaded this on my Desktop because it's the one I use at home and enjoy playing this game a lot especially after this update ; however, I also downloaded it on my laptop because on occasion I have to travel for work and super don't want to stop playing :P (that and some places have no/really bad wifi)

I guess my question is because it's not stated in the EULA is: Can I transfer offline the download file between computers so I don't use all my download links with fixes and patches without consequences?
Bugs / [A13] Audio outages
April 06, 2016, 06:51:44 PM
about 20 minutes or so into game play my audio randomly drops out with a quick and not to loud audible pop in my headphones. all other audio on my system still works fine and once I close out the game the pop happens again. Relaunching the game removes the issue. No mods or extensions are used.
Ideas / Guest rooms?
August 29, 2015, 11:58:34 AM
Anyone else feel bad about the guests coming mid cold snap at watching them freeze out in the cold as they sleep in what once was ironically your xerigum growing patch?

being able to allow them inside your place to hang out at your tables and possible guest rooms would be awesome :D or... am i just doing things wrong?
AFter a reload my pawns are showing as naked with a small box around them that's matches the ground tile they're on. They move  around and it blocks the gear they're wearing and walls and other objects as well.

Gear appears to render under the pawn and floor when they move by a wall.
General Discussion / Rescuing strangers......?
May 14, 2015, 06:27:50 AM
So I rescued a stranger who unfortunately had his leg  bitten off by a rampant cobra. Is it possible for me to slab a peg leg in there so he can move again? because i can't seem to find operations on guests.
Bugs / Electrical connections to sleeping spots.
April 21, 2015, 02:12:27 PM
The non-beds/sleeping spots that i haphazardly throw around to encase people in non-prison prison cells are flickering with the no power indicator when placed next to an un-built power line.

doesn't seem to break the game...

It's just kind of funny because I'm picturing them as execution sites :P
General Discussion / Colonist breakdowns?
April 21, 2015, 02:09:09 PM
What is the best way to deal with the new break down of colonists? Arresting them kind of results in desputes/killing them now >.<
General Discussion / CAn you remove flooring?
April 14, 2015, 10:53:48 AM
Subject says it all... and if not does anyone know if they plan on making that a thing even if it has to be researched?
Bugs / names and colonist missing
February 26, 2015, 09:25:50 AM
I'm up to date with the newest patch downloaded it yesterday and wanted to pick up my save this morning. One of my colonists have disappeared and the other one known as "The Nose" is now known as "The"

not sure if you need any more info or anything like that. or how i would pull a  log file  from this game >.<