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Topics - devin25486

Ideas / Cell Phones :)
May 11, 2014, 12:45:40 PM
Ok I'm going to make this short and sweet. Doesn't anyone hate the fact that you have to travel all the way to your coms console to ask for backup? Well if the people have cellphones you can call them and ask. It's as simple as that XD (Phone can only be used by non-Tribal factions  and can only be used for backup not trades.
Ideas / Vectors and other bad things :)
May 11, 2014, 12:37:24 PM
A vector is a carrier of a disease Ex.( A mosquito is a vector the the disease Malaria.) You might see where I'm going with this ;)

I was thinking you could add bugs and disease.
<Insect Plague: Locust descend on your crops once every 365 days and stay until every plant on the map is gone.

>Prevention: Research pesticide to spray on your crops. (Pesticide will need to be crafted or purchased via trader.)
<Disease Plague: An unknown disease will spread through your colony rendering it undefended and production less (Depending on the severity of course) there could be all kinds of disease like The Black Death, Spanish Flu, Measles, and even Necrosis (I think that's the technical term for a zombie disease XD)

>Prevention: Build massive walls around your colony (So that infected raiders and passers bys can't easily get to your colonist)
Pesticides can ward off disease carrying vectors and keep you safe.

~Solution: If you do get sick colonist you would have to do research to find the vector (or passer by/Raider that caused the plague) and then develop a cure. If a cure is inevitably too costy or time consuming, execution is always an option ;)

<Problem: With the wood that's coming in alpha 3 (or 4 I can't remember) it's bound to draw in termites so you'll have to treat your wood or it will rot and break or collapse.

>Solution: Either you can treat your wood or the higher level the builder that builds the wood makes the items less susceptible to the termites.
Well that's all I could think of thanks for reading ;)
Ideas / A different approach on research :)
May 11, 2014, 12:11:40 PM
While I was reading the changelog I thought to myself, the most annoying thing about the game is having to start out not having anything researched. So why doesn't each character have something that they have learn so you don't have to research it and depending on the character the amount of items that you don't have to research increase.

Ex.(Fred the scientist has been researching to make more efficient and better power and was on his way to deliver a  report to his superiors when the ship he was on crashed. Well now your colony should already know how to make stuff like better batteries and certain power generating buildings)

Ex.(Joe the former slave has been forced to cut and refine rocks all his life. Being around the stone cutting machine for so long he learned how to take it apart in his free time and he knows every bit and bolt that needs to go into the machine. This means that he already knows how to build the stone cutting table without researching it.)

Ex.(Robbert was a carpenter when he was you and grew up on the same job, this means he already knows how to dose stuff that involves construction like laying down carpet, and not needing as many materials to build items.)

I could go on and on (I couldn't find a way to explain my ideas w/o being confusing so I did examples :P) But I hope you guys would implement this into the game, even if it's a separate game mode.
Ideas / Creative mode :)
April 09, 2014, 03:23:20 PM
It's simple really, people don't like to wait to build massive structures, and accumulate colonist. So why not give people a mode where they can have creative power (I know there is a dev mode in game) And maybe while you're in creative mode you can customize characters to look how you want them to (This would be great for role playing) Any other ideas why or how this should be implemented?
I have been following the change log for the entirety of last month and this one too. Believe me when I say that he has added a lot of content! I would like to have alpha 3 released within this time period because I think the game would do just fine for this month and there's a good bit of content to last us until next month. This is why I think he should totally release the next alpha (Unless there are any game breaking bugs that we would have to deal with) The other thing is that we are already 1/4 of the way through the month (Aprox). Well this is just a suggestion and I want to know if you agree or not?
General Discussion / Can anyone do better???
March 28, 2014, 11:58:40 PM
Well, I feel pretty proud of myself XD I just made it to day 223!!! ON RANDY RANDOM!!! I decided that I want to play w/ new mods and that I'm bored of this world, so I'm letting it slowly fall apart XDDD Here's so screen pics!!

I have my colony that I ran out of space for more things XD and I have my great confusion wall of Wego (AKA my colony) I never got to finish it because of it being so far away from my colony most my peps went insane XDDD ( I hope that they buffer the mental break meter next patch)

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Ideas / Different Zone Ideas
March 28, 2014, 11:42:15 PM
Alright... I have been playing this game off and on since the beta... I would like to see zones such as

1. Cleaning, so you're people can clean areas around the map w/o trying to put out every fire.

2. Red alert zone, It something like your colonist can't go passed a certain barrier (Invisible of course) and (If you wana get fancy... there could be a thing that puts your colonist at certain firing positions when raiders starts coming... (That's when red alert activates) and the abilities that they could do is switched to certain settings you need random colonist to do while the raid takes place.

3. I can't think of a 3rd atm XDDD any suggestions???
General Discussion / How would multiplayer work?
March 28, 2014, 03:35:06 PM
I would honestly like to see some multiplayer in this game but, I have no idea what it would be like. I feel like if it would be two people having the same three starting colonist and having equal control over them that they would start to fight over what to do.
 ;D Hey I just wanted to show how well I've been doing lately w/ randy random and some mods!!!
The mods I use are, More turrets, better power, trade federation, Creamation table, workshops, and I could be forgetting some  ;) Thx for checking out my post!!!

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Stories / Lightning Fail
March 23, 2014, 11:44:21 PM
     Well I stole an idea off of a youtuber for a great, cheap, and effective defence barrier. Well I took out 6/7 raiders w/ just 4 guys (Give or take 1) Well just as the last was fleeing, I had two of their guys laying on the ground... I send one soldier to carry one back. Well half way back home... He got struck directly w/ lightning XDDDD now although this didn't kill him, he was unconscious and I had to spend extra time getting my peoples all sorted out and healed up XDDD Has this happened to anyone else???
Ideas / New Content Ideas
March 18, 2014, 10:54:47 PM
           Hey guys!!! Ok, now here's my award winning idea for some new content. First I was thinking, I really like the character art of a certain raider, and this lead me to two really cool Ideas.
So here they are.

1. Simple, you can already customize the name, skills, and traits... Why not be able to also do some pre colony character design of your own???

2. Not so simple, ok my original Idea was this... I need some way to incapacitate raiders and not kill them soooo. Maybe some TAZERS!!! or a tazer strip like the swat use ( It's a remote controlled tazer that sits in a corner or door way and makes the officer not have to be in the line of fire... There's a pic for ya...)

If you would like to see this in the game please comment and let the owner know (Sorry dude I can't think of ur name :P ) so that he can work on one of the 2... or maybe both!!!

I would really like to see what kind of stratigies you would need to come up w/ to capture the raider though, that would be fun to watch many fails on youtube XD