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Topics - mimib14

Help / Is there a way to do this?
June 03, 2017, 11:12:25 PM
IDK how to really explain this properly or if it's a dumb idea, but here goes. I'm a huge newb to any kind of coding and my knowledge starts and ends at changing a few lines of XML and HTML through a lot of trial and error, so I'm probably missing some obvious solution or asking about something annoyingly complicated.

I'm trying to figure out how to model a more complex brain. I want to kind of... override the default brain? And change it into my brain model. I want it to be made of different parts, with each part having certain functions, but while still being considered parts of the same major organ. Kind of like the way fingers are considered part of the hand but are also their own thing.

I'm also thinking about the possibility of modeling the nervous system, and probably related conditions like neuropathies too. I think it would be considered an organ, but maybe also with subparts like the brain model, so it could model damage to nerves in each area? And located in the entire body underneath the skin but having a small coverage so it wouldn't get easily destroyed?

IDK if there's some way to do any of that, though, or at least not without being super incompatible and mod-unfriendly and causing boatloads of problems. I don't know a lot about programming, so I don't really know what anything does or what it means. Are these things I discussed doable, or is it way too complicated to be worth it??
Help / Problem changing product amount for drugs
March 13, 2017, 10:39:33 PM
I'm trying to set a different product amount for some drugs, but I keep getting an error that it "doesn't correspond to any field in type ThingDef". I already added the <products>, item defname, and amount, but it's not working. Does changing product amounts work differently for things that use <RecipeMaker> instead of <RecipeDef>, or is there something that I'm doing wrong?
My colony is barely a season old, and we've already had two visitors OD on some drugs I'd picked up from raiders. I don't wanna get the other factions pissed at me just cause their guys decided to stop by and take a bunch of flake >:( Is there some way to stop guests from taking a bunch of my drugs, or should I just give up and toss it all in a campfire?   :(
There's something from a mod I want to use, but I can't store it anywhere because it doesn't seem to have any category, so I can't enable or disable it in any stockpiles. How do I set an item's category (like Meals, Raw Resources, Weapons, etc etc)?