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Topics - smarrazzo

Since someone asked me to release this for nonsteam users, here we go :
I hope you enjoy it !
I apologize for the poor presentation but i'm mainly handling the steam counterpart of it...

Ps. any bugs or gameplay imbalance reports will be highly appreciated
I used :
<Operation Class="PatchOperationSetName">
        <xpath>*/ThingDef[defName = "Ship_Beam"]/costList/Steel</xpath>

and i discovered that this dosen't work for nodes containing straight values because in the class PatchOperationSetName we have the line:
element.InnerXml = current.InnerXml;
and  this is valid only for nodes with chidren  and thus generating an xml exception when parsing, for nodes containing strings and numbers or straight values in general...
Plz tynan fix it...
After dozens of trials i noticed that harmony can't hook constructors,the standard harmony syntax just don't work:

[HarmonyPatch(new Type[] { typeof(ZoneManager) })]
internal static class Patch_Zone_Growing_Default
static void Postfix(Zone_Growing __instance,ZoneManager z)

or even
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Zone_Growing), ".ctor", new Type[] { typeof(ZoneManager)})]
it keeps throwing method not found exception and its really frustrating.
Someone knows an alternative way to hook constructors with harmony ?
Btw this bug should be fixed or documented properly
Help / Stackable Weapons/apparel
June 15, 2015, 04:18:44 PM
As in the title i was wondering if its possible to have weapons and apparel of the same type stackable  without removing the material element and the art/quality elements in the xml ?
Hi guys i'm new to rimworld modding , i just want to ask how to associate items crafting bills with research tech .
Ps. Modding documentation suck right now . I dont want to spend weeks studying  decompiled C# code and figuring out on my own what kind of children elements in every Defs xml have.