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Topics - Nictis

My main builder had the Creativity Inspiration and I was using it to build a Royal Marble Bed, I got raided about 75% of the way through it and they were downed in the fighting. When they got back up the inspiration wasn't listed anymore and the bed was a Normal quality. I tested it with the Dev console and it's persistent.

To recreate the bug: Down a colonist with Inspiration.
General Discussion / Reasons to pick it back up?
June 01, 2016, 02:01:15 AM
I have a small issue in that I tend to have no motivation to continuing a previous colony... I usually play for 6-8 hours (usually a year and a half) or until I get crippled to the point that I quit and make a new colony...

Does anyone have any advice for this? Any sort of goals or something that would help me make a colony to stay?
Ideas / Social Rebalance
May 11, 2016, 12:13:51 PM
I've been wanting to post about this for a long while, things seem way too strange when I play. To start, I have a male colonist whose sister asks for refuge from the Pirates chasing her. I let her in because family (Normally I don't take 68 year olds...) As it turns out, she hates men.

Brother= +20
Man= -25

Naturally, I find this rather irritating, family should be exempt from such bias, and having a dislike towards a certain gender should be less extreme...

A short while later (Month and a half.) I capture someone who is "Beautiful" and they die to infections. Two of my colonists are mourning their dead friend because they had a single chitchat with them.

While I like the new Social aspect of the game (It rewards my cramped playstyle  :) ) they all seem to advance their relationships way too fast, and have penalties that are rather harsh.

On the bright side though, I made a colony with two chicks and a dude (17, 46, and 34 respectively) the man got together with the older woman on the first day, and breaks up with her on the second day, after they had some lovin'. He then tries to move on the teenager, who is not an idiot and makes him hate her. Another failed wooing and he assaults her... and loses. Badly.

I love this, but it needs balance (Marriage OP)
General Discussion / Disabling Backstories
April 25, 2016, 12:52:33 PM
Namely, is there a way to do it? I am absolutely sick of running into the Sheriff backstory and that Political Assassin girl. They tend to be good shots (And yet always have a knife...) but really can't do anything.
Mods / [Request] Locked Doors
April 21, 2016, 08:13:10 AM
Remember back when locking a door made your berserk colonists not murder each other? Or kept visitors out of your beer cabinet? Yeah, I miss that feature. Am I the only one?
Colonists think it's fine to walk over disarmed (sprung) deadfall traps, if the trap is rearmed after they decide to go somewhere, they don't change their path.

Would have posted on but it was closed.
Bugs / (A13) Dazed and forgotten [Family]
April 19, 2016, 02:07:46 PM
One of my colonists apparently had a raider wife, she dropped in and died to a trap. -20 for dead wife, -5 for dead friend. A short mental break later and "M" doesn't care.

The next day another colonist has art of his breakdown...
Bugs / Small, persistent art typo
April 19, 2016, 02:04:46 PM
All "Formal" clothes for generic art are "Format" clothes instead. Penguin with a format shirt for example.
Bugs / (A13) Animals abandon kidnapped trainers
April 19, 2016, 01:41:31 AM
While fighting melee focused raiders with four bears, they decided to cut their losses and kidnap people. They picked up my animal handler and all his pets went to bed instead of mauling the guy who is carrying him.

In the social tab people vanish while being rescued, so I think it is that they aren't considered on the map. Maybe they are turned into an item so they can be carried?
Mods / Old Age
July 26, 2015, 09:09:45 PM
Surviving to be Fifty-Four seems like something that would be considered an achievement nowadays on these inhospitable RimWorld's, so why is old age so common in the generation of pawns?

I'll be honest, I am mostly thinking about this after realizing that three of my five prisoners have cataracts that it is odd for the other towns to be throwing old people at me. How do they get to be so old with all these rampant squirrels and raids? I just think it would be better if the age generation worked with younger ages being a tad more likely than the older ones.