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Topics - Littica

Ideas / Post your Community Challanges
November 10, 2013, 07:49:16 AM
I was playing last night and randomly got 3 Vat Grown Commissars, so while they were ... decent in everything they lacked the ability to heal or recruit.

It was actually a really fun challenging game so my challenge will be just that 3 Commissars, No social Skill, Randy or Kassandra how you play is up to you though adding some humor to it would be great.

After all i got a kick out of my 'Unlucky' and 'Sexually Inexperienced' 27 Year Old Male Commissar, and his two companions, the 23 Yeah old 'Bowlegged' 'Nymphomaniac' and her twin *Well they are Vatgrown...* 'Absent-Minded' 'Workaholic' sister

Preferably if you take up these challenges posting screenshot or text based stories would be good, but actual Let's Plays would be better!

Feel Free to post your own Challenge Games, with limitations if you wish!