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Topics - JerryBi

Help / SharpDevelop and RimWorld
October 13, 2016, 11:56:40 AM
Hello , i`m new to C# but have basic knowledge about programming.

Tried to open one of mods source in SharpDevelop 5.1
and i see many errors like :

        public override string label => area.Label;
where it is not liking "=>" and ";" at the end.

but i suppose it is legitimate C# code.. maybe someone know how to set it up to work???
Help / Frequency of Traders (caravans \ orbitals)
April 16, 2016, 11:15:50 AM
Looking for options to set frequency of traders but i dont see where it is placed?
If in dll then where exactly ?
if xml...when where?

please bring me light to this darkness :)
Ideas / Topic sorting in release forum by TAG`s
June 16, 2015, 05:37:11 PM
Firstly forgive me if my topic created in wrong  forum section.

Many forum engines have ability to assign to each topic TAG`s and have sorting ability by such TAG`s.

I will look like click on checkbox with MOD and Alpha\Beta VERSION and click on button SORT.
So if i want to look only on modpacks i will see only them.

here i found one of solution to this